Chapter Seven

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The further we go the more creepy I find it, we didn't have any flashlights and my eyes didn't work as night vision.

But I know for sure there must be an exit well somewhere.

"We have to be careful, we don't know what could be in here." I jump a little forgetting Connor was here I was unable to see him but the sounds of footsteps guide me.

"Is it just me or is the cave shrinking?." I said it may sound silly but it feels much tighter now.

It was silent no movement from him, until his footsteps starts again.

I prepare to stop down not caring for the dirtbag.

The walls were definitely closing. I got more comfortable in my position, my lower level glance saw bright light ahead.

Connor immediately joining me on the ground

Guess he couldn't fit.

Then it occor to me.

"Hey probably the cave put us upside down." I say, I couldn't see his face but I'll take it as agreement.

"Hear me out." He scoffs not caring to hear my explanation although I don't blame him it's pretty much sily.

I went crawling position making our way to the exit, with the little light I could see what was in front of me.

It felt like victory when I finally get out and my excitement lasted longer a red flag place under a rock.

"How surprising, luckily no spiders or scorpions were there." I gave him an (Are you serious) look, I thought the first thing he would say are bears.

This mofo, I shook away my thoughts not gonna start with the internal battles.

I didn't know Connor had started walking til I heard a twig snap.

I ran after him. You would think sleep or tiredness would be alerted now. The wolf incident had my adrenaline high not being in something like that before you hit you hard.

"Two remain." He murmured.

We were passing the side of the rocky hill but the breaking of trees caught my attention.

With one look behind I didn't waste time in running. A giant boulder was heading in our direction and it's moving very fast.

I didn't alert Connor but he followed suit when I started running, smart man.

We were running down the steep of a hill and the boulder was gaining up.

Before us was a cliff and then an idea struck me.

"When I say jump you jump." He didn't argue he quickly nodded his head I indicate tot he trees hoping he understood.

"Now!." I jump off to the side hoping, Connot did the same. I grab a hold of the tree branch, the boulder rolls right off the cliff.

I cheer a little, that was the most epic thing ever done.

I climb from the tree meeting Connor standing with a red flag in his hand.

A smug smile came on his lips but before I could say anything he wiped it to one of his usuals.

I mostly didn't care.

I walk back to the path and honestly what stood before left me shocked.

"Don't tell me we have to climb that." I said trying to remember I am a man at this point in life.

"What are you scared." Connor said rubbing his hands together, preparing for the climb of his life.

"What psssh no."

"Would it be wrong if I said yes." He glared at me and honestly I know I couldn't say no it's now or never.

Following closely behind Connor, I copy what he was doing. I've climbed before but I ain't no pro climber plus no rope to save my life so I got to be careful.

The sun was high in the sky it tells me it is noon and it's close to sun down, who would have thought.

I attempted my first few climbs and I'm getting the hang of it, until I miss my step on a loose rock, I wanted to cry like a bitch right then and there but I dare not to look down.

My limbs shake a little, my nerves coming back to warm me.

But I continue climbing the sooner I'm finish the faster it's over.

The sweet victory of getting to the top had me kissing the ground.

I stood up having Connor giving me the weirdest look ever.

What first time seeing someone love the earth?

I brush away the stary dirt as something blew directly in my face. It is the red flag we got all five mission accomplished.

And the sun is almost down got a lot of time to reach the top.

I look around seeing if anyone else was here but no.

So we raced to the top, I could already smell the sweet victory.

What greeted us didn't surprise us at all the commander, the General standing in front of us.

And it seems we were the first.

"Well isn't this a slight." The Commander said, I was so annoyed but then Connor showed the flag.

"Well I'll be damned." He said patting our backs real hard.

My eyes caught behind the commander's back.

Seeing the Sergeant sitting Petting a dog he didn't even glance in our direction.

But then my eyes went to the dog.

Wait a minute

I think I need glasses.

Was the Sergeant petting a wolf?

And not any wolf the one who attacked us.

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