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        Sam and Castiel drive down the road in Cas's car. "Abaddon is dead." Cas says.

       "And then some." Sam says.

       "So that witch who came after Elena...Oh, no."

        "Okay. Um...Ominous." Sam says.

       "Does Dean seem different to you?"

        "Yeah. Lately, he seems to be...amped up—you know, on edge." Sam says.

       "Effects of the mark?" Castiel asks.

       "What else?"

        "He does seem angry. I mean, he's always a little angry, but now it seems like...more." He says. "I think a part of him actually believed that I ordered those angels to, you know...Sam, you don't, do you?"

       "No, man. Cas, listen. You got a weird thing going on back there." Sam says. "Those other angels, the way they stare at you, I-it's like you're part rock star, part L. Ron."

        "They've put their faith in me." Cas says.

       "And maybe that's the problem. I mean, people have been doing messed up crap in the name of faith—in the name of God—since forever." Sam says.

        "Well... I'm not trying to... play God. I'm just trying to get my people home."

[ ☼ ]

        Metatron and Gadreel watch a very large man throw a bowling bowl down a lane. He throws a strike. "Yes! Well done!" Metatron yells.

       "It's such a simple game. And boy, you got to love the sound of those pins."

       "Beautiful—a symphony of wood." Metatron says. "So, you've heard our offer."

       "Yeah, I sign on the dotted line, and, well, my people, they get a ticket upstairs. What if we don't want to go?"

       "But it's home." Gadreel says.

       "It's boring. I mean, you—there's nothing like this in heaven."

       "I could whip you up a bowling alley." Says Metatron.

      "Eh, but it wouldn't... I mean, just smell that. Mmm."

      "Old shoes and... Alcoholism? I..." He starts.

      "Authenticity." The Man says.

      "So, wait. You're turning me down because of...bowling?"

       "And I like being an independent operator." The Man says. "And I hear you're losing. And I hate your face."

       "Well, I could get a new face." Metatron says.

      "You'd still be you—a nerd trying to be one of the popular kids. Mnh-mnh."

      "Okay. Time for the hard sell." Metatron says.

       "Please. You knife me, and all my guys will go running to Castiel. Even you're not that stupid. But tell you what, huh?" The Man asks. "You out-bowl me, we'll talk?"

[ ☼ ]

       "Ma yeah, I saw him, officer. He filled up some old, uh, woody station wagon." An Employee says.

       "Don't suppose you, uh, got the license plate number?" Sam asks.

       "No. But he was headed to an address in Pray, Montana."

      "How do you know that?" Cas asks.

       "Guy asked for directions." The Employee says.

       "Oh."  Sam says.

       "Uh, you want me to write that down

       "Yes. Now. Please." Sam says.

[ ☼ ]

        Dean and Elena are questioning a female angel in a doctor's coat. They are sitting across the table from each other in a room that looks like a boiler room. "What do I call you?" Dean asks.

       "My angelic name is 18 syllables long. Let's stick with Flagstaff."

      "Copy." Dean says.

        "So, you knew this Oren guy?" Elena asks.

       "We worked together at the hospital. He was a joy—bright, full of life."

       "Yeah, I hear he had a real explosive personality." Dean says.

       "Do you think this is a joke?" Flagstaff asks.

       Dean is stone faced. "Do you see me laughing? Is there anything else you can tell me about him? For example, why he'd light his own fuse." He says.

       "No. Can I go? I have lives to save." She says.

        "Welcome to the club." Dean says as Flagstaff smirks. "Something funny?"

        "Not funny 'ha ha'. But you thinking you help people—it's amusing. I help people." Flagstaff says. "A clogged artery here, a tumor there. I do good in this world. You—you believe every problem can be solved with a gun. You play the hero, but underneath the hype, you're a killer with oceans of blood on his hands. I hate men like you."

        Dean stares at her calmly and then leaps to his feet and throws the table between them aside in one swift movement. He throws Flagstaff and her chair backwards but catches them before they hit the ground and instantly has an angel blade to her throat.

       "Dean!" Elena yells.

       "Honey, there ain't no other men like me." Dean says.

       Flagstaff is scared out of her mind. "Don't...please." She says.

       "Oren. Friends?" Dean asks.

       "Dean, please." Elena says. "There are easier ways to do this."

       "Constantine... And Tessa." Flagstaff says.

       "Tessa? The reaper, Tessa?" Dean asks.

        "You know her?"


[ ☼ ]

        Sam and Castiel pull up outside a warehouse in Pray, Montana. "That looks like the car the guy at the gas station was talking about, right? Maybe Josiah's still around." Sam says.

       "Sam, this place is... radiating power. I haven't felt anything like this since... since heaven." Castiel says. "We have to get in here."

        Sam goes to picks the lock. "All right." He says. The door will not open no matter how much Sam bangs his shoulder against it.

       "Step aside. I got this." Castiel throws his body into it and jangles the door handle a few times. Nothing happens. "I don't got this."

[ ☾]

        Outside of an auditorium, people walk up the stairs. Tessa walks up to the stairs but is stopped by Dean's voice as he steps from behind a post. "Howdy, Tessa. You're supposed to be working at the hospital tonight, but when I stopped by, you were gone. So was an ambulance. Pro tip—they all have GPS." Dean says.

       "Good to know. So, you're here. Why?" Tessa asks. "You just love musical theater?"

       "Only if it's 'Fiddler'." Dean says. "We need to talk."

        "Can't. Sorta got a date." As she turns to leave Dean grabs her jacket to pull her back but accidently reveals part of a sigil carved into her chest. He quickly puts two and two together.

       "Not happening." Dean says. She tries to jerk away but Dean handcuffs her and pushes her to a wall. "Where's the other one? Where's Constantine?"

[ ☾]

        Metatron slams his bowling shoes on the counter in disgust. "Better luck next time." The Man, Tyrus, says.


        "Metatron!" Constantine rips open his shirt and stabs an angel blade into his heart. "I do this for Castiel."

[ ☾]

        Sam and Castiel are still trying to get into the warehouse. "I checked all the windows and doors. No luck. What about you? You find anything?" Sam asks.

        "I think so." Castiel lights up his hand blue and reveals an enochian spell etched above the doorway. "It's Enochian. I believe it's some sort of riddle. 'Why is six afraid of seven'? Now, I assume it's because seven is a prime number, and prime numbers can be intimidating."

        Sam looks bemused. "It's because seven eight nine." He says. The door opens with a loud creak.

       "It's wordplay. And the answer is the key, like the doors of Durin in 'Lord of the Rings'." Castiel says.

       "Wait a second. You know about 'The Lord of the Rings'?" Sam asks.

       "I'm very pop-culture savvy now."

       Sam's phone rings. "Hey." He says.

       "How is he?" Dean asks.

        "He's, uh...He's Cas. What about you? How's it going?" Sam asks.

       "Great. Went out, got some air. Met an old friend. Say hi to Sam, Tessa."

       "Your brother's a psycho, Sam." Tessa says.

       "Ha, ha. Stop." Dean says.

       "What's going on?" Sam asks.

       "You first."

[ ☾]

        Flagstaff is talking to Hannah, Elena and the Red Shirt Angel. "I know he's the commander's friend, and I know we're supposed to pretend we like him, but that ape put a knife to my throat." Flagstaff says. Dean and Tessa walk in.

       "Tessa? What are you doing?" Hannah asks.

       "You want to tell her?" Dean asks. Tessa remains silent so Dean pulls back the top of her shirt to reveal the sigil which he has obviously cut a gash across to mark it out.

       "Oh, God." Hannah says.

       "There's no God. There's only Castiel." Tessa says.

       "Oh, and you're done." Dean walks Tessa down a hallway and puts her in a warded room. Hannah, Elena and the others follow.

       "You wounded her." Hannah says.

       "More like 'defused', okay? I cut up that old testament graffiti she carved into herself." Dean says. "I figured that would break the spell."

       "And now... What will you do to her?"

       Dean pulls an angel blade from his jacket. "Guess." He says.

       "Torture. Predictable." Flagstaff says.

       "Dean, you don't have to do this." Elena says.

       "We need to know if there are other bombers out there." He says.

       "No. I won't allow it. I know what Tessa was planning." Hannah says. "It's horrible, but there's only one person who can punish her."

       "Let me guess. Yea big, trench coat, sensible shoes?" Dean asks.

       "You have to understand that Castiel is the only thing holding us together. A month ago, half the angels in this place were trying to kill the other half." Says Hannah. "Castiel has given us a purpose. But more than that, he has given us a way to live in peace. We have rules. Order. If I let you take matters into your own hands, what's to stop one of them from doing the same? You can talk to her. You should talk to her. But leave the Blade outside."

       "Are you asking or telling?" Dean asks, challenging.

      "We're not asking."

       Dean stares evenly at all the angel before him without blinking an eye. He smoothly flips the blade handle first and hands it to Hannah. He then walks calmly into the room with Tessa.

[ ☾]

        Sam and Castiel are searching the warehouse. "You sure you don't want to go back, Cas? Look, if Dean is right about Tessa..." Sam starts.

       "No, I, uh...I do. I just... give me a second."

      Sam notices some writing on the wall, shines his flashlight up to it. "'Only the penitent man shall pass'? Cas, wait!" He yells as Cas falls to his knees just in time to avoid two huge spinning saw blades which spring out from the wall about neck height. "'The Last Crusade'."

[ ☾]

        Dean sits across from Tessa at the table. Hannah and Elena stand to the side. "Okay. Well, let's start with an easy one. Who are you working for?" Dean asks.


      "Liar." Hannah says.

       "People like you, they never understand. Sacrifices have to be made." Tessa says.

       "So you go after one of the bad guys, and if a few humans get microwaved, no big deal, right?" Dean asks.

       "In the grand scheme, they don't matter."

       "Oh, Tessa, you are so wrong." Dean says.

       "When Castiel came to me and told me what I had to do, he said I was chosen because I was strong." Tessa says. "Others...they couldn't handle this. They're too weak." She looks at Hannah.
        Hannah leaps at Tessa but Dean puts his arm up to stop her. He grabs her shoulders and shoves her out the door and into the hallway. He steps out to and closes the door behind him.

       "Settle down!" Dean yells.

       "Is—do you think she's telling the truth?" Hannah asks.

       "She thinks she is."

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