Chapter Nine

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Why is Nico actually my dream daddy?

He was so mysterious, and was a dead ass bad boy. Or at least, that's what he looked like. Then again, Percy's pulling that off so far, too. And based off by what he did to Finn's dad... He deserved that title.

And I mean, he looked like a badass. But Nico was also really skinny. I pointed that out to Finn.

"Percy's lost a lot of weight, too." My boyfriend added onto that. "Which, I'm not sure how. But I mean, he as. He used to he a bigger. Which, he wasn't fat. But it's noticeable that that's gone."

"Yeah," I could agree to that. "I wonder if they work out together. Because if so, why don't we?"

"Because neither of us work out."

"Fair enough."

"Hey, dude," Alex overheard our conversation and brought it up to Percy as he was closer to him. "You work out, right?"

"Uh..." He shrugged. "I mean, I don't go out running or lift weights. But I work out, I exercise. So yeah. I went to summer camp. I didn't have much of a choice."

So as we start to talk about what we did so far this summer, well begged Percy and Nico to bring us to this camp. And it was weird.

Alex and Finn got in.

We couldn't get in. Literally. There was a barrier and we got shocked when we touched it.

"What the hell!" Bohdi remarked, and tried again. Getting the same thing.

"Guys, come on." Finn remarked, trying to bring me in. "Just walk—"

I was shot back by the barrier once again and Percy looked a little worried.

"Do you know what's going on?" I asked him. "I'd like to you know, come in."

"Yeah, um..." He explained to us. "You guys know both of your parents?"

"Well, duh." Bohdi responded, knowing that it was almost a stupid question. Alex and Finn had been weird situations.

"Okay." Percy said, making sense of this in his head. "Um, I'll explain later. Yeah. We'll be back."

And like that, they we're gone.


There was... I was confused.

"Percy what... What is this for?" I asked after we got inside. Nobody else here. Somebody took Alex. "Why couldn't Bohdi or Micah come in?"

He sighed and pulled out a manilla envelope. Writing down my name on it.

"It..." It was almost like he didn't want me to know, which was a little frustrating. To think that he maybe didn't trust me. "It's about your mom, Finn. And you have to promise me that you won't tell Micah or Bohdi."

"I... What?" That was bullshit. My mom was... Well, I don't know. But she's never been around. "Percy, my mom has never been around. She's probably dead. But dude. Micah's my boyfriend. I'm not going to just not tell him."

"Finn, please." Percy asked and it seemed like this was actually serious. "I know you want to tell him. Okay, with three of us, it'll be hard not to tell them. But, at least for now, we can't say anything. And I... You know what, if he has a problem with it, I'll explain it to him that it's temporary. It's legal stuff. I lucked out when I started dating someone from here. But until you either hit 1 year or your engagement, you can't say anything, Finn. I'm sorry."


He shrugged.

"I don't know, I don't make the rules." I don't think I've ever heard him tell me to follow the rules before. So that was weird. "I just enforce them because I like my friends alive and not dead. And if you go around blurting this to everyone, the punishment is harsh. Again, not by my say."

"And it's about my mom?"

He nodded his head and we both sat down.

"Have you always known?" I questioned because I felt like this was being hidden from me my entire life. My mom was. Which isn't right. "About her? Did they say to not tell me? Or is she like some top secret FBI agent?"

"No, no, and no." That assured me a bit to know he didn't hide this from me. "I brought you guys here on a gamble. Alex is going to get the same talk. But no, I don't know who's supposed to come here. We find a kid, and we hopefully get them here. Lately we have had a lot of kids our age, though. Just because of law changes and what not."

"Cut the bullshit, Percy." I didn't want to hear the long heart to heart shit. "Who is she?"

"That's the thing." My old friend and neighbor and explained to me. "I don't know. But you were able to get inside. So I mean, we can limit it to about 20 different people. Assuming your dad is straight, 10 of them."

Okay wow. Thanks for that valuable info. It helps nothing.

"Look," he tried to point out the good in this to me. "I get where you're coming from. But trust me. She's alive, Finn. She's not dying any time soon. But, and you're going to think I'm insane because everyone thinks that the first time they hear this. But you remember the Greek and Roman myths? Mainly the gods, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

Percy let in a breath before sighing as if he had huge news for me or something like that.

"They're real." He made it plain and simple. "And it sounds insane because you've barely ever seen it. But if you think back, it will make some sort of sense. Okay? You got in here because your mom or other dad, considering your dad is bi, is a god or goddess. That's what this place is. A safe haven and home or training ground for half bloods or as a lot of people call us, demigods. We're half human, half mortal. I am, too. So is Nico. Alex. I'm Poseidon's kid. Nico is Hades' kid. Eventually, hopefully, we find out your guy's parents. Just please, don't date in your cabin. That's nasty. The rest of camp is open game as God's don't pass down DNA."

"So I'm..."

I paused to think that through. Being the child of an actual real and legit god or goddess. I always liked those stories.

But there was tons of kids here! That was so cool!

He talked me through everything and even when I had a panic attack because oh my gods, this was real, he assured me that I would be fine. I came at a good time for being nee. They're doing a lot of rebuilding, I guess.

"But I... What if she doesn't claim me?"

"Then I uh...."he thought about that and it made me worry. Because if she hasn't been around for this long, why now? "I mean, she probably won't right away. They next to never do. I can't sound nice, Finn. They don't care about us. They have a lot of kids and a lot to do and I haven't seen a god their kid in... I don't think I ever have. But you will be claimed. You will get to find out who your mom is. They can't neglect you entirely. The law stands now that you're supposed to be brought here and claimed by the time hour sixteen because otherwise it's just hard. But that deal was made and we were already sixteen. So uh... Yeah.bottom line is that you get to find out who she is."

"So I get to meet my mom?" I was waiting for this for years. The chance to meet my mom. I've wanted this my entire life, and Percy knew that.

He looked like he had bad news.

"Um... Yeah," that's where the bad part of this came in. "More than likely, no. And I hate to say that Finn, because you've wanted to meet your mom so you could get away from your dad for as long as I can remember. But I can't lie. It's slim to none."

"But you know your dad?"

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