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        Sam and Bobby are still walking through the forest. There is a small cabin at the end of the path. "There it is." Bobby stops walking. Sam continues on a few paces, then turns to face Bobby. "Everything inside you need to help you on your way. Go on, son. I'll be waiting for you with a couple of cold ones."

        Dean stabs Bobby from behind. Bobby falls to the ground with a knife protruding from his chest, then vanishes. "Sorry, old man." Dean says.

      "Dean, are you insane?!" Sam yells.

       "Come on, Sammy. Bobby was the part of you that wants to die. I know it stings, but he had to go." Dean says.

       "No. You have to go. When are you gonna realize it's over?!" Sam yells. "There's nothing to fight for!"

       "No, see, I know you don't believe that."

       "Really? Then what's your plan, Dean?" Asks Sam.

        "My plan?" Dean punches Sam, who reels back. "My plan is to fight!" He pushes San and hits him again. "My plan is to try! My plan..." He punches Sam again. "...is to give a damn!" He holds Sam by the front of his jacket. "Are you telling me there's nothing? Huh? You telling me there's nothing to fight for, that there's nothing to hope for?!"

        "No. I'm telling you there is. You might not like it. You might not accept it, but it's in there. It's in that house." Sam says.

       "You know what's in that house! Now, I can't help you if you ain't willing to fight for yourself!" Dean yells.

        "I know." Sam puts his hands on Dean's arms so that Dean lets go of his jacket. "It's okay. It's what I want." Sam pats Dean twice on the cheek. Dean disappears. Sam stands breathing heavily for a moment, then walks towards the cabin.

[ ☼ ]

        Kim and the Farmer are dragging Dean down the corridor, which is covered in broken glass. They drop him on the floor. "Let me make this easy – tell me where Castiel is, or your brother's gonna wish he were dead." Kim says.

       "Yeah, good luck getting past the warding." Dean says.

        "But we will." Kim says as The Farmer breaks the glass around a fire axe. Kim hauls Dean upright. "And when we do, I'm gonna strip off all his skin, and you're gonna watch."

       "Bite me." Dean says as she punches him, sending him flying to the ground. He groans, laughs and gets to his knees. "Anybody ever tell you you hit like an angel?" Kim kicks Dean. He falls backwards and lies still.

[ ☼ ]

       Sam slowly pushes open the cabin door. He enters the cabin, slowly. Death is standing by the fireplace looking at the flames. He turns. "Hello, Sam. I've been waiting for you." He says.

[ ☼ ]

        The axe breaks through the door in the middle of an Enochian symbol. Ezekiel sits by Sam's bed. Dean, his face bloody, is slammed against a wall in the corridor. He slides down the wall to the floor, his back to the angels. The Farmer pulls the axe out of the door. Dean holds up a hand.

       "Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'll tell you where Cas is. I just have one question." Dean says.


       "If Heaven is locked, then where do you go when I do this?" Dean slams his hand down onto an angel banishing sigil he's drawn on the floor using his blood. White light floods the corridor.

       "Aah!" Kim yells. When the light fades, the angels are gone.

        Dean enters Sam's room. The monitor is beeping loudly. Ezekiel is sitting by the bed with a hand to his side. "What the hell's happening?" Dean asks.

       "This just started. And the warding. I'm afraid I'm weaker than I thought." Ezekiel says. Dean grabs a marker and starts crossing out the sigils on the walls. "I am sorry, Dean."

       "No. No, no, no. No, we had a deal, okay? I fight. You save." Dean says.

       "And would that I could. I'm just afraid it's too late."

        "Are you kidding me? Are you saying there's no way to save my brother's life?" Dean asks.

       "No good ways, I'm afraid." Ezekiel says.

       "Well, what are the bad ones? We're out of options here, man. Good or bad, let me hear them."

       "I cannot promise, but there is a chance I can fix your brother from the inside." Says Ezekiel.

       "From the inside. So, what, you gonna open him up?" Dean asks as Ezekiel shakes his head. "What, possession? You want to possess Sam?"

      "I told you."

       "No way." Dean says.

       "Understood. It's your call."

       "No, it's Sam's call. There's no way in hell he'd say yes to being possessed by anything." Sam says.

       "He would rather die." Ezekiel says as Dean nods ruefully. Ezekiel gets painfully to his feet and waves a hand in front of the monitor, silencing it. "I'll leave you two alone, then." He heads for the door.

       "Wait." Dean says.

[ ☼ ]

       "If I consider this – and I mean just consider it – I need something, man. You got to prove to me how bad he is." Dean says.

       Ezekiel puts a hand on Sam's forehead. "Close your eyes." He says and Dean does so. He puts his other hand on Dean's forehead.

      "I must admit, when I heard it was you..."

[ ☼ ]

        Death and Sam are sitting in armchairs near the fire. "Well, I had to come myself." Death says.

       "I bet you get off on this." Sam says.

        "Perhaps. But not in the way you assume. I consider it to be quite the honor to be collecting the likes of Sam Winchester." Death says. "I try so hard not to pass judgment at times like this – not my bag, you see, but you... Well played, my boy."

       "I need to know one thing." Sam says.

       "Yes." Dean says.

       "If I go with you... can you promise that this time it will be final? That if I'm dead, I stay dead." Sam says. "Nobody can reverse it, nobody can deal it away... and nobody else can get hurt because of me."

       "I can promise that."

[ ☼ ]

       Ezekiel takes his hand away from Dean's forehead. "What the hell you doing, Sam?" Dean asks.

      "As you can see, there's not much time." Ezekiel says.

       "I know. Damn it. I know."

[ ☼ ]

        Hael and Cass drive. Castiel looks at the angel knife on Hael's lap and notices that she is not wearing a seat belt. He puts his own seat belt on, then grabs the wheel and steers the car into some large concrete blocks.

[ ☼ ]

       "How will it work?" Dean asks.

       Ezekiel is still holding his side. "Mutual benefit, I suppose. I heal Sam while healing myself." He says.

      "And when he's healed?" Dean asks.

      "I leave. It's the best of a bad situation, Dean."

        "Even if I said yes, it doesn't mean squat. Sam will never say yes – not to you." Sam says.

       "But he would say yes to you."

[ ☼ ]

        Castiel wakes in the car, held in place by his seat belt. There is a large hole in the windshield on Hael's side. Cass groans as he gets out of the car. He walks over to Hael, whose face is covered with blood and broken glass. He picks up the angel knife from the ground. 

       "I don't want to hurt you." Cass says. One of Hael's legs is bent at 90 degrees in a direction it's not meant to go and both her knees are very bloody. "I didn't want to hurt any of them. I want to help you. I will devote my life to helping you all."

       "Do you know how ridiculous you sound? Help angels? After what you did? They don't want your help, Castiel. They want your head." She says.

       "You're wrong. I'm one of you. I will never stop being one of you." Castiel says.

       "Don't you get it? Together, I can protect you, Castiel." Hael says.

       "I don't need your – I don't want your protection." Castiel turns and walks away.

       "If you leave me here in this broken girl..." Hael starts and Cass stops. "I swear it, Castiel – I will tell them where you are. And they will hunt you. Until their last breath, they will seek revenge on the angel that did this, who destroyed Heaven."

       "Stop." Cass says.

       "They will seek a vengeance on you that will make God striking down Lucifer seem like child's play." Hael says.

      "Stop it."

       "I will go on angel radio and tell them everything unless you open your heart and say yes." She says. Castiel stabs her in the chest with the angel knife. White light flares from her mouth, eyes and the knife wound as she dies.

[ ☼ ]

       Death stands up. "It's time, Sam. Shall we?" He says as Sam stands up to follow Death.

       "Hold on." Dean says.

      "Dean." Sam says.

        "It's okay, Sam." Dean says and turns to Death. "I, uh, would have brought cronuts, but time is short, so..."

       "By all means." Death says.

       "What's going on?" Asks Sam.

       "I found a plan."

       "It's too late. I'm going." Sam says.

       "No, no. No, no. Listen to me."

       "Why are you even here? I'm not fighting this anymore!" Sam yells.

        "You have to fight this! I can fix this, okay? But not if you shut me out." Dean says and turns to Death. "It's not his time."

       "That's for Sam to decide." Death says.

       "Sam, listen to me. I made you a promise in that church. You and me, come whatever." Dean says. "Well, hell, if this ain't whatever... But you got to let me in, man. You got to let me help. There ain't no me if there ain't no you."

      Sam looks at Death, then back to Dean. "What do I do?" He asks.

      "Is that a yes?" Dean asks.

       Sam looks at Death again and back to Dean. "Yes." He says.

       "Come on." Dean puts a hand on Sam's shoulder and morphs into Ezekiel. Sam looks alarmed. White light floods the room.

[ ☼ ]

        A man is sweeping glass in the corridor outside Sam's room. The Doctor enters Sam's room and sees the Enochian sigils on the walls. Ezekiel is on the bed. "Who are you? What the hell is going on here?" The Doctor asks.

       "I have no idea."

       Dean and Sam are walking away from the hospital. "So? How's it look in there?" Dean asks.

        "Not good. There is much work to be done." Sam's body is moving much more stiffly than normal and he speaks in Ezekiel's manner.

       "Yeah, but he's gonna wake up, right?" Dean asks.

      "He will."

       "So, what he does – what, is he gonna feel you inside, triaging his spleen?" Dean asks.

       "He will not feel me, no. There is no reason for Sam to know I'm in here at all." Ezekiel says.

       "You're joking. No, this is – this is too big." Dean says.

       "And what will he do if you do tell him he is possessed by an angel?"

       "Well, he'll have to understand."

       "And if he does not? Without his acceptance, Sam can eject me at any time, especially with me so weak. And if Sam does eject me, he will die."

       "Then we keep it a secret for now. Or until Sam's well enough that he doesn't need an angelic pacemaker or I find a way to tell him." Dean says. "I - I... As for him being in a hospital, I'll have to figure something out."

       "I can erase it all, if you like. He will not remember any of this." Ezekiel says.

[ ☾]

       Castiel, his face and clothes bloody, enters the Laundromat. A woman with white hair is taking clothes out of a dryer. Cass puts quarters on the top of a washing machine. He takes off his trenchcoat, suit jacket, tie and shirt, puts everything he's removed into the washing machine and stands in his boxers and bare feet. He puts a coin into a slot in the machine, but pauses as he catches sight of a vending machine.

       A sign on the side reads "For a better wash, do not overload the machines." He takes the coin back out of the slot and looks undecided as he stares at the products in the vending machine. He looks down at his bloody clothes in the washing machine, then at a basket of clothes nearby.

       Cass, wearing clothes from the basket, leaves the Laundromat holding a bottle of water. He drains the bottle.

[ ☾]

       Dean is driving, Sam asleep in the passenger seat. Sam wakes. "Where are we?" Sam asks.

      "Whoa. Sam?" Dean asks.

       "What?" Sam asks.

       "Okay, take – take it easy. How you, uh – how you feeling?" Dean asks.

       "Tired. Like I – like I slept for a week."

       "Well, try a day. You've been out since the sky was spittin' angels." Dean says.

       "What the hell happened?" Sam asks.

      "What do you remember?" Asks Dean.

       "The church, feeling like crap, the angels falling, and that's it."

      "But you're feeling good?" Dean asks.

       "Yeah. I mean, I just, um... You've been driving around with me passed out in the passenger's seat for a day?" Sam asks.

        "Oh, I mean, I stopped, you know, let a few Japanese tourists take some pictures. Nobody got too handsy." Dean says. "I knew you'd pull through. I meant what I said at the church. You're capable of anything, Sam, and hell if you didn't prove me right."

       "Good. 'Cause we got work to do." Sam says.

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