Chapter VI

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Kalifa felt the bond she had with her mother fade as if it was never their, confused and afraid she searched for her mother but the force told her that she was no longer alive. Kalifa broke down in tears feeling the last of her mother's force signature fade into nothing, she felt like this was all her fault. Her mother had needed her but she was to angry with her to help and now she was gone, her little brother came into her room "Kalifa why can't I feel mommy!?" Anakin asked angry tears falling down his face "she's gone Anakin, do you understand that she's dead!" Kalifa screamed accidentally using the force to throw an object across the room, Anakin ran to his sister and sobbed into her Jedi robes "why did she have to go I loved her so much?" Anakin asked Kalifa couldn't answer she was to busy crying herself,
"Mommy come back," Anakin cried out but Kalifa knew it would do nothing their mother was dead. Lux didn't need to ask to know why his children were crying he already knew why, their mother his beloved wife was dead. Lux wasn't force sensitive but he knew that Jedi who shared a bond could sense when the other died, Lux locked himself into his room and cried for hours.
Ahsoka felt her life drifting away as she lay on the temple floor with a saber burn in her chest, her vision began to get blurry and her hearing started to leave her. Anakin Skywalker grabbed onto her hand and whispered into her ear "I told you to be careful," "master.." was all she could say "your fight is finally over Ahsoka its time for you to rest," Anakin Skywalker said, Ahsoka felt darkness takeover her vision and her heart beat for the last time. The twins rushed to her hoping that she would be alright but they soon realized that she was dead, Leia cried into her brother's shoulder and Luke felt tears fall down his face as well.  "what are we going to tell everyone?" Leia sobbed "I don't know," Luke said sadly, the two young Jedi sat there completely shocked and distraught, but suddenly they felt a unfamiliar presence appear the twins turned around to see the force ghost of Anakin Skywalker "father?" Luke asked unsure of how he was here, "hello my son," Anakin said smiling "but your dead how are you here?" Leia asked "no ones every really gone," he said smiling "don't worry Ahsoka I'll take good care of her," Anakin said to his children "she's back where she's belongs, with you." Luke said suddenly understanding what he meant, Anakin gave a nod to his children before disappearing with Ahsoka. "what do we do now Luke?" Leia asked her brother "we go home," he said

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