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"So I got a new plan," Sokka walked over to the group as ty Lee was stretching her arms while she was in the splits next to Suki and mai.

"I think Azula will be ready for all of us to come at her at once," he explained to them as Zuko was putting his long hair up and out of his face.

"Zuko you're getting captured," he pointed and the fire benders jaw dropped.

"Excuse me?" Zuko blinked.

"We need an opening and you most likely would strike a nerve in your sister to piss her off," Sokka explained.

"If she doesn't kill him on the spot, are You insane?" Ty Lee cried out wide eyes.

"Fight crazy with crazy," Aang nodded sitting on top of appa.

"But part of the plan would stay the same, Katara would still be with him but with the Dai lee agents and Azula focused on him it gives Ty Lee and Katara an opening to get in as Toph makes a tunnel for the rest of us to get in," Sokka tried to make sense as all eyes on him.

"She might see Katara as a bigger threat since she was the one that won last time," he crossed his arms.

"I need something that would really get her upset, something that would drive her insane, like last time," Zuko sighed agreeing to the plan. He glanced at ty Lee who was worried about this plan now.

"You think you can make her flip?" Mai raised a brow at him.

"Easily," Zuko nodded.


"So you are alive, and well?" Azula raised a brow looking at Aang who was panting a little from redirecting the lightening.

Slowly Dai lee agents started to follow into the throne room from separate tunnels in the floor they made as the gaang was surrounded.

"Now what?" She grinned.

Aang looked at all of them wide eyes, it's been years since he's been in a life or death battle, he's been in fight with jerks but to be back in a war like this again he felt dizzy. He wanted to run.

"Aang! Toph! I need you to cover me!" Katara barked as she spun water around her as Toph was already getting to her side and fists clenched.

Azula smirked a little and used the Dai lee as a distraction to escape, Zuko saw her get away but he glared. He wasn't going to lose. They were going to be one step closer to victory today.

"Suki! Sokka!" Zuko called as they ran towards the door.

"Ty stay close!" Mai looked above at the acrobat who nodded sneaking through to follow.

Mai looked back and threw multiple daggers at the feet of the Dai lee making them yell in surprise or pain.

"Youre stuck with me," mai stood behind Katara as Aang punched blasts of air to slam the Dai lee back to the walls and keeping distance.

"Don't let them get close, Toph make sure no more come in, Aang cover me," Katara ordered whipping the agents to back them off away from the door.

Katara gasped seeing another one behind them and yelled with ice piercing the Dai lee agent in the chest and into the wall. She glared turning the ice into shards and whipped them across the other side of the room slicing many more.

She could feel the tension rising from Aang seeing the blood splatter on them, each of the girls have spilt blood, blades, earth and ice. But Aang only pushed and she knew there was probably hundreds of Dai lee coming in.

She had to think fast, she had to make up something to stop them all, Zuko, Sokka and Suki could handle Azula. They were gone. They were far.

She felt her heart sink.

"Aang, Toph, I need you to bring this palace down, can you?" Katara wheezed a little.

"What?" Toph turned to her wide eyes.

"Can you bring this palace down?" She said more sternly.

Toph thought for a moment but inhaled a deep breath nodding.

"Let's bring this place to dust," Toph grinned  cracking her knuckles as she moved her legs apart.

Aang pushed more agents far from Toph and slammed the earth to shove them away from the door as Toph made pillars that went through the ceiling making the building shake.

"Aang get mai out of here, we'll cover you," Katara called back to him.

Aang nodded as mai ran to the door and he punched fire back at the agents as he needed to be the only one for sure not captured. Toph shifted her feet for the pillars the crumble and parts of the ceiling started to come down. She bended them up again and pulled back down to make the building collapse.

But the earth under the water benders right foot swallowed up to her ankle and twisted harshly to the side. Katara heard a sickening snap come from her leg making her scream falling to the ground.

"Katara!" Toph yelled worried getting to her but a part of the ceiling fell right between them making the women fly back.

Katara landed on her back with a choked cry feeling the snapped bone of her leg as she rolled onto her side holding her leg.

"Toph go!" Katara yelled back to her.

She gasped seeing a chunk of the ceiling falling down to land on her, but earth was bended over her and cracked a little when the ceiling landed. Toph grunted at the impact but held her ground.

"Sorry sugar queen but I'm not going anywhere," Toph huffed a little as Katara pushed herself off.

"We won't be able to escape, you need to go," Katara gulped but Toph shook her head.

"You need to tell the boys I'm sorry for me," she had tears in her eyes.

"Hey, I'm not leaving you alone," Toph sat with her on the ground. They knew if Toph helped Katara out they'd either get crushed or mauled by the dai Lee. But Toph wouldn't let her dear friend die alone.

"Toph I don't want to die yet," Katara sat with her as part of the earth above them started to fall.

"Me neither, but I'm glad I have you anyways," Toph had a few tears drip down her face. Katara shifted and wiped the tears from the youngests face. She kissed the top of the blind girls head and held her close.

"Dammit, and I just got invited to a birthday party this year," Toph held onto Katara as the building was collapsing.

"We'll go next year," Katara whispered closing her eyes as she held tophs head close to her shoulder.

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