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Victoria POV

Our rooms are on the second floor, the last two days I was using the stairs, today is not an option. I felt like a person with COPD climbing up to the tenth floor, when we were going up only a few steps to entrance the building. That's why we took the elevator. I hate elevators. I'm afraid that will stop with me inside and get stuck in it. But I do not go it alone and it's only two floors. I gritted my teeth and go.

My friends take care of like I was an egg. Jin, still holding my arm, as if I was about to fall, Jackson carries a backpack with my yesterday's clothes, and Kaya bought fruit, carrot juice and sweet buns, at the way to hotel. She said that I must regain my strength. I say to them that I feel much better and do not have to worry about m. But it does not work on them. When we enter the room, they immediately 'install' me in bed and Jin covered me with quilt. Not to mention the fact that today's temperature is about 27 degree.

- Okay. It's still early, so you can go sightseeing, and I rest here. - I say.

- I'm staying too. - Jin says quickly.

- You came here to visit, not sit in a hotel. I can stay alone.

- No way.

- But ...

- No. – Interrupts me – All this time you took care for me, so now is my turn. Let me take care of you.

I can't argue with him. He became serious. He want to be responsible and caring. And that his penetrating gaze. I think, I teach him that. I nicely raised a friend for myself.

Mark and Eve entered the room, Jackson let them in. I even did not hear knocking. The boy has the same face as his friend in the hospital. I know what he is about to say.

- Apology accepted. - I say before he said anything.

- Thank you. - he said only.

- Today in the plans was the aquarium in Gdynia. But we change plans.- said Kaya.

- Why? I was there already, so there's nothing I'll lose. I do not want you to changed our plans.

- We'll take walk around and visit Oliwa Park. To Gdynia we'll go tomorrow.

- As you want. - I lowered my head resignedly - Jin go with them. Oliwa is really beautiful. You need to see it. - I look deep into his eyes.

- No way. I'm staying with you. Jackson takes photos.

I do sullen look like a five-year child, only tramp with leg is missing.

- Okay. So we'll be off. Jin, take care of Viki. – Kaya says, winking to him.



We were left alone. Viki is not speaking to me, because I stay. I can not imagine that I would leave her alone. I would be so worried about her for a few hours. I could not sightseeing in peace, being afraid that she may catch some shortness of breath or something. I also have to admit that I'm not feeling well too. I think I still have a fever.

- You're hungry, are not you? Take something from what Kaya bought.

I walk over to the table, which stands against the opposite wall than the bed. I take out tangerines and start to peel them.

- Take the bag and come here.

I do what she asks. I sit on my bed and pick on.

- Give me one. I also peel.

- No. You have to rest.

- My hands are fine, first of all. A second such effort will not kill me. – she got up of bed and walked over to me, when I did not give fruit for too long. - Besides, you're sick too. You have a fever.

I looked at her wide-eyed. How do you know?

- I'm fine. - I decided to pretend a tough guy.

- I can see that. You have glassy eyes and rosy cheeks. Yesterday you stay with me in the hospital, for a few hours with soaked clothes.

She's right, but it's me how have to take care of here, not contrariwise, so I have to pull myself together and do not lose to fever.

- Do not worry about me. Go back to bed. - I'm taking from her half-peeled fruit and I give this one I was peeling.

- Wait. You go to bed too. I'll be healthy tomorrow, but you still can catch pneumonia.

She got up from her seat and walked over to her bag. She try find something into it, and then came back to me, holding small purse in hands. When she pulled the zip, my eyes appeared all kinds of medicine. I looked at her quizzically. She just smiled and shrugged innocently.

- It's like half of a pharmacy. For what?

- Forewarned is forearmed. Take this. - She said, and handed me a pills.

- What is it?

- Antipyretic agent. Take it and go to sleep.

She walked over to her bed, leaving me with my mouth open. Wow, what a woman. She does not listen to me at all, and even when she is ill, she still boss. However, I obediently squeezed two capsules and swallowed with water.

Viki already make yourself comfortable in bed. I went up to her and was going to join. Viki turned to me and looked with wondering gaze.

- What are you doing? - She asked.

- I took drugs. We can go to sleep. You said so yourself.

I was going to tease her a little. I want take revenge on her for this ordering me around. And also, let's be honest, I wanted to sleep with her. Such indecent me.

- I never said that we would sleep together. Go to your bed. - She said, pulling together a quilt.

- Viki, please. You know that my arm perfectly works as a cushion. - I smiled coquettishly and pulled the cover. I have a high fever, if I'm so shamelessly flirting with her.

- Forget it!

That said, she pulled quilt with all her strength. I did not expect it and lost my balance. I fell over to the girl, and our lips touched.

We both had our eyes open. The classic scene from the dram.

I moved away from her slowly. Her cheeks were red and she covered the mouth with hand.

- Forgive me, that was without notice. - I said. But inside I jumped with joy.

She shook her head just like a robot.

- Viki, can I after all this call you my girlfriend?

It is difficult to assess did the moment was appropriate, but this question troubled me for the last 24 hours and came out of my mouth without much thinking. If she run away now, at least I do not regret that I did not ask.

Viki's eyes, almost bulged. Her hand fell limply on the bed sheets, and her mouth opened wide. She blinked a few times.

- What? - She whispered.

- Viki, please.

- I will think about it. - She said, and covered herself with a blanket over head.

But I could still see the smile. Thanks its I knowthat everything will work out and get a positive response. 

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