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        Barb is dragging her broken and bleeding fingernails down the stone walls. "What are you doing?" Honor asks.

        "I'm so thirsty. So thirsty! There has to be a way out!" Barb yells as Neil turns away and Honor watches as Barb puts her bleeding fingers in her mouth to drink her own blood.

       They suddenly all hear the trap door being opened above them. They go to investigate. They see Suzy regaining consciousness next to a still unconscious Dean.

      "Hey. Dean." She shakes him. "Dean. Hey, come on. Dean. Dean."

       Dean jerks awake. "Where are we?" He asks.


[ ☾]

        Sam has found the CASA EROTICA DVD's and is starting to put things together. Jody walks into the apartment. "Hey." Sam says.

       "Hey." Jody says.

       "Neighbors see anything?" Asks Sam.

        "Flash of blue."

        "Huh." Says Sam.

       "You sure Dean was here?" Jody asks as Sam holds up the DVD's.

        "Oh, yeah. And I think he crossed someone off his bucket list."


        Dean is on the ladder trying to push open the tightly shut trap door. "We tried. There's no escape." Neil says.

       "Are we gonna run out of air?" Suzy asks.

        "I don't think so. Somebody wants us to die nice and slow."

        "And then it's gonna take us, just like it took Pastor Fred." Honor says.

        "What took him?" Asks Dean.

       "We couldn't see, exactly. It—it was so bright. I-it was like it was on fire."

[ ☾]

        Jody is back searching on the laptop. "Hey. Virgins, fire—sound familiar?" She asks.

       "'Vesta, Roman Goddess of the Hearth'." Sam reads.

       "In ancient Rome, six virgins were dedicated to this chick every year." Jody says. "Their main duty was to tend Vesta's hearth."

       "Wait, so, fire is connected to virginity?" Sam asks.

       "Yeah, the girls had to be pure because fire is the symbol of purity."

       "Huh. Okay, as long as Vesta's fire was kept lit, Rome received a good harvest." Sam says.

        "The virgins had to stay celibate for 30 years. If they broke their vows, they were buried alive."

[ ☾]

        Dean tries once more to heave the trap door open but to no avail. "Son of a bitch." He climbs down the ladder.

       "Dean. Maybe God wants us down here—because of what we did." Suzy says.

       "Trust me—this is not God's work. Son of a—" Dean is franticly checking his pockets.

       "What's wrong?" She asks.

        "They took my phone. Luckily..." Dean pulls out a second phone. "I keep a spare." He holds the phone over his head. "Come on, bars." Honor watches Dean attempt to use his phone and then catches Neil staring at her suspiciously.

[ ☾]

       Jody is still reading from the laptop. "Vesta was often enveloped in a blue halo of light, which she could control at will to disorient, to maim—ohh—or to kill." She says.

       "Okay, what about some way to kill her? A-a weapon or—or something." Sam says. Jody goes back to typing but is interrupted as Sam's phone rings loudly. Ge answers. "Dean?"

       "Sam! Sammy!"

       "Dean. Hey." Sam says.

        Dean's voice full of static. "Hey, listen to me. I'm—" He starts.

       "Dean, wh—" Sam starts. "Say it again. I can't hear you."

       "We're—Some kind of—" Dean starts.

       "Dean! I lost him." Sam says.


       "Listen, is there some kind of train station around here or something?" Sam asks. "I-I could have sworn I heard a whistle."

[ ☾]

       Barb and Neil are whispering in the corner. "Don't, Neil. Please, don't." Barb says.

       "Shh. Shh." Neil says.

       Dean overhears them. "Don't what, Neil?" He asks.

       "Just mind your beeswax, pal."

        Dean marches over to Neil. "Hey. Hey! Listen, we're all stuck down here together. So, you got something to say, you say it." He says.

       "Okay, look, whatever that fireball thing was, it's taking the weakest, and I am not gonna be next. So, the way I see it, her leg's busted anyway." Neil motions to Honor. "We serve her up. It could buy us some time."

       "Screw you, Neil."

        Dean shoves Neil to the wall. "Busted leg? Try a sprained ankle, okay? Nobody's serving anybody up!" He yells.

       "We are under the gallows, all of us. Give it Honor." Neil says. "It might save the rest of our necks, unless you have a better plan."

        "Maybe I do. Maybe we'll give him you. Oh, what, you don't like that idea?" Dean asks. "Then shut up!"

[ ☾]

        Sam finds the train information on his laptop. "Here we go. 8:00 p.m. train out of Sioux Falls. 79 miles an hour. What's five miles east of Hartford—anything?" He asks.

       "Uh... Pasture mostly. No—the old Wimmer farm." Jody says. They both jump up to leave.

       "Wait, anything on a weapon?" Sam asks.

       Jody checks her laptop. "Oak stained in virgin blood. Where are we gonna get a virgin?" He asks.

       Sam suddenly realizes something. "I'm a virgin!" He yells and Jody smiles.

       "I think we need the real McCoy here, Sam."

[ ☾]

       "You need what?" Tammy asks.

       "Your blood." Sam says.

       "Just a dab."

       "But... Pagans use blood. Are you pagans?" Tammy asks.

       "What? Pagan? No, look, it's for a weapon that—" Sam starts.

       "You are in a House of God. Your psycho rituals aren't gonna fly here."

       "Okay, we don't have time for this." Sam says.

       "I don't have time for devil worshippers! I'm calling the cops." Tammy says.

       Jody punches Tammy. "I am the cops." She says. Tammy tries to stop her bleeding nose.

       "What the fudge, lady?!"

       Jody wipes some blood off Tammy's face. "Wipe your nose, dear." She says.

[ ☾]

        The Impala drives toward a country farm. Sam and Jody walk into an abandoned barn with flashlights. They glance around. "Jody." Sam motions her to go one way while he goes the other.

       Meanwhile, Honor and Suzy are sitting together. Suzy is spinning her purity ring on the table. "You broke, too, huh?" Honor asks.

       "Guess I'm not as strong as I thought I was." Suzy says. Sam is still looking in the barn. He sees the trap door and starts to clear the dirt and hay off of it.

       Honor lays her hand on Suzy's. "God forgives. You told me that yourself." She says. There is banging above Dean's head.

       "Told you. It's back for one of us. What are you gonna do now?" Neil asks. "Right, you should have listened to me—"

       "Shh! Shut up." Dean says.

       "Jody!" Sam yells.

      "Sam?" Jody asks.

       "Dean! We're here! We're gonna get you out! Jody, I found it!" Sam yells.

       Dean hears Sam's voice and climbs the ladder to the trap door. He bangs in the door. "Sammy? Sammy! Sammy!" He yells.

       "Hey, Dean, we're here. We're gonna get you out." Sam tries to pry open the door but is suddenly flung away by an invisible force.

       "Sammy, are you still there?!" Dean asks.

        Jody rushes in to see Sam unconscious on the floor of a stall. "Sam!" She is grabbed by a shadow and it turns out to be Bonnie. She shoves Jody up against a post and yanks her left glove off her hand with her teeth.

       "Now, now. Shh." Bonnie's left pointer finger lights up a brilliant blue.

[ ☾]

       "Really? This is how a goddess acts?" Jody asks.

       "What?" Bonnie asks.

       "I'm sort of new to this, but, you know, a Roman deity burying people alive in a barn?" Jody asks. "Sort of pathetic, don't you think?"

       Bonnie/Vesta punches Jody. "It only got pathetic when I started having to do it myself. Because of that hippie from Bethlehem—before him, they practically threw virgins at me. And now—" She starts.

       "They let your fire go out. They forgot about you. Yeah, I know." Jody says. "Sucks to be Lindsay Lohan, doesn't it?"

       Vesta punches Jody again. "Actually, I figured if you can't beat them, join them. That's right." She throws a tarp off a slaughter table covered in blood. "I adapted! Now I chew on the cud of prayer. Heck... I even got a sweater set."

        Meanwhile, Dean is running his fingers over the trap door. He finds a rusty screw. "Screwdriver, anybody?" He asks.

       Honor finds scissors in the first-aid kit. "Hey. From the first-aid kit." She says.

       Vesta throws Jody onto the slaughter table and harshly starts tying her down. "Aah!" Jody yells.

       "They used to beg to stay pure for me. And now I have to drag them kicking and screaming." Vesta says. "And they're not even real virgins. They're born-again. You want to talk about pathetic?"

       "Yeah. You're a real charity case."

       "Oh, no, sweetheart. This isn't charity. I take what I deserve." Vesta says as Dean works on screwing out the rusty screws in the trapdoor. "When those trollops are about to die soaked in their juicy fear, I...eat...their...livers! Because that's the only part of them still working to purify the body that they've trashed. Now, normally, I like them weaker, but let's just call this a hunter's exception, shall we?"

        "Sure." Jody pulls out the oak stake dipped in virgin's blood. She tries to stab Vesta but she pulls in out of her hands and holds it over Jody.

       "This is how a goddess acts!" Vesta yells. Sam attacks Vesta from behind and she falls forward stabbing Jody in the chest. Vesta flings Sam back into the stall.

       Dean is still working on the trap door's screws. "Come on, come on, come on, come on." He says. Vesta powers up her blue finger and presses it to Sam's stomach.

       In the background, Jody painfully pulls the stake out of her chest/shoulder. "Aah!" Sam yells.

       "What's wrong with you?" Vesta asks.

       "What?" Sam asks.

        "Your liver. It's—it's no good. Dear boy, you're all duct tape and safety pins inside. How are you alive?" Vesta asks as Jody stabs her with the virgin blooded oak stake from behind. Vesta evaporates in a brilliant blue light. Sam gets to his feet as Dean finally pops the trap door open.

       Dean looks around. "What did I miss?" He asks.

[ ☾]

        Jody's arm is in a sling as she packs up her things. "Aah." She says.

       "Heading out?" Sam asks.

       "Yeah. I'd tell you boys to stay out of trouble, but what's the point?" Jody asks as Sam hugs her and squeezes her bad shoulder. "Ow."

       Dean hugs Jody. "Thanks for bailing me out." He says.

       "Oh, what can I say? I'm getting the hang of this." She says.

       "Drive safe." Sam says.

        "Thanks." Jody heads out the door. "Don't get the door for me or anything." Sam sighs heavily and sits on the bed.

       "What's up?" Dean asks.

       "What if there is something wrong with me—something...really wrong?" Sam asks.

        "You're just crapped out, man. You need some rest." Dean says.

        "Oh, it's more than that. I mean, Vesta said I was practically dead inside."

       "Oh, and she's in the circle of trust now?" Asks Dean.

       "Why would she lie?" Sam asks.

       "It's probably the trials, okay? Probably some sort of a, you know, aftereffect." Dean says. "It's not like you're bouncing back from the flu here. I mean, you were glowing with freaking trial juice."

       "I don't know." Sam says.

       "Well, what else would it be?"

       "Why does it have to be something else? It's always something else." Sam says. "We're always scraping to find some other explanation when maybe it is... just me."

        "Oh, come on, Sam."

       "I'm a mess, Dean. You know it. And sometimes, I feel like maybe I'm never gonna actually be all right." Says Sam.

       "You will. All right, 'cause whatever it is, we'll figure it out." Dean says.

       "Or this is... just the way I am." Sam says.

        Dean closes his eyes in resignation. He shakes his head and goes to sit next to his brother. "I can't. I can't let you put this on yourself. Listen to me. It's not you, Sam." He says.

        Sam's eyes glow bright blue and Ezekiel starts to speak. "I wouldn't do that, Dean." He says.

        "He deserves to know." Dean says.

        "Your brother is not ready. If he ejects me, he will not make it."

        "Damn it, Zeke! How much longer we got to keep playing this?" Dean asks.

       "Not much longer. I promise you that." Ezekiel's eyes glow blue again and he is gone.

       "What?" Sam asks.

       Dean looks guilty and exhausted. "What?" He asks.

       "What? What—what's not me?" Sam asks.

       "Nothing. I just—I-I meant that...if there is something wrong...it's not your fault. We'll deal with it. But you got to have a little faith, Sammy." Dean stands up and starts packing. Sam wearily picks up his bags and slowly walks out the door. Dean's sad and guilty eyes watch him go. His phone buzzes as he takes it out of his pocket. "Hello?"

       "Dean? It's Caroline. Elena's missing."

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