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[ ☾]

        Ed has explained things to Harry. "Why didn't you tell me that before?" Asks Harry.

        "Because—I-I don't know—I thought you were gonna get mad." Ed says.

        "Oh, good guess, Ed. I am mad. I'm really, really mad at you right now."

       "I-I can see that." Ed says.

        "You crashed the Jenga Tower of our lives. I was gonna get married." Harry says. "I left her to run around with you, living some lie."

       "Well, at least we were living it together."

       "Seriously? Seriously?" Harry asks.

       "If I hadn't struck gold with Thinman, you'd be doing a boring job, doing boring numbers, answering to Dana's dad." Ed says. "Okay? I saved you, bud."

       "Saved me? From what?! From living a nice life? From not getting stabbed? How selfish can you be?" Harry asks.

       "Well, maybe it's not too late, you know? You could call her and see."

       "That's not gonna work." Harry says.

       "Well, maybe—maybe it will." Ed says.

        "No, it's not. You want to know why? 'Cause she's got some guy's arm wrapped around her neck, and it's 'complicated', okay?"

       "Look, Harry, we didn't know from the start if Thinman was real or not. I—" Ed starts. "...okay, look, maybe I had some inside knowledge, okay, but does it really make a difference if we keep it going for the fans? They'll never know."

       "I'll know. You made a chump out of me, Ed." Harry says.

       "Harry, we can get through this. We just debunk Thinman and then we go back to Ghostfacers."

       "I can't. I can't trust you anymore, Ed." Says Harry.

       "Oh, come on, Harry. I get it. You're pissed, okay? And—and you don't mean what you say." Ed says. "But, Harry, just tell me what you need." Harry sits down and doesn't answer. "I'll go get some coffee, and—and you can stay here and chill." Ed leaves the room and meets Sam outside the door.

       "Hey. How did it go?" Sam asks.

       "It, um, went, uh...Um..." Ed walks off in silence.

      Sam goes in to check on Harry. "Hey. You okay?" He asks.

       "I just got punched right in the feels."

       "Um..." Sam starts.

       "None of it was real, Sam. Ed was just pretending, and now he wants me to pretend, like this is just something I could get past." Harry says.

       "I know what you mean. Look, there are things you can forgive, and there are things you can't."

       "So, which one is this?" Asks Harry.

       "That's something you got to figure out for yourself." Sam says as Dean knocks and enters.

       "Hey. Uh... I got a bead on those tire treads, if you want to..." Dean starts and Sam steps into the hall with him.

       "What's up?" Sam asks.

       "So, the tires were only made for one kind of car. It's a 1989 Geo Metro. Town this small—there's only one registered here." Dean says. "Deputy says it belongs to a guy named Roger who works night security down at the mill on the north side of town."

        "So, this thing teleported, but it has a job and car. What are we dealing with?" Asks Sam.

       "Let's go find out." Dean says. Ed overhears the conversation from the hall and goes to tell Harry.

       "So, Sam and Dean caught something, so they're gonna clean up your mess." Harry says.

       "You're right. It is my mess. I should be the one out there cleaning it up."

       "You'd just make it worse." Harry says. "Oh, what? You were fine leaving Sam and Dean before. Why not now?"

       "I don't want to be a jellyfish spine anymore, Harry." Ed says.

      "Jellyfish don't have spines."

        "Exactly. Before the heartache, before the lies we set out to help people, right?" Asks Ed.

        "Yeah. Mostly." Harry says.

        "So, there's no reason not to get out there and do what we mostly set out to do." Ed says. "Harry, I-I can make this right for the both of us."

       "We can make it right." Harry says.

       "Y-you mean you want to come with me?"

[ ☾]

        Dean and Sam pull up to the mill and see that The Deputy is already there. "I thought we said my partner and I would take care of this." Dean says.

       "Look, guys, my boss is AWOL. We don't have a warrant." Deputy Norwood says. "My ass is on the line if this thing goes sideways."

       "All right. Just stay back." Dean says. Sam goes to pick the lock on the mill but realizes it is already open. Sam and Dean draw their weapons and enter. But before they can do anything, the Deputy tasers them from behind. They drop to the floor.

       "Always wanted to use these things."

[ ☾]

        Dean is handcuffed to a chair in front of a woodsy tapestry hanging from the ceiling. Sam is handcuffed to a column off to the side. Deputy Norwood is humming an annoying song as he buzzes around and sets up lights and a camera.

       "So, you're Thinman, huh? That would make sense if it didn't look like you just ate a fat camp." Dean says as Norwood continues to hum without answering. "Oh, God, Sam, make him stop."

       "Hey, so, what's the deal? What are you, Norwood? You a demon?" Sam asks. "I mean, how did you teleport back at the diner?"

       "Team effort." Norwood says as Thinman walks around a corner and Sam and Dean stare. Thinman then lift his hands and removes a mask and it is revealed to be the waiter at the diner, Roger.

       "So, there was no teleporting—just a couple of douche bags doing the 'Scream' thing." Dean says.

       "Wait, I know who you are. You're the busboy from the diner." Dean says. "So, what, you just wanted to kill your boss?"

       "Trey was a dick."

       "And what about Casey? What did she do?" Asks Dean.

        "She wouldn't go out with me, so I set her up with someone else—my knife." Roger says.

       "Good one, Rog."

       Dean notices another body lying off to the side. "I see the sheriff didn't make it out of town." He says.

       "Well, he really should have given me the time off I asked for."

       "So, you killed him?!" Sam asks.

       "I didn't kill anyone. Roger did. He's the psycho. I'm the visionary. I don't blame you for underestimating me." Norwood says. "Everybody does. Fancy Fed, coming in here, treating me like a paper monkey from the get-go. But I was Thinman the whole time. Do you have any idea how good that felt?"

        "No, sicko, I can't say that I do." Dean says.

       "Yeah, pretty boy doesn't know what it's like to feel invisible—to grow up in a town of 300 people and nobody sees you." Says Roger.

       "They didn't see us." Norwood says and we see that Sam is working on breaking out of his handcuffs with his lock pick tools he was able to reach in his back pocket. When Dean looks over Sam motions to him with his eyes.

       "So, how did you two meet? Wackjob.com?" Dean asks.

       "No. Just a couple of schmoes in an empty bar. We hit it off. Turns out me and Rog—we're both total conspiracy-theory junkies." Norwood says.

        "And then we found Thinman, and, bam, we blew up all over the message boards." Roger says.

       "So, what is this, then? Some sort of a twisted cosplay?" Asks Sam.

       "Cosreal. You know, blogging was fun, but..."

       "But, let me guess, you wanted something more." Sam says.

       "You realize what you two jackasses are doing doesn't make you Thinman." Dean says. "It makes you copycat killers."

       "It makes me Thinman. And you're not telling anyone I'm not, 'cause you'll be too dead to talk."

       Norwood moves back to the camera. "Show time." He says.

       "You two are lucky ducks. You're the stars of our best video yet. And when it goes viral, everyone will know Thinman's real." Roger moves behind Dean and puts his mask back on. Sam starts to struggle harder when he realizes what is about to happen. Dean figures it out too and starts to steel himself for the worst.

       Norwood stands at the camera. "And...Action!" He yells. Roger draws his knife and yanks Dean back to slice his throat. Sam yells in a panic.

       "Wait, no, no, no. Don't!" Sam yells. Suddenly a door is slammed somewhere in the mill and Roger stops his knife. Camera switches to Ed and Harry coming in the building.

       Ed motions to Harry to go one way and he another. "Harry..." He starts. Harry walks forward checking things with his flashlight. When he rounds a corner he runs into Roger dressed as Thinman.

       Roger kicks him between the legs and Harry doubles over in pain. "Oh, he got me! He got me back!" Harry yells. Roger raises his knife to finish Harry off but Ed's gun clicks behind his head

       "It's Scooby-Doo time, douche bag. Take off the mask." Ed says. "I know you're not Thinman. You're just a 'me-me'."

      "Ed, it's pronounced meme." Harry says.

      "It's spelled m-e-m-e, though."

       "The second 'e' is silent. Yeah." Says Harry.

       "You're a me-me—a-a man-meme, and I invented you." Ed says.

       Deputy Norwood suddenly appears and knocks Ed over the head. "Oh! Good to know." He says.

       "Oh, sh—" Harry starts as Norwood and Roger walk Ed and Harry back to where Sam and Dean are tied up.

       "I'm a lover of the classics, Ed. And what we have here is a 'Frankenstein' situation. I'm a lover I mean, wow, the creator. I mean, we—we were gonna let one of you guys live to tell our story but now, once you two are dead, there'll be no proof that Thinman was your brainchild."

       But when they get back to where Sam and Dean were, the brothers are gone and their handcuffs lie on the chairs. "No." Roger says. As they stand there in shock, the Winchesters attack. Dean grapples with Roger and stabs him with his own knife. Sam knocks Norwood to the ground but he is able to draw his gun on Sam.

        Ed sees it and steps into the path of the gun. "Wait, no! No! No! No, look. Look at me. This is all my fault. Okay? It's all my fault." He says.

        "I got enough bullets for both of you." Norwood grins. Then a shot rings out and he drops dead from a gunshot to the chest. Everyone looks up to see Harry holding the smoking gun.

       Dean is loading the trunk of the Impala outside the mill. Sam walks over. "So, are we good in there?" Sam asks.

       "Yeah. With the Thinman footage and the way I set the bodies, there should be enough breadcrumbs to make it look like those two psychos offed each other." Dan says.

        "They were just people, man. They weren't...demons. They weren't monsters." Sam says. "They...were just frickin' people."

       "Yeah, well, like I said, people are sick." Dean says.

      Over by the Ghostfacers van a few feet away from the Winchesters, Ed and Harry are talking. "S-so...Are we cool?" Ed asks.

      "I don't think we ever will be." Harry says.

       "I mean, you know, we made it right. We, uh—we beat the guys." Ed says. "This could be our shot to start the old Ghostfacers again."

       "I came here with you to finish this thing with Thinman. I wasn't just closing a chapter, Ed. It was the whole dang book." Harry says.

       "But you saved my life back there."

       "I killed a guy, Ed." Says Harry.

        "He was a bad guy, Harry."

        "He was a guy, Ed. Too many people have died 'cause of your crap." Harry says.

        "I've done all this crap for us. I-I don't know why you don't see that." Ed says.

       "No. No. You did this for you." Harry says. The camera shows Sam and Dean listening in on the conversation from over by the Impala. "There's a lot of things I can forgive, Ed, but this isn't one of them."

      "So, what does this mean about us?"

       "It means... It's complicated." Harry walks off with Ed staring after him. Harry walks up to the Winchesters. "Can I get a ride from you guys?"

       "Yeah, sure." Dean says. They get into the Impala and drive away, leaving Ed standing by the Ghostfacers van with tears in his eyes.

        In the Impala, Dean looks in the rear-view mirror. "Harry, you okay?" Dean asks.

        "Yeah. I mean, no. You roll with a guy so many years, you start to think he's always gonna be next to you." Harry says. "Like, when you're old and you're drinking on the porch, he'll be in that other rocking chair. And then something happens, and you realize that other chair has gone empty."

        Sam and Dean both have looks on their faces that tell us they are no longer hearing this story about Ed and Harry but are painfully aware of how this applies to the brother right beside them.

       "You know what I mean?" Harry asks.

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