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Days turn into weeks
Weeks turn into months
And months turn into years.

And every time Aang finds his family he never can bring himself to face them, he lets his hair grow longer, he found himself growing facial hair and shaved it off every so often. Remembering what Zuko and Sokka taught him long ago.

He stayed in the trees so Toph didn't notice him when he accidentally crossed paths with them. He sees how Zuko stared at Katara longingly when they were with the group and how Katara snuck glances and smiles. He saw his friends every couple months and saw the love between his two best friends grow over the months.

The sadness and jealousy faded every time he saw their hidden relationship, his heart missed them as family more than missing any kind of romance he felt for Katara. He would watch them far away, unable to hear a conversation but enough to hear their laughter around the fire. He only wanted them to be safe but he knew how dangerous it could become again if he joined them.

It didn't mean he didn't follow avatar duties, he lived as if he was only a monk though, traveling around the world, he created his own glider again after a year of being on his feet, hiding it as a walking staff otherwise.

But he found Suki and Sokka parting ways when Sokka was at the shore with the southern water tribe, with no Toph, no zuko and no Katara. He couldn't understand why they split.

But months went by again and Aang happened to hear familiar voices once again.

Seeing Katara and Zuko openly be together in a village in the earth kingdom. Hiding in plain sight.

While Katara had a betrothal necklace where her mother's necklace once was.

Aang followed the two to see they rebuilt a small house that must've been abandoned at a time with how hidden it was from the village. It had a young garden that looked fresh but nothing was growing yet, a few sprouts so it wasn't to long ago they started to make it feel like a home.

He watched Zuko open the door for his betrothed as they went into their new home they made. Aang realized they didn't fight in the war now, they made their peace to live their own lives. He never would've guessed they both would agree to such thing as their future. Aang smiled wishing them peace in this nightmare.

He truly hoped Zuko could live under a roof with someone he loves and loves him knowing his childhood wasn't full of such things. And Katara can feel safe and free to rely on her fiance for anything she needed.

Aang bowed to them to say goodbye without them knowing and left the home.

More months went by, Aang didn't really know how much time had passed when he went to go check on Zuko and Katara when he was in the area. Each time the house looked more lived in on the outside and the garden grew more. Zukos hair touched his shoulders and he started to pull it in a half top knot to get it out of his face.

Aang jumped to the top branch of his usual tree when he came back to check on his friends as he saw Zuko gardening with his hair back, putting their fresh vegetables in a basket.

"Honey have you seen my brush?" Katara called from inside their home.

"It's on the nightstand love," zuko called back as he sat on his knees.

"Ugh yea I just found it but it fell behind the nightstand, can you get it please?" Katara walked out to the garden. With a pregnant belly.

"Why don't you sit?" Zuko offered as he went inside to get her stuff.

Aang rubbed momo's ear as he held his lemur close, he smiled with tears in his eyes.

"Can you believe it momo, they're going to be parents now, I wonder if they already had their wedding," Aang hummed wiping his eyes.

It was amazing seeing life continue with the people he loves, seeing how much they change without realizing. Since he didn't see them so often it always felt like big things happened every visit. He was so happy for them but he wanted to be with them too, he wanted to congratulate Katara on being a mother and Zuko being a father. He wanted to help them with anything. He wanted to talk to them.

Aang floated down and held momo tight. His heart sped up at an idea. His feet took over and started to walk to the door.

He stood there. Hand hovered over the wood that stood between him and seeing the people he adores again.

But something pulled him back, something didn't let him knock on that door.

Aang pursed his lips and inhaled deeply backing away.

This wasn't his time.


"They should've had the baby now momo, I wonder what they had," Aang jumped up to the branch he visited every few months.

He smiled waiting for his friends to show any sign of the new addition to their family. He bounced a little on the branch in excitement.

"Oh there's Katara," he whispered not realizing she was sitting in the garden. He frowned though seeing she had her knees pulled up to her chest and her head down. She hadn't moved in the past twenty minutes he was there.

Oh no...

But when the door opened he heard babies crying from the inside. Babies. It didn't sound like just one.

"Tara, hey, you've been out here for a while," Zuko walked out and sat in front of her in the grass.

She didn't move.

"Katara, love," he brushed her hair off her shoulders and rubbed her back gently.

"I need you," he gulped and Katara finally looked up.

"Where are the babies?" Katara asked. Aangs heart sunk when she looked exhausted and disassociating.

"They're in their cribs, I-i did everything you told me, fed, changed, I don't know what to do," zuko wrapped his arms around her and Katara leaned against him, she was shaking against him as she almost broke down in tears.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry," Katara hiccuped into a sob.

Aang dropped lightly down and looked over the tree. The couple sat outside holding each other as the babies slowly stopped crying. He snuck around to the house and went to the side looking in the windows.

"Well hey there, one and two, wow," Aang gasped looking in the window seeing two babies in their cribs. They were wide awake but still looked on the verge of crying again. They were so small.

Aang opened the window and leaned over the ledge to make sure they were ok.

"It's nice to meet you two, I'm Aang, I use to be very good friends with your parents," Aang waved at the twins.

"You guys are so lucky you have the best parents ever, I can't wait for you to grow up with them, you gotta behave though, take it easy on them it's their first time parents... kind of, they use to help take care of me in a way and your uncle Sokka," he stood on his toes smiling while talking to the babies. He always loved being around babies, it was so refreshing to be around such a young and innocent soul.

"Well I gotta go though, I'll see you kiddos around, make sure you start sleeping through the night soon, seems like everyone needs it," Aang chuckled and closed the window, happy that the twins stopped fussing now.

He went back to the woods but stuck close by, he saw Zuko comfort Katara but went back inside to check on their children. But she didn't go. She rested her chin on her arms staying curling in a ball, watching the door to go inside.

Aang watched her carefully with sympathy not knowing what could've happened to make her this way. He hoped everything could've gone smoothly for their birth.
He sat in his tree and waited to see how his friends would continue with this next chapter of their lives. He stayed hidden though, he stayed but wanted to make sure they were okay.

Till he saw Katara walk out of the small home, her face with no emotion.

Maybe she just needed some air.

Thats what he thought as he waited for her to come back. Not knowing they all waited for her to return. But she didn't.

Aang stayed close with worry for his friend. He checked the home frequently to see if Katara returned, he peaked in the windows to make sure the babies and Zuko were alive.

But when he looked in he saw Zuko on the floor of the nursery leaning against one of the cribs while holding a twin in his arms, but he was passed out sleeping.

Aang notice his arm losing its hold on the baby and quietly opened the window to sneak in.

"Zuko?" Aang whispered not wanting to startle him. He didn't care if he was caught any more, he was fearful for his friends mental state.

Aang gently scooped up the baby from zukos drooping arm before he dropped the infant. The one in the crib was already fussing.

"Shh shh, it's okay, it's okay," Aang placed his hand on the other baby's tummy to comfort him while he bounced the other twin.

"It's going to be okay, shh," he whispered.

"Zuko, hey buddy, wake up?" Aang crouched down to him still holding the twin.

Zuko didn't move. Aang checked his pulse. He was still alive.

"I'm going to get you some help buddy, okay? Your going to be okay too, I promise," Aang touched the top of zukos head, like the prince use to do to him so long ago.

A tear fell down the side of zukos face as his inhaled a shaky breath.

"Get some rest Zuko," Aang nodded and went to sneak around the house curiously while holding the baby.

"I wonder what your name is, you're doing pretty good right now," Aang smiled at the blue eye baby that was looking up at him.

"You're going to be a water bender I bet," he hummed, stroking the side of the baby's cheek with his finger.

Aang found some paper finally, a brush and ink close by. He place the blue eye baby in his other arm and on his lap, he started to right to find someone that could help, he wanted to help but he didn't want to cause trouble.

Dear Hakoda, we're reaching out in desperate times.
Dad, Zuko needs you...

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