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"Wow look who's up and moving," Pakku chuckled as Toph was helping Katara out of the tent with her leg bandaged up ready to start healing.

"Did you bring any water benders with you?" Katara asked with a smile as they went to join him by the fire that was boiling water in a pot above.

"No?" He raised a confused brow.

"Aw man, I know aito wanted to learn more and with my leg it's faster for someone else to heal," Katara tsked disappointed.

"I thought you were a master water bender," Pakku teased sipping his tea.

"I am, do you know how to heal yet or just picking on children?" She smiled sweetly at her master.

Pakku was unamused but stayed silent while the girls sat on the ground together by the fire pit.

"Once that legs better mind helping me in another session?" Toph asked rubbing her head with a sigh.

"Yea I'll help you too Toph, I just need some water for myself, I'll go after some breakfast," Katara smiled kindly.

"Yea yea yea I'm on it, your trio is walking by anyways," Toph groaned getting back up to get Katara her water. Pakku got up to help her with the water as well.

The water bender looked to the side seeing Zuko and his boys. They were running around chasing each other and circling their father as Zuko kept walking the twins so they could get out their energy.

"Good morning miss Katara!" Ren waved but yelled when aito ran into him and they fell.

"Be careful guys, there's a lot of rocks," Katara called back flinching at their tackle.

"What are you doing?" Aito asked sitting on ren's back as his brother was stuck under him.

"I'm going to start healing my leg soon, can't have a broken leg at a time like this," Katara smiled kindly as aito looked invested.

"Was it scary when you broke your leg?" Ren asked also interested.

"I was scared yes, my friends were also in trouble and all, it was scary for everyone," Katara told them as she started to unwrap her broken leg. She hissed a little taking it off and Zuko frowned at the shape of her leg and all the dark bruising.

"You sure Yoy should do that now? It looks tender kat," Zuko walked over worried a little.

"Yea I don't have that much time for it to just heal, it'll be fine," she waved him off and he knelt down to her.

"Need help?" He asked raising a brow.

"You hate helping," Katara snorted.

"I hate watching but I can help," Zuko corrected and she sighed but nodded.

"I can't adjust by myself, it hurts to bend my leg still," she mumbled embarrassed as Zuko moved to her leg and slipped his hand under her heal to lift her leg gently.

"It might make a sound when you bend it," she warned and Zuko gagged a little when her knee popped when he moved her leg closer to her so she could reach.

"Tophs bringing water so I think I got the rest," Katara winced at the pain as the boys stuck around, Toph eventually returned with a bucket of water.

"Aw how nice, I wish I could paint a picture of you all," Toph hummed a little as Zuko flicked her knee after she set down the water.

"Behave," he told her.

"Why? I'm to funny,"

"Yea and loud," Zuko took the water from her for Katara.

"No one's around, it's fine," she smirked deviously as aito tried to bend water to splash at Ren.

"No fair!" Ren cried out shocked.

"It's totally fair," aito smiled doing it again.

"Pooooops! Aito is water bending at me," Ren whined only to get splashed once again.

"Tattle tail,"  aito pouted as Katara bended the water that soaked the twin back into the bucket.

"Aito don't use your bending against your brother," Zuko told them with a sigh.

"It was on accident papa," the blue eye twin said innocently.

"Don't even try," Zuko knew the trick even if it did make his heart melt at his son.

"Well why don't you watch me so you can have a good use with your bending till your older," Katara offered and both boys hovered close to watch her heal.

"Can I watch too?" Ren asked hopeful.

"Of course, you don't have to ask," Katara smiled kindly at him. she pulled the water from the bucket and hovered it over her leg and soon moved it against her leg back and forth.

"Not all water benders have the gift of healing, but it seems to be genetic so aito has it and if Ren ends up a water bender as well he will too im sure," she said gently so only the three could hear.

"How did you know you could heal?" Aito asked keeping his hands in his lap.

"I didn't know I could heal till I was in an accident and placed my hands in water to soothe the pain, it just happened naturally, like you," she smiled and pulled the water away to see how far she was. The bone felt healed but sore, as well as all her bruises on her skin stayed.

"Can You help me up love?" Katara asked with a grunt when she tried to get up on her own.

"I-I mean Zuko, sorry," she froze as zukos face flushed red completely.

"I-of course," he gulped taking her hand and gently hoisted her to her feet. Katara stumbled a little and he caught her in his arms. Her face now turned completely red feeling how close they were.

"You two are hopeless," Ren rolled his eyes.

Zuko shot him a look as he didn't dare move. He let Katara adjust herself as she flinched a little when she set her foot down.

"It is okay?" Zuko asked worried.

"Feels like someone kicked my shin a hundred times but walkable, I'll get back to it later," Katara held onto his shoulders making sure she could stand on her own. Zukos hands rested on her waist as he waited patiently.

"You remember we use to dance like this," Zuko smiled smugly at her, grabbing her hand and leading her into a small twirl making Katara laugh.

"I made You dance once and after that You were the one that wanted to always dance," Katara cackled as their hands stayed connected and her hand laid on his shoulder again.

"Don't start something you can't finish love," he couldn't help but smile down at her.

"I never would say no," she returned the smile keeping her eyes on him.

"Aito," ren whispered nudging his brother.

"Those are our parents," he breathed in awe at the look on their fathers face. Looking at their mother with so much love. The way that it could make them all a family.

"We could have a mom?" Aito looked at the other boy hopefully.

"I hope," ren nodded as they giggled running off as Zuko noticed them escaping.

"They looked so interesting in learning water bending," Zuko whined a little.

"They're kids, they won't really care for a few more years, they just want to play," Katara pulled herself away with blush staining her cheeks.

"We better go before someone sees us," she gulped a little but Zuko grabbed her hand again.

"So?" He offered.

"So?" She didn't understand.

Zuko pursed his lips but kissed her knuckles softly before letting go.

"Nevermind, it was a dumb idea,"

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