Chapter 1: Helping the enemy

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"Why did you kiss me?"

"Isn't it obvious... I love you"

A/N: Hey guys, this is my first Noragami fanfic. I been shipping these two a lot lately so then I decided to write a story about them. Of course there aren't many shipper like me who ship theses two but I just want to write this for fun and you can feel free to read if you like. But if you don't like it please don't comment it okay? Please enjoy!
It been days since that incident happen. Yukine couldn't keep his mind free of it. He was kiss by Nora for God sake!!

The person he hate and despite had kissed him! She even said that she love him afterwards! He blush hard at the though. Sure maybe is just a trick that Nora used to mess with his head, to make him go crazy in thought. Knowing Nora, that would be possible. But he was hating himself for letting her plan Work!

What is he going to do when he saw her again? That incident just make him got nervous and clueless, he don't know how to deal with this, how to deal with Nora and her evil words. Nora was strong, smart and devilish with her "venomous" words. One wrong move and he will fall into her trap, no doubt. He said to himself to not get "bite".But this time, he wasn't prepared. He let his guard down and she "bite" him, hard.


Yukine turn to the voice of his friend, it was Hiyori.

-How long are you going to stay in there? You should come out and eat something, it been days!

No response.

He was upstairs, in a blanket covered himself just like when thing happen with Suzuha death. Hiyori let out a sigh before continue.

-If you keep being like this... Yato health will gone worse, you know. I respect that you don't want to tell us your story but you should at least think of him. Okay, Yukine-kun?

Hiyori was alway a good sister, at least to Yukine. She always helped him, care for him and Yato deeply. He wonder how come a stranger could be so kind to him, to Yato and others, she was a living human she don't need to care for them. Yet... She chose too.

Yukine pull out of the blanket and face Hiyori. His face been so green consider how many day he had been in there.

-I'm sorry...

-Don't worry about it, Yukine-kun! You're out already so let's go eat, okay?

He nodded, quickly follow Hiyori down stairs. He should forget that the incident between him and Nora ever existed, after it just a trick to mess with his head. He shouldn't have think of it this much...

Yukine eat, eat like he had never eaten before. He was so hungry that everything Daikoku bring out in just a blink of second, gone.

-Yukki sure is hungry, huh?~~

-Of course he is! He's been in that stinky blanket for days and he stunk me like a "bee"!! He must be thinking of some erotic thought again.

-Shut up!! I never think that!!


-I did not!

He lied, don't know if thinking of that kiss was erotic. The two begin to fight, like an ordinary day.

He was glad to fight Yato, it keep his mind off what just happen. After that, he help Daikoku with the dishes and chords for the day. He help watched the shop for him. His shop may be small but it was well-know, everyday many customers would come and eat his oden. They alway tell him how good it was, he admit it was.

After they done serving, everyone gather around for dinner. Sometime Hiyori would join in too but the other time not. It would be fun if she could though.

-Daikoku Papa, this smell so good~~!

-I TOLD YOU TO STOP WITH THE"PAPA" THING!!*kick Yato far away* Why did he even stay here anyway!? This place is getting too crowded now.

-Why not? It's more fun with Yatty here, isn't it?

Kofuku smile at him. Daikoku couldn't help but smile back, even though he won't admit it.

-Yato might be a pain but... he was nice to have around. I just wish that he... would stop stolen my money!! I even kept them in a safe this time and yet he can still took it!!

-It's okay, Yukki! Kept them in my room this time, he will never get his hand on it!

-Do that and all your money will fly away in"binbogami" hand.

-Mou!! Daikoku that's mean! I would never spent Yukki money!!

-But your bad luck does! Ah, I just remember that we're out of egg for tomorrow Oden.

-I will go buy it, don't worry!

Yukine quickly put on his coat and shoes to rush out of the street. It's was raining out side so he have to bring an umbrella. He ran fast to the store and buy two packet of egg and rush home, maybe he can still make it before Yato came back and eat it all.

A drop of water

His feet stopped. His face gone pale at the view.


In front of him was a small shadow but to Yukine without a doubt, it was Nora. What should he do? Should he run or should he face her with messed emotions ? He still can't face her just yet, not after what happen, not after what she did.

His face began heating up while remembering back to the incident. How her lips touched his, it was cold and full of evilness, corrupted.

Yukine stare at her in confuse. Why isn't she saying anything? Why is she just standing there? What is she planing?

All of that question was answered in just a few second later.

Nora collapsed.

Yukine froze before finally realize what just happen and rush to her. He shake her hard but no reply. Yukine wide eye is shock at the view.

Her body was been corrupted by Ayakashi, no doubt. But how could she been attacked? She was strong, even he couldn't beat her at first. His hand was already infected by the corrupt, Yukine stare at the stray in thought.

He can leave her to die or he could take her back and treat her. Now was his chance, he can do whatever he want. On one hand, if he leave her here she could never bother them again, Yato will finally be free, so does he. On other hand, if he save her... She will go messed with his and his friend life again. The first option sound better.

After few minutes of argue with the voice on his mind, Yukine let out a heavy sigh and carry Nora up. Because of corruption he won't be allow to hold the umbrella anymore, he had to let rain hit him to wash away blight. Great.

-If I get ill, It would be your fault. Also...

Yukine stare back at the egg, jut because of rush to save people, 2 packet of egg now has been ruin by him. He would be death to Daikoku now...

Once more heavy sigh was let out before he finally carry Nora away in the rain. He heading straight to Kofuku place in hope that they will accept the"surprise" guest he brought them instead of egg.

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