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  The guards opened the castle door and took off their shirts, showing their abs.

  ‘‘what is that for?’’ I asked.

  ‘‘This is how men greet women in our country.’’ said Gary stu.

  I stared at their abs and started to describe them in my head: they are rocking 8 packs even though they are underfed teens, they are tan and oiled for no reason.

  I walked into the palace. As the male officials all took off their shirts, their abs shining in the sun.

  King and queen were sitting on their thrones.  The king looked at my clothes and was confused. How is it confusing? I m a protagonist.

  ‘‘My dear daughter, you should've wore something more... appropriate.’’ said my mother, who had evil green orbs.

  She is clearly evil! Most likely jealous of my looks even though I m plain af. I m a rebel!!1!

  ‘‘Shut up,mom!!!’’ I said and gave her the finger.

  She frowned and told the servants to take me to my new room.

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