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       "Cabo, last June." Kevin says.

       "What?" Bates asks.

        "That's my reason." Kevin says. "My favourite is you in a sombrero doing a body shot off some naked guy in a Luchador mask. Super classy."

       "How did you find that?" She asks.

       "Cause I'm Kevin freaking Solo. So unless you want this forwarded to your commanding officer, Major Velasquez..." Kevin starts.

       "I suggest you give my guys anything they want. Understand?" Kevin asks.

       "Yes." Bates says.

       "Yes, sir." Kevin says.

       "Yes, sir." She hands the phone back to Dean and stalks off.

       "Kevin? What the hell did you just do?" Dean asks.

       "All military computers are linked to the same network." Kevin says.

       Sam motions 'are we good?' to Dean, who nods. Sam walks off towards the bus. "And?" Dean asks.

       "I hacked it." Kevin says.

       "Hey, Kevin? Good job, buddy." Dean hangs up and joins Sam. "Hey. Anything?"

       "Yeah, this guy was shot in the heart." Sam says.

      "That what killed him?"

       "Maybe—fifteen, twenty years ago. Every one of these bodies has a fatal wound, or two, or three, but they're all old." Sam says.
       "So we're looking at meatsuits? The bodies took a licking, and the demons inside kept them ticking." Dean says.

       "Probably. I think they were possessed. And now those soldiers are."

       The Sergeant enters. "Excuse me, agents? We pulled this off a security camera. You might wanna take a look." She hands Sam a touchscreen tablet with video footage that shows the possessed soldiers and bus driver exiting the bus. Sam zooms in on the driver.

      "Abaddon? Seriously?! I thought you Kentucky fried that meatsuit." Dean says.

      "I did, Dean." Sam says.

       "You—well, then how'd she get it back?" Dean turns to the police officer holding up the crime scene tape. "Thank you. And why's she playing G.I. Joe?"

       "No clue. Why don't you ask her when we find her?" Sam asks.

       "Oh, I will. And then I'm gonna chop her freaking head off. Again." Dean says.

[ ☼ ]

       The Demons are beating up a hunter, Pete. "Alright, Pete. The Winchesters, where are they?" Jason asks.

       "Bite me." Pete says.

       Jason punches him again. "I said, where are the Winchesters?" He asks.

       "And I said, bite me, crewcut." Pete says as Jason punches him again.

       "Let me show you how it's done, boys." Abaddon grabs a noose and slips it around Pete's neck."

       "Help me!" He screams as Abaddon tightens the noose and pulls on the rope to lift him off the ground

       "You can scream all you want to. No one's gonna hear you! Now let's talk Sam and Dean." Abaddon says.

[ ☼ ]

       A cellphone in a box full of them starts ringing. Kevin picks it up. "Hello?" He asks.

       "This is Dean's number, but you're not a Winchester. Who are you?" Abaddon asks.

       "I'm... nobody." Kevin says.

       Abaddon enters a diner. "Well, nobody, I need you to give those boys a message for me." She walks over to Tracy and Irv, both tied up and gagged. "I have something they might want."

[ ☾]

       "Kevin, wait wait wait. Slow down." Sam says.

       "She gave me these coordinates. 44.053051 by -123.127860, and two names. Irv Franklin and Tracy Bell." Kevin says.

       "Irv's a friend, don't know Tracy." Dean says.

       "Alright, the lady said they were hunters, and that if you didn't go save them, that she would kill them."

       "Yeah, I've heard that song before." Dean says.

       "Dean, who was she?" Kevin asks.

       "She's the bad guy. Alright, new job, dig up everything the Men of Letters have on Knights of Hell."

       "'Knights of Hell'? Sure." Kevin says.

       "You find a way to kill one, I mean permanently, drop a dime." Dean says.

       "Thanks, Kevin." Sam hangs up. "The numbers point to a spot on the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon. You know this is a trap, right?"

       "Yep." Dean says.

       "And we're just gonna walk right into it?"

        "Guns blazing. You with me?" Dean asks.

      "You know it."

[ ☾]

        Crowley still sits in the dark, flashing back to the night of the third trial.

       "You're the third trial, Crowley." Sam says.

       "Where do I start..."

       "You're our bitch." Dean says.

        "...to even look for forgiveness?" Crowley asks.

       "Your demon ass is going to be a mortal ass pretty damn quick." Dean says.

       "None of this means anything to you? You're my Marnie, moose. A-and Hannah, she just, she needs to be loved."

      "She deserves it." Crowley says. "She deserves to be loved. I deserve to be loved! I just wanna be loved. I just wanna be loved."

       In present day, Crowley gasps, distraught. Suddenly, the lights come on. "Kevin?" Crowley asks. "Kevin, I know it's you. I'd recognise the pitter-patter of those little feet anywhere." Kevin makes his way to one of the shelves and rifles through a box. "That's right, run. It's what you do. I understand, I do. You're, what's the word? Weak." Kevin yanks open the dungeon's doors. "Hiya, Kev."

[ ☼ ]

       "The hell happened here?" Dean asks.

       "Local chemical plant sprung a leak, years ago." Sam says. "They evacuated three square blocks. Guess it's still contaminated."

       "Wait, so this whole place is poison?"

       "Yeah." Sam says as Dean shields his crotch with his hand protectively. "That's not gonna help."

       "Doesn't hurt." Dean says. They locate the diner.

[ ☼ ]

       "Dean." Sam says as Dean removes the gag from Irv's mouth.

       "Irv? Hey. Where's Abaddon?" Dean asks.

       "Abaddon's been torturing hunters. She's trying to get intel on you boys."

       "Do you know why?" Sam asks.

       "I seriously doubt she wants to add you to her Christmas card list." Irv says. "Now, d'you wanna make with the rescue or what?"

       "Right after you take a shot of holy water, huh?" Dean asks. Sam and Dean both unscrew flasks of holy water, and make Tracy and Irv drink some, respectively.

      "Happy?" Tracy asks.

       "Sorry about that." Dean says.

       "Don't worry about it. Last night you need is us popping black eyes."

       "You're Tracy, right? I'm Sam Winchester."

       "Good for you." She says.

       "She's new. We did a shifter job in Sacramento together." Irv says. "Smart, but got a mouth on her."

      "Let's gear up." Dean says.

[ ☼ ]

      "So, what brings you to my boudoir, handsome?" Crowley asks.

      "You're gonna tell me how to kill a Knight of Hell." Kevin says.

       "Abaddon giving you trouble, eh? Tell you what, you let me go, and I'll spit-roast the little whore for you." He says. "Sound good?"

       "You're bluffing. You don't know."

       "Oh, I know plenty. For example, I know she'd love you." Says Crowley. "Skinny, submissive... you're just her type."

      "Shut up." Kevin says.

      "Fine. That's not what you came for, anyway, not really. What's on your mind, Kevin? You can tell me. We're friends!"

       "You tortured me." Kevin says.

       "I torture all my friends. It's how I show love." Crowley says. "I was raised in a dysfunctional home environment."

       "You killed my mom!" Yells Kevin.

       "Did I? I mean, are you sure? Did you ever see her body? I mean, how can you be sure she's dead?" Crowley says as Kevin screams and punches him. "You can do better than that, little man." Kevin glances at the wall full of blades and other equipment. "That's right. Let it all out."

[ ☼ ]

        Dean is busy checking their supplies. "Alright, we got Jesus juice, guns loaded with Devil's Trapped bullets—shoot a demon, you put 'em on lockdown. The angel blade works..." He starts. There's a noise outside and Sam moves over to the window to investigate.

      "They're coming." Sam says.

      "Good." Dean says.

      "And they've got assault rifles." Sam says.

       "Okay, less good."

       "So, what's the play?" Irv asks.

       Later, the Demons approach the diner. Dean's voice can be heard from inside. "Come and get it, you dicks!" Dean yells. Jason kicks open the door and enters together with Demon Soldier #2.

       "Down, now!" Jason yells. Close-up on Dean's phone playing a pre-recorded clip on repeat.

       "Come and get it, you dicks! Come and get it, you dicks!" Dean yells.

      "Damn it."

       "Alright. We gotta flank Seal team douche in there, so, uh, Irv, you and me will go left, and Sam, you and Tracy go right." Dean says.

      "Okay. Let's move." Sam lays a hand on Tracy's shoulder, who promptly shoves him away.

      "Don't touch me." She says.

       "Whoa. What's the problem?" Dean asks.

        "My family's dead because of him." She says.

       "What?" Sam asks.

       "I watched a demon slaughter my parents. And the whole time it talked about how it was celebrating." Tracy says. "Some dumb kid let Lucifer out of his cage."

       "...okay, alright, we gotta move. Girl's with me, Irv..." Dean starts.

       "Okay. Let's go, son."

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