Chapter Twenty One

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After not sleeping for three days, sleeping and cuddling with my fiance was really nice. Especially since I didn't have to worry myself sick about him.

Of course we move a little in our sleep, half of the time waking up if we were cuddling, we aren't anymore. But today was a little different.

I wasn't sure if he was awake or not, his face was in the crook of my neck, but he was full on cuddled against me, it was sweet.

I sighed a sigh of relief for no real reason.

I love him.

I should tell him that more often. I mean, I say it a lot. But I should even more.

Against my chest, I felt Percy take a breath in and he moved his head, looking up, awake.

"Good morning," I said, flashing him a smile that he returned. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good," he answered, nodding his head. "Did you sleep good? You passed out like right away."

"Yeah, I did," I assured my fiance, rubbing his back. "I'm still tired, too."

"I am, too."

"Then what are we doing? Let's sleep."

He chuckled and cuddled right back up to me, it was cute.



"I love you."

"I love you, too."

We fell back asleep, and it was nice.

I didn't wake up in the most pleasant matter, however. When I woke up, it was due to my fiance. He was thrusting around and tossing and turning in his sleep, a nightmare, of course.

Neither of us have had a nightmare this intense in over a year. Sure, the smaller ones that you just walked up and a little freaked out about, but not anything like this.

Despite knowing it wouldn't work, I tried to calm him down and it felt like longer than I knew it was before he woke up with a start, immediately bursting into tears and apologizing for... Well, I didn't know what.

That was, until he told me what happened in the nightmare. An actual nightmare, not a vision. Demigods stop having those when they're done with camp.

In the nightmare, everyone that died was back. But they were all taunting him and hurting him and making fun of him. Just giving him a lot of shit. And I was there, but I wasn't one of dead right away.

I killed myself in the dream because this nightmare me couldn't handle being with him. Which was anything but right

But for all the right reasons, it did freak him out. I've had dreams like that, they're freaky. It's just been a while.

We spent most of the day in bed, he was feeling a little too shitty to do much else. But we talked about what we could possibly do for our honeymoon, and that brought his spirits up a little.

I can't wait to be married to him.

The next day we set up our Christmas tree and decorations. We had three Christmas' to attend. One was today, Christmas Eve, at Camp, and then tomorrow we're at Sally's in the morning and my dad's later on.

But we got dressed, grabbed the presents we got for our friends, and headed out. It was cold out, but between Camp Barriers and body heat, I think we'll manage today.

There was a bunch of us in Jason's cabin, though, and there was a tree and we we're talking before opening presents.

And something grabbed my attention from a distance. Two things, really.

One, Hazel and Thalia were talking a lot more than they ever really have. Two, Piper and Jason weren't talking to each other.

Leo, Frank, and Hazel seemed to get along really well, though. Which was a relief, considering she wasn't very happy when word spread that Frank had a huge crush not long after they broke up.

But then again, it's been quite a while and they're good now.

I almost thought Clarisse was going to die of shock when the OG lovebirds, Silena and Charlie showed up, though. Both of them twenty years old.

Their age wasn't messed up. They died when they were 20, camp got them held back a year. They were both the older ones in their original class.

Everyone was introduced, though, and they all seemed to get along. But some misunderstandings were had.


"So," Beckendorf casually brought up as Hazel was talking with Nico about some from from school. A crush or something? Who knows.

Beckendorf raised his eyebrows suggestengly and notioned towards Annabeth.

"How are you and Annabeth?" He asked me, curious. "a few people to us you finally got together after the war."

"Uh, we're good." I was honest and he definitely noticed the ring. Annabeth also had one, but a different style. And not from me. "Of course, we broke up like 2½ years ago. But we're good, in terms of like getting along and stuff."

"Oh!" He seemed surprised that we didn't last or get married. "Damn, I figured you guys would last."

I shrugged.

"Yeah, well," I started off. "Apparently she cheated on me. To be fair, she thought I was dead and it had been a while. But yeah. Between that and then her being pregnant while I was a virgin and then like before Piper told me that, I had developed feelings that weren't towards Annabeth at all, so. What about you and Silena?"

Charlie smiled, and it was sweet. We used to be a thing a real long time ago. He was my first boyfriend, first kiss, first date. First everything but sex. It just didn't work out. We're better friends than boyfriend. We found that out. And plus, he's really happy with Silena and I love Nico to hell² and back.

He pulled a ring out of his pocket to show me. He was going to propose if they made it through the war.

And now they have.

"You're going to?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah, tonight."


Thank the gods that I'm not a nervous sweater. If I was, I'd be drenched in sweat with every other sound come out of my mouth be some form of stuttering.

Thanks to a pep talk from Percy that he promised he'd explain later (if I can do it you can it), I was ready to do this.

Everyone had retreated to their own areas and Silena and I were walking around. Eventually we found a spot along the beach to relax. We were all sleeping in cabin 1 tonight. So we'd see them after this.

"It feels nice to be back." Silena remarked. "To see everyone again. I'm still trying to figure out how Percy isn't dead, though. With what happened."

I shrugged.

"To be fair, Luke was also there and nobody was even harsh to him." I agreed with my girlfriend. "And he died. So who knows. I'm shocked that him and Annabeth never got married? They dated for like a year and a half and broke up. She cheated on him."

"She... Annabeth cheated on Percy?"

I nodded my head.

"Got pregnant, too. Percy was still a virgin."

Silena looked horrified and I don't blame her. That's how I felt when I heard.

"Is Percy okay?"

I assured her he was okay. I think he's with someone else now.

She said yes, though. I kept it casual. I just asked and she said yes.

But we headed back just in time for movie night and everyone's getting comfy on the couch. So we're starting to see couples form.

Leo and Frank we're definitely together. Thalia was walking on thin ice of being kicked out of the hunt with Hazel. There was definitely tension between Jason and Piper. Annabeth and her boyfriend seemed to work out nice.

But I didn't make the connection at first. So I asked Grover. Who was... With Clarisse. It worked really weirdly but nicely.

"Hey," I asked, "when did they stop ripping out each other's throats?"

"When.... Oh..." Grover remarked, realizing I was talking about Nico and Percy. "Percy and Nico started to actually like talk and get along... It was like right after him and Annabeth broke up because she cheated on Percy with Nico's partner of the time. So yeah. They bonded over both being cheated on."

"That's... Weirdly nice." Silena commented, which seemed right. "that they moved on. Have they dated since? I thought Percy had a girlfriend or a boyfriend or something."

"He doesn't have a boyfriend." Grover let us down and paused.

"He has a fiance."

"What do I have?" Percy asked from behind us, hearing his name.

"A fiance?" I questioned. "And you didn't bring them?"

"Excuse me, they're here." Percy corrected me. "but now that you have an attitude, I'm not telling you who it is."

"Fuck you."

"Save it for your girlfriend."

I scoffed, betrayed.

We cuddled for most of the movie, though. Silena and I did. And when I got up to use the bathroom, I came back and I saw them. Percy and his fiance.

They were holding hands and I noticed the ring. It looked pretty nice. I wonder who proposed. Paid for it. They seemed expensive. There were two other things on his fiances hand that made it click for me who it was. On his pointer was his iconic skill ring and then what looked like a promise ring was on his middle finger.

The only reason I recognized Nico was the skull ring. He's changed a lot.

But it seemed to be for the better. He looked happy. Percy's head was on his shoulder, cuddling.

It was perfect, just not in a way you'd expect.

(AN: I wrote another chapter? Howmst? Wow)

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