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"We will never find our happiness if we are unwilling to put in the work."

"To be successful, you must be willing to do the things today others won't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have" – Les Brown

A/N: As you can tell this book will be an AU of TPN. I had the idea of doing something like this a long time ago but I read a one shot by  @KazuKazuyas that inspired me to write this. So thank you!

This is a Ray AU where he's in charge of Gracefield now, taking his mothers place to send the childen off to demons.

Now on to the story.


I opened my bright eyes and smiled as I lowered my hands and looked at my surroundings "Ready of not here I come!" I shouted and as fast as I could I started running around the forest area and tried to look for any of my siblings, especially the younger onces since they tend to always lose at hide and seek since they can never keep themselves from either talking of giggling.

"Shhh shut up or big sis will hear us." I grinned when I saw a bush near me rustling and quietly I tip toed over to it and smiled wide at the kids, "Boo." The four kids screamed from the top of their lungs and one of them fell to the ground fainting a heart attack.

"You wanna kill us?!" the younger boy with dark blue hair askes clutching his chest and staring up at me with teary eyes.

"Quit crying Willem, now where are the rest?" I ask him. 

Willem pouts and crosses his arms defensively, "I'm not telling." 

I groan and continued to run through out the area since Willem wasn't gonna help me this time since I promised him dessert last time and forgot to give him a piece of brown our Papa baked yesterday for us. 

Today Willem is getting adopted.

He's 8 years old and the funniest boy you'd ever meet. I stopped and noticed his dark hair behind a tree when he quickly missed so I wouldn't notice him. "Hey, Will. Want to help me instead?" I smirk at the boy when he stepped from his hiding spot.

"Heck yeah I wanna! Let's go!" He grabbed my hand and together we started to search for our other brothers and sisters. About half an hour later I got most of them but there was one left, my siblings and I were under a tree and they began to pout because I found them so quick.

"Now all that's left is, Mikey. Where is here? Sharon! Do you know where he is?!" I asked looking at the blonde girl with glasses who paid close attention to the book in her hands not bothering to look up from it.

"You suck at this game you know? Normally you'd find everyone in minutes. You're getting rusty sis." She smirks her light blue eyes finally looking into my purple ones. "I am not!"

"Sis why don't you calm down." Mikey said holding me back from my white shirt when I wanted to attack Sharon. 

Mikey? I turned around quick and pointed at the brown haired boy "Mikey what the heck?! You found me instead not fair." I pout and Mikey gives me a smile. "Sorry but you took too long sis." He says suddenly calming me down. I raised my fists still smiling and hit his shoulder.

"Not fair you were too hard to find."

"Oww." He rubbed his shoulder and hid his pain through a smile.

The clock rang and we stayed silent listening to it. The sun is setting and it's getting darker. We all followed our eyes and saw the tall man waiting for us outside the house with his pocket watch in one of his hands and one of our baby siblings on the other.

"Children it's time for dinner." He bluntly told us with those cold grey eyes. The younger ones cheered and Willem was the first to run ahead and hug our Papa's leg and the other doing the same. Papa smiled down at them and patted Willem's head.

"I'm starving."

"Yeah I am too."

Mikey and Sharon said walking side by side and I looked back when I felt a cold breeze coming from the forest. I swear I heard something coming from it, was it a car? A growl? I couldn't make the sound out. 


"Make sure to not get your clothes dirty and don't get yourselves wet!" Papa told us when he finished putting my rubber boots on and I smiled up at him. His dark eyes remained on me and I could see him almost smiling when he reached down and rested his hand on my head.

"Especially you. You'll be turning 7 in a few days and you don't wanna be sick on your special day right?" I cutely shook my head to the sides and pouted.

"I don't wanna Papa. I wanna be healthy so I can spend the day with you." The both of us looked ahead and saw the younger ones laughing and giggling while jumping on a puddle of mud and their raincoats got dirty and white clothes.

Papa sighed tiredly and looked at them, his hand still resting on my head and with the other he quickly grabbed a comb and brushed my long dark hair already knowing I would probably get it wet. So he grabbed a small rubber tie and placed my hair up on a pony tail and gave me my small pink umbrella.

"Be careful now and don't slip or fall over. I don't want you getting hurt again." He bluntly said making me smile up at him.

"I promise Papa. I love you."

Papa didn't respond. Probably because he was focused on my other siblings. I waved back at him with a smile and ran towards the forest to play with Mikey and Sharon. "Why didn't you wait for me-" I said when I looked at them staring ahead at the forest. 

I stepped closer and touched the cold fence that seperated us from going further. "What do think is out there?"

"More of the forest of course. That's why Papa doesn't let us go into it or we might get lost and he won't be able to find us." Sharon told me and Mikey stayed by my side and gently smiled when he saw my curious face.

"What do you wanna do when you grow up?" 

Sharon and I turned to look at our brother. "I want to travel the world and explore new places. Become an expert and be a sort of tourist guide." Mikey did always like exploring nee things.

"I wanna become a writer or a painter." Sharon has great memory so becoming a painter might be perfect for her.

Hmm. I stayed deep in thought..."I want a dog."

"Is that it?" Sharon asked furrowing her eyebrows expecting something else from me. I whine and pout, "What?! I've read how dogs are so I want one of my own, they seem adorable and cute."

Mikey chuckles at both of our faces and pats my shoulder. "I do believe she would make a great vet. Our sis has always loved animals. Remember that time a pigeon got hurt so we went in the house and Papa helped us?" Mikey reminds us.

"You can be whatever you want and i'll be there by your side to help you." I stared at Mikey and gave him a sweet smile.


It's been years since I felt that cold breeze. I feel like it's almost calling me. The sky started getting darker and the place was eerily quiet and I felt some raindrops landing on me.

"Are you coming, Ame?"

I turned around and smiled brightly at the tall man. "Coming Papa." I said running and passing through him. Papa closed the door behind him and I went to my usual spot on the table and smiled at Willem who was sitting by my side.

"Thank you for the food." We all said once we had ours surved. 

Willem and I shared a long conversation and he cheerfully told me how excited he is on meeting his adoptive parents. I smiled at his words and ruffled his short dark hair, "We're gonna miss you a lot, Will."

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