Chapter Fifteen

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We didn't even eat breakfast, just got ready for lunch because we were meeting my dad at 11. We haven't had time to go and see him since we got together. Dad knew I was dating somebody. He just didn't know who.

Poseidon probably figured it out last night, to be honest. I'm not worried about him. He seemed pretty cool with the idea of Percy and I dating.


I was nervous. I had gotten to the restaurant early, I had no idea who Nico was going to bring with him, and if it's another demigod I'm probably going to scream and feel dumb for not noticing it before.

The first I saw of them was when they walked in and they're facing each other, so this guy's back is to me. He was taller than Nico, a head of black hair. Wearing a short sleeve button down, I saw a tattoo around his wrist. Which made curious. Persephone was with.

I might've seen him this morning, but neither of us recognized Percy with glasses.

So we treated him like somebody we had never met before. Just figured it was a weird coincidence that they had the same name. He went with it.

When Nico went to the bathroom is when I noticed what his tattoo said. If you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing.

It was... He was 18. To have something like that made me curious.

"Your tattoo," I pointed out, which got both my wife's and his attention. "Is that just some inspirational shit or does that actually mean something?"

"Oh, that," he remarked and rubbed his neck. "A little bit of both, really."

"Interesting," I was trying not to make this awkward and it wasn't going too well. "Do you know that cause you're living for?"

He shrugged.

"Sort of." Nico's boyfriend answered my question. "Helping kids with the things a lot of people in the other cheek to. Abuse, neglect. Bullying. I'm going to school for counseling right now. I started this week."

Persephone shared a look, because somebody like that is rare in New York. I was expecting some asshole bad boy.

Not this.

Of course, that's not bad. This guy's seemed like he really cared about what he was talking about.

"Is there..." He remarked. "Did I say something?"

"No!" I insisted, assuring him that he was fine. "I was just expecting a lot worse from you, so that was a nice surprise."

The dinner went really well, and thank gods for that. Hazel and Frank had been at home when we got back. Staying with us for like a week until Frank went to his Grandma's.

"How'd the dinner go?" Hazel asked me when she noticed I was home. It was late. Frank was already asleep and Persephone went to her.

"Good!" I assured her. "He was really nice."

"He... What was the dinner for?"

"Meeting Nico's boyfriend," I explained to her as I grabbed a glass of water. "He was really nice. Looked kind of familiar. He has glasses and a tattoo. Just started college for counseling. His name... Shit, I forgot his name. But he was really nice. I don't know if he's mortal or not."

Hazel looked at me like I was dumb.

"Dad," my only living daughter reasoned with me. "Do you not know who Nico's dating?"

"I do, I just don't remember his name."

"He's dating Percy." Hazel was able to tell me what his name was. "You know, Poseidon's kid? He got glasses like a few days ago, apparently. They've been together for the majority of the summer."

Let me explain to you that I had to sit down when Hazel told me that. Because it made sense and all. I treated Percy like a stranger, and he was so nice despite knowing me and he wasn't an asshole. He went with it. And the things he told me. The things he was willing to tell me...

Why did he want to help kids that were neglected? Abused? Bullied? Hurt in general?

Because that happened to him. He grew up and his dad wasn't around. His step dad abused him, raped him. Kids weren't very nice, either. His mom remarried thank gods.

But that's a lot to take in about somebody. Especially somebody like Percy, who you thought was a totally different person.

Somehow, though, in some sick way, it made sense. That's why he was a great leader. Why he was so good with kids. Because he never for that and he just wanted them to be able to have it.

That's why Luke was the way he was. He left home. But he was everyone's big brother at Camp.

Percy Jackson was abused. He was raped. Bullied. Neglected.

He went through hell². Literally and metaphorically.


About a week later, I received something in the mail. A letter. It didn't say who it was from on it, but it was located the underworld. I thought maybe Nico was being a little old fashioned and cute like that so I opened it right away. Finn was the only other one here. So I read it out loud.

Percy Jackson,

After last week's meeting, I hadn't realized who you were due to the glasses, tattoo, and the shift in attitude. Hazel was the one who pointed it out to me, so it's her to thank for this.

But after what you told me last week, I was impressed. I've watched so many kids go through what you have, Percy, and it destroys them. And of course, you're going to struggle. You're human, after all. But your ambition and drive to do something about it— to help others with the same problem; that's something I rarely see in other.

Last Thursday I spoke with your mother and step dad, Paul. When they explained to me what you have to do to get your degree in counseling and to get a job in that field, that entire process, they had included the price of which you pay per year for attending NYU.

So on Friday I met with the Financial Administrator of NYU to discuss the prices and I don't regret what I did at all. Meeting you fresh, not knowing who you were, you really did impress me, Percy. So consider it your birthday present.

You won't be paying a dime for your college education. I have it all taken care of. Save the money for a house or something nice.

Just don't go breaking Nico's heart, alright? You guys are good for each other. I would hate to see that come to an end.

Your (eventual) father in law,

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