Chapter Six

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Percy Jackson

I gave Nico a smile and he kissed my forehead before planting his lips on mine and I... I suddenly craved sex.

Probably didn't help that we were already half naked. Just in our underwear because I was fully comfortable with sleeping with Nico now. So I slept in my underwear, and so did he.

[AN: Smut]

Nico must've been feeling pretty hot, too. Because as we shared a suddenly passionate kiss, my hands that had been on his hips we're being redirected. I felt his hands on mine as he moved them and I knew what he was trying for.

I placed my hand over his underwear, finding his dick. When my hand ran over it, he stifled out a breath and I smiled. Moving my hands up a bit, and found his waistband. I gave him a look, asking for approval, and he smiled at me, nodding.

Reaching my hand inside of his briefs, I teased a little and gave him a nice massage as our lips continued to fumble around with each other. Eventually his hand was in my underwear, and the sensation was back that just made me want more.

Once the underwear came off, my legs around his waist, I was pinned down to the bed. His kisses lined along my jaw until he found my sweet spot and had no regards to people finding out. I was his boyfriend, and he wasn't afraid of leaving hickeys.

"N.. Nico," I muttered after he had been taking his sweet time on my sweet spot, having redicovered it. I was elated right now. "What are... What are you doing?"

He teeth nipped at my skin, and he had a sexy, mischievous​ grin plastered on his face.

A lot of people have asked me out. And he wasn't jealous because I didn't flirt with anyone. But it annoyed him. Because I'm his boyfriend. And I get it.

"You're mine." The son of Hades whispered into my ear. "And you won't get asked from other people when you have a hickey, now will you?"

His teeth just lightly grazed my earlobe before moving further down my body, making 3 or 4 more hickeys. One on my coat bone because I couldn't help myself once he found that and two others along my torso because why the fuck not.

Returning his lips to mine, I felt one finger slide into my ass while his other hand managed my dick, which was harder than it's probably ever been.

One finger turn to 2. 2 eventually went up to 4. And then he was fisting me, grabbing a condom from the end table because I'm not getting an STD. After lubing his member up, he slid on the condom, slowly and almost painfully removed his hand as he slid his dick in my ass.

We didn't get this far last time. The last time we had sex, he gave me one hell of a blow job.

Flipping me over, Nico slowly moved in and out as he played with me and kissed along my multitude of scars. It was... Beyond anything else. Because I felt safe with him. It didn't feel awkward and I didn't worry about anything, because I was safe.

As my breaths got shorter, his thrusting got faster and soon enough, maybe too soon, we had to break away as I pinned him against the wall, already with lube and a condom on.

Knocking the wind out of him, Nico wrapped his legs around me as I left my mark on his inner neck, because he lost control of himself when my teeth grazed over top of it.

Licking along his ear turned him on, too. He liked that, and I returned what he told me earlier.

"You're mine now." I told my boyfriend, slowly moving inside of him, which caused a sharp breath from him as I moved him back and forth, searching for sweet spots and playing with him as I did so. He was vulnerable with his nipples and solar plexus, too. Which was fun to play with.

Soon enough, though, both of our breaths were barely sustainable and we were back on the bed when I pulled out and came after he had earlier. And licked it off me.

[AN: Smut is over]

Lying down next to Nico, I smiled at him and wrapped an arm around him, kissing his temple.

"I love you." It was my first time telling him that. "And the hickey will definitely be worth it."

I felt his face pull back into a smile.

"I love you, too." I had a mini heart attack when I heard those words form from his mouth. "And good. People will stop asking you out now."

I smiled once again and gave him another kiss before cuddling into him. Just because I'm bigger doesn't mean I have to be the big spoon. I liked having Nico there, cuddling like a back pack. I fell asleep, and thank God we had a blanket on us.

Grover Underwood

Percy got to breakfast a little later than he normally does, but he claimed that he just slept in. He was up late last night. Just doing stuff.

It's no secret that him and Nico... I mean, Frank and I know they're together as a thing. Hello, we caught them sleeping on a couch together.

But it's no secret to anyone that they like each other and they flirt and they're touchy and whatever. Everyone's waiting for them to get over it and just get together.

I didn't even notice it until he went to get actual food and Piper pointed it out to me.

"Did nobody else see it?" She asked us, confusing everyone. Nico wasn't here yet.

"See what?" Jason responded to his girlfriend and she looked at all of us because we had no idea as to what he was talking about.

"The two hickeys he had." The daughter of Aphrodite pointed out to us. "On his neck and collar bone? You can't really see the collar bone one because of his shirt, but you can see part of it."

"I don't know how they expect to hide it that way." Clarisse remarked as we all knew they were a thing. They're just too chicken shit to come out and tell everyone and yeah.  "If Nico has a hickey, and I can bet he does, people will figure it out. How long do you think it'll he before they tell anyone?"

Everyone shrugged because who knows.

Percy hit an all time low for breakfast. One person flirted with him, saw the hickey and played it smooth walking away. After Nico showed up (who had a hickey on his neck, also) nobody even hit on him.

But,mainly because of time, nobody asked about it. So nothing in those regards was said, and the day went by pretty quick until after campfire when I texted Percy.

Me: hey, dude. So this is probably weird and all. But can I ask you something? It's been bugging me for a few weeks now.

It took him a few minutes to respond, but he did reply.

Percy: Hey! What's on your mind, g-man?

Me: Are Nico and you a thing? Like I mean outside of the flirting and whatever else you guys do in public. Are you actually together? Because the day you were late to dinner and missed Frank and I walked into your cabin and you guys were sleeping and don't worry, we didn't tell anyone. We kept our mouths shut because neither of you were out at the time. But it's bugged me ever since.

Percy: ...
Percy: you're the first person I've gotten that question from
Percy: and as you know, I'm terrible at explaining things with words
Percy: but in summary
Percy: yeah.
Percy: we were kind of hoping people would just kind of figure it out. Or at least you guys.
Percy: But yeah. What you saw in my cabin was like the first thing that happened between us. I was feeling shitty earlier that day and Nico offered for a movie evening thing and I figured why not and don't ask me how we kissed and ended up falling asleep. But we did and I don't regret it because now I have a boyfriend. One that I'd like to keep.
Percy: so to answer your question, yes.

I smiled down at my screen because I could just hear and tell how happy he was about this as he was typing it out. It wasn't secret, they just hadn't made a big deal out of it.

Grover: Hell yeah, dude! Congrats! Are you cool if I send this to the others?

Percy: I don't care. It's less work for us to explain it.

So I screenshot the messages and made a group with everyone but Nico and Percy. Adding a message with the photos. Just telling them that it was official, Nico and Percy are together.

Hazel's response was great.

Hazel: dude, they just told me. I shit you not, they're in Nico's room right now. Watching something on the TV in there
Hazel: they're so fuCKING CUTE

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