Chapter Nineteen

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I kept others out of it, and I'm assuming he did, too. Nobody really knew. But everyone freaked out when he broke up with Hazel a week or so later.

Hazel was an absolute mess being this was her first breakup, but Nico actually wasn't mad at Frank when he found out. We all figured Frank would be a dead man. But no, Nico said it happens, breakups happen, and she'll move on.

It was at a standstill for a month, though. Frank and I weren't quite as awkward around each other for that month after the break up, but it was still a good month before we finally decided that we have to talk. About things that happened.

Of course, my anxiety was cranked up from this entire situation and it has been since it happened. I've had a hard time controlling my anxiety lately so I was hoping this helped.

"So," Frank started off, and it was weird. Weird in a bad way. "We uh... We really haven't talked since we— well since we... Yeah. You know what I mean."

It didn't help. I could feel my anxiety creeping up and becoming worse and it wasn't helping the situation. Because sure, I can make jokes and make light conversation easily. But when things are serious? I either overthink it or my anxiety acts up so much that this happens and I hate this.

"I know that—" Frank started off before realizing that I had started to tremble and that an anxiety was moments away at this point in time. "Leo? Leo, are you okay?"

Because I don't know why, but this terrified me.

I definitely freaked him out a little bit with my anxiety, caused him to worry. Which made me feel bad but at the same time I knew all I could do was take my meds, which I'm supposed to take when my anxiety gets really bad, but I did that before he came, so I was waiting for it to kick in.

Frank pulled me into a hug and helped me through my anxiety attack while the medicine slowly kicked in. It helped, just not fast enough. Being able to like play with and hold his hand definitely helped a lot.

We did talk it out. He told me that he liked me, though. He still does. And neither of us regretted what happened, it was just really bad timing.

With Hazel and him, he had known he was bi for a long time and just didn't see the appeal in coming out. Which is why nobody knew. It wasn't a secret. But they started to bicker almost constantly and she was with Hades for a while and they didn't talk when she was down there and he planned on breaking up with her. And I mean, we hooked up when she was down there. She got back two days later.

So it was kind of messy and very awkward for a while, but ultimately we decided to go out and make things semi official.


It was such a relief to be with him. Don't get me wrong, Hazel was great, but the age gap made things weird and we couldn't work well together.

I really do like Leo, though. Sure, he has some anxiety issues, but he almost always knows how to handle it and I can usually get the idea as of how to help.

The date went well. It was actually a lot of fun. He looked nice, cute when he dressed up a little. Not that he wasn't already cute.

It was just something I wasn't used to from him. I liked it, though.

At first we kept it under the radar, especially when Hazel still fucking hated me for the breakup.

There's a very high chance we slept in Bunker 9 a lot, though. It was nice and secretive. We definitely has sex on multiple occasions.

It wasn't like all we did was have sex, we aren't that couple. But we did have a lot of fun sneaking around. Probably a lot more than we should've.


Hazel was over being sad about her and Frank breaking up, but now she's pissed and fucking hates him and I mean she might kill whoever he dates next if he gets it on with anyone any time soon.

Frank and Leo are finally getting along again, though. It's not like they never didn't get along, but they didn't talk for a while and they kind of avoided each other and it was weird. Leo told me he'd explain it later and he hasn't yet.

But they're hanging out again, which is good. Percy and Nico visited a couple times after the breakup, just so Nico made sure his sister would live. He wasn't mad at Frank, though. That was a surprise.

It was Piper and I who found them. Leo and Frank, that is. We were just walking around the woods, a mini date. Not quite a date but time together. And we thought we heard something so we followed the sound.

Where Leo was with his boyfriend, and they were making out, laughing, joking, having a good time.

And then we got perspective of Frank and almost screamed.

Like I'm sorry, what?

When did this happen?


How did we not notice it, too? Like, I didn't think Leo was that good at making and hiding things from us. Especially having a boyfriend. That's a big deal.

Piper and I headed back to the main area of camp and pondered this. Because this wasn't like Leo dating Will or someone that's bi or gay and that he could be interested in.

This is Frank. Frank, who was dating Hazel and seemed to be the straightest guy of the group. And I mean, they avoided each other for a month. Leo and Frank did. They're the last people I'd expect to get together at this camp.

And it was probably childish and dumb, but I was sort of upset that he didn't tell me and so I texted him about it.

Jason: you have a boyfriend?
Leo: what?
Jason: you got a boyfriend? And didn't tell me?
Leo: Jason, what are you talking about?
Jason: oh, don't play shit with me, Leo. We saw you and Frank eating each other's faces off in the woods like fucking 10 year olds. Why wouldn't you tell me?
Leo: We?
Jason: Well yeah, Piper and I.
Leo: I have to go

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