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"Toph oh my god!" Suki sprinted to the blind girl in shock.

"Suki oh my god, what?" Toph grunted when the red head gripped her arm tightly.

"I think Zuko and Katara are hooking up," she whisper yelled shaking a little with wide eyes.

"Whoaaa what? Never saw that coming," Toph stuck out her tongue tilting her head to the side.

"Nononono, i mean i saw them together and Zuko kissed her hand," Suki whined as she jumped a little.

"I was just passing by and the twins ran by me and I saw them and oh my spirits what if they're dating?! I mean we all knew the sexual tension years ago but what if they really are?" Suki rambled as Toph waited it out.

"Suki, dumb dumb, look at them, look at the two children that are around here, and look at them again," Toph said with a heavy sigh.

Suki frowned and thought about it for a minute, her jaw dropped and covered her mouth.

"You're telling me they've dated before and had a family?" Suki hissed shocked still.

"Finally I'm not the only one that knows, for being strong leaders for everyone, you're all stupid," she threw her hands up relieved.

"Wait wait Katara had twins and left Zuko then? They didn't see each other for a long time... no wonder they hated each other before," Suki was trying to let it all sink in. 

"Holy shit Sokka is an uncle, Hakoda is a grandfather, do they know?" She asked baffled.

"Hakoda knows, Sokka doesn't, Katara and Zuko were engaged before and like where a whole live laugh love family, the twins were born and shit went downhill, they started hooking up after sozins comet, that's all I know, don't tell Aang," Toph summed it up for her as Suki stood there.

"Oh so they were serious serious, fuck," Suki placed a hand on her forehead but saw Zuko walking alone and minding his business.

"You can't tell anyone yet, you can't tell Katara or Zuko yet that you know, you can't tell Sokka and you for sure cannot tell Aang," Toph waited till Zuko was away.

"Can't tell what?" A small voice asked sweetly.

Suki gasped a scream jumping away as aito was standing next to her.

"Your mom and dad, your auntie Suki knows now but you can't tell anyone kid," Toph shrugged a little.

"Great another secret," Ren rolled his eyes walking over.

"You know Katara is your mother?" Suki whispered kneeling down to the boys worried.

"We just found out but yea," they shrugged.

"Are you two okay?" She asked quietly and Ren smiled at her while aito looked nervous with the secrets.

"We're okay," aito nodded softly.

"What's going on?" Katara saw the boys with their aunts but she's never seen them all together without Zuko.

"Did something happen?" She asked worried a little not seeing their father around.

"Suki knows that's your our mom," Ren waved it off and all the women's jaws dropped.

"You ding Dong it was suppose to be a secret," aito pushed him a little.

"Papa said don't call me a ding Dong you butthead," Ren pouted.

"H-how what- Suki I don't know what to say," Katara paled with her hands over her mouth.

"I just would've never guessed you'd be the type of person to have kids and dip," Suki looked at her surprised.

"It wasn't like that," Katara hushed her a little.

"It's cause of our sister," Ren nodded. Aito pushed him again.

"Ren don't talk about that stuff! Papa said it's secret," aito covered his mouth.

"Hey can you two go find your dad or your grandfathers?" Katara knelt down to them with a hand on each shoulder.

"Should we have papa find you?" Aito asked quietly.

"No no, it's okay, just gotta have you close by, go run off now," she smiled gently and he nodded.

"Suki please just... it's complicated," Katara turned back to her friends.

"Those are your children? You have more kids?" Suki didn't understand.

"No, I don't, it's just them, and trust me I know how horrible of a person I am for abandoning Zuko and the boys, I was scared, I still am," Katara crossed her arms looking down in shame.

"Katara, you have to tell Sokka and Aang, at least Sokka, those are his nephews," Suki touched her arm gently.

"I didn't even want Toph knowing much less you or my father," Katara sighed softly.

"You and Zuko being engaged before was one thing but having children together is a bigger and harder secret to not tell anyone," Toph told her.

"You think I should tell them too?" She asked anxiously.

"It's not something you should be forced to tell but eventually it might just come out, water bending kid? Zuko doesn't know that many water benders," Toph elaborated.

"Do you want to be their mother again?" Suki asked.

Katara didn't answer.

"It's a weird feeling, I naturally want to protect them, coddle them, do all these motherly things for the twins but something is pulling me back, I love those boys but that's just barely out of reach for me at the same time," Katara groaned a little not sure how to explain it.

"What about their sister?" Suki remembered.

"She was a stillborn," Katara said sharply. Suki and Toph went silent not knowing the truth.

"Tara, I'm so sorry," Suki wrapped her arms around her friend tightly. Katara pressed her chin to her shoulder and hugged her back.

"It's so complicated, I messed up so bad, I failed so many people," Katara felt tears in her eyes again, she remembered what Zuko told her and she knew he was right but she was so scared and insecure still.

"Ok... I'll tell Sokka," she nodded.

"Really?" Suki whispered.

"It's dumb for over half of our friends to know, just get it over with," she inhaled a shaky breath, pressing her thumb to the corner of her eyes to stop any tears.

"At least You and Zuko don't have to sneak around hooking up anymore," Toph gave a thumbs up.

"Your still hooking up?!" Suki pulled her out of the hug.

"Shhh only sometimes, you get engage to someone it's hard to not be in love with them after almost five years," Katara hushed them both again.

"First loves are tough like that," Suki smiled understanding. She loved Sokka so much she would wait the long distance to see him again. He was the first man she loved and he'll be the last man she's going to love.

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