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        Water is slowly dripping out of the faucet. The lights suddenly flicker. Then there is a shot of the empty dungeon and the one overhead light is also flickering. A shot of the long hallway reveals a faint flickering apparition. Then the map table in the main room flickers.

       The camera walks down the hall with a ghostly sound following. It pans up to a grate in a door and we see into Dean's room. He is lying on his bed, eyes closed, with headphones on. As the camera moves to a close up of his face the music playing in the headphones suddenly turns to static. Dean's eyes fly open.

       From the hallway, we hear Dean shout for his brother. "Sam!" He yells.

       Sam bolts out of his bedroom along with everyone else. "Dean?" He rushs to Dean's bedroom but sees that it is empty. The lights in the whole bunker continue to flicker. "Dean?" Sam rushes to the main room and sees one of the chairs spinning on its own.

       Sam grabs a iron sword from the wall and we see the apparition slowly walking behind him. Before he can swing around the apparition is blown to bits. Sam whips around and Dean stands there with a smoking shotgun.

       "So..." Sam says.

       "Yep. Bunker's haunted."


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        The scene opens with Sam and Elena packing rock salt rounds at the kitchen table. Dean enters. "How is this possible? I thought you said this was the safest place on the planet." Dean says.

       "Look, I know nothing got in. I mean, the bunker is warded and sigiled from top to bottom." Sam says.

       "There's no way something came in from the outside." Elena says.

       "Okay, so whoever's haunting us died here." Dean says.

      "What, dead man of letters?" Sam asks.

       "No, that doesn't track. I mean, we're the first people to occupy this place in 50 years." Dean says. "Why would a ghost wait so long to get its spook on?"

       "Must have been a more recent death."

       "No." Dean realizes.

       "How can you be so sure?" Asks Sam.

       "Because I burned his body myself, okay? It's not him." Dean says.

        "Okay, so you cremated him. We cremated Bobby, too, and he came back." Elena says.

        "Sam, I'm telling you–this ghost, it's not Kevin." Dean says.

        Suddenly the coffeemaker next to Dean starts going crazy with lights flashing on and off and the digital clock speeding through different numbers. Dean, Elena and Sam stare at it

        Sam speaks to the coffeemaker. "Kevin?" He asks. A coffee mug next to the machine explodes.

       "Ooh." Dean says.

       The scene changes to a shot of an outdoor funeral. The priest is talking. "We commit her body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, with a clear and certain hope of resurrection into the eternal life, according to the mighty working, whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself. In ne patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti." He says. A man walks away and the camera follows him as the Priest continues. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, Lord."

       The man is suddenly grabbed and shoved into a tree by Castiel. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

       "Please, she was my friend!" The Man yells.

        "Who? The dead human or the angel who was killed while possessing her?"

        "The angel. Rebecca?" The Man asks.

       "Rebecca had a lot of friends. Friends like Metatron. Where is he?!"

       "You're looking in the wrong place. Rebecca and Metatron were friends. That was a long time ago. Had no contact since the fall." He says. "Naomi, Metatron, heavenly battles, politics–she gave it up. All of it. Rebecca taught us the angels have lost touch with our true mission."

       "What do you mean by "us"?" Asks Cas.

       "The penitents. Her followers."

        "Another faction." Cas says.

        "Not like the others. We don't make war. We live humbly among these humans. Or we did. He killed all the others. And he killed her." The Man says.

       "Who did?" Castiel asks.

       "Who else? The monster. Bartholomew."

[ ☼ ]

        Back in the bunker kitchen, Sam is keeping vigil over the coffeemaker. Caroline enters looking extremely tired and Sam turns around. "Morning. I would offer you coffee but, uh, the bunker might be haunted by our dead friend." He says.

       "Creepy." Caroline says.

       Sam leans against the counter. "Do you need anything?" He asks.

        "I'm fine, Sam. You don't need to hover." Caroline says. "What I do need is to jump on this hunting thing to keep my mind off of my mother." She says as Dean enters.

       "Anything?" Elena asks.

       "Eh, a couple of dings. A little EMF activity, but mostly...silence." Sam says.

       "So, he's back in the veil." Dean says.

       "I guess so. Fumbling to break through. I mean, you got to figure it took Bobby months to make contact."

       "Kevin's only... He's new at this." Dean says.

       "Right." He gets up from the table. "All right, you're up." As Sam leaves the room, Dean sits down and sits his head in his hand and stares at the coffeemaker.

       "Kevin? Kevin. All right, I can't do this. Coffee-buzzing, bump-in-the-night crap. I got serious things to say to you, okay? And I'm not gonna say them to this." Dean gets up and turns his back on the coffeemaker. "Kevin, I'm sorry. You did not choose this life. You busted your ass, you lost everything, everyone you've loved... And your reward? Getting killed... On my watch. If I... It was on me. It was my fault, and..." He closes his eyes and tries to keep his emotions under control. But the lights start to flicker behind him. "And there's nothing I can do to make that right. I am so sorry."

       Sam rushes back into the kitchen. "Hey, did you see that? The–the lights were..." He stops and he sees across the room, the ghostly apparition finally starts to take shape. It is Kevin Tran muttering to himself.

        "No, this is not happening. Didn't spend months struggling to break through the veil just to get stuck listening to Dean Winchester having a self-pity session." Kevin says. "Didn't hear enough of those when I was alive."

       Dean stares at him. "Kevin?" He asks.

       "You can see me?" Kevin asks.

       "Clear as day." Caroline says.

        "Hey, take it easy, Kevin. You might not hold this form for too long, okay? I-it takes a while." Sam says.

       "Then we should talk fast."

       "Wait, wait, wait. Why aren't you in–in heaven?" Dean asks. "I mean, if anybody deserves an express pass to paradise–"

        "I couldn't. I can't. No one can. Heaven's closed for business. Everyone who's died since the angels fell are just stuck inside the veil, waiting." Kevin says. "And it's bad in here. Like DMV-line-times-infinity bad."

       "Well, I mean, what can we do?" Sam asks.

       "I need a favor–big one." Kevin says.

       "Okay." Sam says.

       "Find my mother."

       "Kevin." Elena says.

        "Crowley only told you she was alive to mess with you." Kevin says. "I'm not going off his word. All right? I have my own sources. It's crowded in the veil. All of us are stuck near the sites of our deaths. But I've been able to pass messages spirit to spirit. I made contact with another new arrival. She said she saw my mom just a week ago, alive."

       "Okay, this–this spirit that you're playing ghost telephone with, I mean, what do you even know about her?" Dean asks.

       "Her name's Candy. Says she's in a forest in Wichita."

      "Candy?" Caroline asks.

      "That's it? That's all you got?" Asks Sam.

      "Long-distance communication within the veil–it's not ideal. That's why I need you to go there, summon her, see what else she knows. You say you want to make it right? This is how." Kevin flicks away.

       Cas is walking out of the cemetery but it met with two angels with their blades drawn. "Where did your friend go in such a hurry?" Angel 1 says.

       "You're too late. He's gone."

      "Castiel?" He asks.

       "Our boss has been looking for you."

[ ☾]

       The scene opens with Sam, Elena, Caroline and Dean are walking through the woods by a train trestle. "Are you sure you're okay with all of this?" Sam asks.

       "If I'm going to be like one of you, I have to hunt like one of you." Caroline says and Sam lets out a chuckle.

        Dean smirks as they walk. "Watch out Caroline, Sam has a thing for blondes. Probably why he and Elena never worked out." He says.

        "Dean." Sam says lamely as Elena catches up with Caroline.

       "So..." Elena starts. "You and Sam seem all buddy buddy."

        Caroline sighs. "He and I have come to a mutual truce. I'm going through something I'd rather not talk about now and he's my...friend." She says.

       "You and Sam are keeping secrets from me?" Elena says. "Is everything okay?"

       "Not right now, okay?" Caroline says and Elena nods.

       "All right, that's the trestle. Candy said her spirit was stuck nearby." Sam says.

      "She died here?"

       "Yeah." Sam says.

       "Dude, what got her? A bear?" Dean asks.

        "I'm still stuck on the fact that we're trying to summon a ghost named Candy." Sam says. "You know, just 'cause Kevin said he heard his mom is alive doesn't mean she–"

       "Hey, we at least owe it to the kid to try, right?" Dean says.

      "What'd you bring?" Caroline asks.

       Dean digs in his bag and pulls out a radio and hangs it on a nail on a tree. "Well, she's only been dead a week, right? So I figured she could use as much help as she can get, so..." He pulls the coffeemaker from his bag.

      "Really?" Elena asks.

       "Whatever works." Dean says.

       Meanwhile, Castiel, Angel 1 and Angel 2 are sitting in a waiting room. "How much longer?" Castiel asks.

        "You have someplace to be?" An'gel 1 asks. The doors swing open and Bartholomew walks in.

       "His blade." Bartholomew says and Angel 2 hands it over. "Standard security protocol. Can't be too careful these days."

       "Hello, Bartholomew." Castiel says.
       Bartholomew speaks with a big smile. "Castiel." Says and they hug. "It has been too long."

[ ☾]

       "You feel that? I think I felt a chill." Sam says.

       "Yeah. It's 'cause it's cold." Dean dials his phone and waits to leave a message. "Crowley, it's Dean. Call me when you get this."

       "Really, Dean?" Asks Sam.

       "What?" Dean asks.

       "That's your third unanswered voicemail. You ever think maybe he's just not that into you?" Sam asks.

       "Well, he is our last confirmed link to Ms. Tran. Yes, he is a flaming douche, but at least we know he's real, which is more than we can say for this Candy no-show." Dean says. Suddenly the radio on the tree buzzes to life and they can hear clipits of a woman's voice through the static. The brothers jump up to investigate.

       "Candy? Are–are you there? Is that you, Candy?" Sam asks.

       "Really? Are you there?" Caroline asks. "That's it?"

        "Hello? Hello?" Candy says and Sam gives Caroline an 'I told you so look' while she mocks his facial expression.

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