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[ ☾]

       Dean is driving, Sam in the passenger seat. "This makes no sense. I mean, how many angels fell–hundreds, thousands? And nobody sees anything. This is... Look at this. They're calling it a meteor shower. Seriously? What's going on, man? You okay?" Sam asks.

      "Me? Yes. I'm fine. It's just–"

       "It's just we got a major freakin' crap fest on our hands. Yeah, tell me about it." Sam says. "Thousands of superpowered dicks touching down, and we got no idea where to start."

       "Angels aren't our problem right now, okay?" Dean asks. "Or demons, or Metatron, or whatever the hell happened to Cass."

        "Why? Because we hugged it out in that church and – and now we're gonna go to Disneyland?" Sam asks. "Dean, you said it yourself – we're not gonna sleep till this is done."

       "I know."

       "So, what's the problem?" Asks Sam.

        "You. Look, there's no easy way to say this, okay? But something happened back there in the church." Dean says. "And I don't know what. I don't know why. You're dying, Sam. We hear the sound of a heart beating loudly."

        "Shut up." A recurring beep sounds in time with the heart beat.

[ ☼ ]

        Sam lies with his eyes closed in a hospital bed. There is a tube in his nose and his arm is strapped to a beeping monitor. Dean sits at his bedside, looking worried. Dean turns his head to look at a television screen in the room, which shows pictures of the falling angels from 8.23 Sacrifice. The news headline reads "Global Meteor Shower."


[ ☼ ]

        Dean is looking at medical scans as Sam lies with his eyes closed in the hospital bed. "The MRI shows massive internal burns affecting many of the major organs. Oxygen to the brain has been severely deprived. The coma is the result of the body doing everything in its limited power to protect itself from further harm." The Doctor says.

       "This wasn't supposed to happen."

        "If your brother continues on this trajectory, the machines might keep him alive, but–" He starts.

        "He'll be dead." Dean finishes.

        "Technically, yes. I'm afraid so."

        "So, there's – there's no recovery? I mean, there's no bounce-back." Dean says. "There's no nothing."

       "I'm afraid that's in God's hands now."

       "You're a doctor. You're a medical professional. You're trying to tell me that my brother's life is in God's hands?" Dean asks. "What, is that supposed to be a – a comfort?"

        "Mr. Dougherty –" The Doctor starts.

        "No, God has nothing to do with this equation at all."

       "I didn't mean –" He starts.

        "That's not good enough." Dean walks out of the hospital room and into a corridor. He sees a sign pointing to the hospital chapel.

[ ☼ ]

        "Cas, are you there? Sammy's hurt. He's hurt, uh – he's hurt pretty bad. And, um... I know you think that I'm pissed at you, okay?" Dean says. "But I don't care that the angels fell. So whatever you did or didn't do, it doesn't matter, okay? We'll work it out. Please, man, I need you here." He looks around. The chapel contains six other people, all sitting quietly. "Screw it. Okay, listen up. This one goes out to any angel with their ears on. This is Dean Winchester... And I need your help."

[ ☼ ]

       A Man in a suit, a Woman and two children are having breakfast around a kitchen bench.

       "This is Dean Winchester...And I need your help."

       Meanwhile, people are getting off a bus.

       "The deal is this – Linwood Memorial Hospital..."

       A Tall Man pauses and looks off into the distance.

       "...Randolph, New York. The first one who can help me gets my help in return..."

        The Man in a suit gets up and leaves the table.

       "...and you know that ain't nothin'."

       "Honey?" The Woman asks.

[ ☼ ]

       A Farmer walks rapidly across the field towards his tractor.

       "Hell, it's no secret that we haven't always seen eye to eye."

       The Farmer starts the tractor and drives away.

      "But you know that I am good for my word."

      The Tall Man is still standing by the bus, listening.

      "And, uh, I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't needing, so..."

       The Tall Man gets back on the bus.

[ ☼ ]

       Dean finishes his prayer and looks down. A tear falls from his eye.

[ ☾]

       "Look, just because you're dying doesn't mean you're dead – not yet, okay?" Dean says. "We've jimmied ourselves out of worse. We're gonna fight this. I got the plan. You just got to hang on. You hear me?"

       "Absolutely." Sam says.

      "You think I'm lying?" Asks Dean.

       "Pretty much, yeah." Sam says.

       "You understand that we're not really in this car right now." Dean says. "We are in your head, and you're in a coma and are dying."

       "How do you know that?" Sam asks.

       "Because I'm you and you're you. All of this is you. We're in your head!" Dean yells.

       "You're serious." Sam exhales. "The whole reason I stopped doing the trials was not to die."

       "And the next time we see Naomi or Metatron or whoever is to blame for this, we will get some justice, but for right now, we got to fight this, man."

       "Okay. All right, what's the plan?" Sam asks.

       "I'm working on it." Dean says.

       "What does that mean?" Sam asks. "I'm kind of dying here, apparently."

       "It means I'm working on it, all right?" Asks Dean.

        "The thing is, if I am dying – and I believe you. I do. But if you're you but you're really me and you're the part of me that wants to fight to live..." Sam starts.

       "Yes. I have no idea what you just said, but continue." Dean says.

        "But if you don't have any idea how I'm supposed to fight, then am I supposed to be fighting at all?" Asks Sam.

       "Are you serious?" Dean asks.

       "Hell, yes, he's serious." Bobby has appeared in the back seat. "And if you ask me, I think the kid's got a good point."


[ ☼ ]

        Castiel is walking down the road, hearing ringing noises and voices. He narrowly avoids being hit by a pick-up by throwing himself to the side of the road. The pick-up screeches to a halt and a Man gets out. "Hey, buddy. You okay?" The Man asks.

       Cass looks at his bloody palm. "It hurts." He says.

       "What the hell you doing in the middle of the road like that?" The Man asks.

       "I heard angels."

       "How about we get you some water, hmm?" The Man asks.

       "I, uh, I don't drink water." Castiel says.

       "Dehydration's a real bitch up here, mister."

       "A phone. Do you have a phone?" Asks Cass.

       "No signal up here. How about a lift, hmm?"

       "Yes. Good. I would fly, but I – I have no wings, not anymore." Says Castiel.


[ ☼ ]

       We see a close-up of Sam's face. He is still unconscious.

[ ☾]

       "Sam wants to die, and you think he's got a point?" Dean asks.

       "Okay, I don't want to die. I asked if maybe I was supposed to –" Sam starts.

       "Shut it, Sam." Dean says and turns to Bobby. "You – go. Oh, and, uh, before you throw me under the bus, you're welcome for the hell rescue."

       "Hey, first of all, you didn't rescue Jack, half-wit. Sam did. Second of all, Sam, you're in a coma." Bobby says. "Now, suck as that may, sometimes that's just the way things go."

       "What are you talking about?" Dean asks. "There's always a way. You taught us that."

       "Oh, you mean like the way one of you idjits does some "bass-ackwards" crazy thing to beat death, like sell your soul?"

       "Exactly like selling my soul." Dean says.

      "Yeah, like that worked so well the last time." Bobby says

       Dean dismissively waves a hand. "Oh!" He yells.

       "Enough! Both of you! I can't hear myself think!" Sam yells.

       "Well, you're not actually buying this, are you?" Dean asks.

       "Excuse me. Are you dead? Because I am, and maybe I'm here because I'm the part of Sam that actually knows what the hell he's talking about." Bobby says.

       "Well, I'm in the front seat because Sam put me here because he wants to fight. Right?" Dean asks.

       Bobby suddenly appears in the front seat between Sam and Dean. "Well... that just got real uncomfortable. See ya, Dean." He puts a hand on Sam's shoulder.

       "Sam, don't you dare –" Dean starts.

[ ☼ ]

       Sam and Bobby are standing in the forest. "Yip, yip, yip. Am I right?" Asks Bobby.

        "Honestly, Bobby, I – I don't know what's right." Sam says.

        Bobby puts an arm around Sam's shoulder. "Let's walk." He says.

[ ☼ ]

       The pick-up pulls up across the street from the gas station. Castiel gets out. "Hey." The Man holds out some bills.

       "No, I can't take your money." Castiel says.

        "For the phone. And a sandwich if they have one."

        "It's okay. I don't eat." Castiel says. A Young Woman is watching them from the back seat of a car across the street.

        "You'll figure something. Hmm?" The Man asks as Cass takes the bills and some change. "Take care, kid." The Man drives away. Castiel walks past the Young Woman in the car to the phone outside the gas station.

        A Biker is talking on the phone. "Uh-huh. Uh-huh." He says.

     "Hang up the phone." Castiel says.

       "Right." The Biker covers the phone and turns to face Castiel. "Excuse me?"

       "This is an emergency. I don't want to hurt you." Says Cass.

       "Hold on, hon." The Biker turns to Castiel. "Sure you do. Hurt me."

        "I'm sorry." Castiel puts two fingers to the Biker's forehead. Nothing happens. Cass looks perplexed and grips the top of the Biker's head.

       The Biker pushes Castiel's arm away. "I'm gonna finish this call. Then I'm gonna stab you." He says. Castiel turns and walks away. The Young Woman from the car blocks his path.

       "I know you." The Young Woman says.

       "I don't think so."

       "Castiel. We met in Heaven. My name is Hael." She says.

       "You're an angel." Castiel says.

       "Am I? What's an angel without its wings?"

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