The Complicated Feelings!

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I was so angry that I could've broken anything right then!

How dare she say anything like that to Naina!!

I'll make her actually bend down and say sorry to Naina!!!

"Arjun" Naina whispered and I sighed looking at her.

Her eyes were totally teary and I knew what she needed right now.

Hence I hugged her tightly.

And she cried!! 

"Sush! Stop crying. You're not that weak to cry because of such a person" I mumbled

"Your engagement...I...I'm actually a home wre.." she was saying when I spoke.

"Home wrecker? She wasn't ever my home Naina. Home doesn't look like that! Let's not forget it! And trust me I don't regret a bit of what I did!"  I assured

"But..your everything" She sobbed

"No! No! You didn't! And I don't give a damn to it Naina! You're more important then this all.

Because you're my home!

Home looks like you! Not her " I stated and she looked at me for a second then sighed.

"My head's hammering" she mumbled

"Go to Aditi ! Eat momos or chocolate ! And don't cry please" I said

"You too please go home! Take care. I feel like due to me whole family is going to face havoc" She mumbled 

"My family never even liked her. You know that" I said

"But both were engaged" She sighed

"Name sake! And Naina, I don't know may be this was what needed to happen! I feel free!" I honestly said

"She said she might have loved you " She mumbled

"Did she?" I asked 

"I never saw that in her gestures! I'm sure this isn't what love looks like! " I added

"Wait! Did you just say...Oh my freaking heaven Good God!!!!!" She exclaimed still with heavy teary voice.

"What! You were crying right now and now you're grinning" I said 

"I did it! I made you believe!!!" She grinned

"What?" I asked 

"Love doesn't look like that" She repeated my words and I realized what I said.

"Love doesn't look like that" I repeated again as I myself was shocked that I said this.

"I did it!" She whispered

"Go away idiot! Before I strangle you, run" I said with a small smile and she chuckled but hugged me.

"What happened" I whispered and she looked at me for second and stepped out of car.

"Thankyou! Bye Arjun" she bid bye and I nodded.

She left upstairs to Aditi's apartment and after a minute, I left!!

As I reached home, I looked at dad who was sitting on the couch.

Even the whole family was sitting there.

"There he's ! Now will you ask him why he did this" Dad snapped and I looked at mom.

" What happened? " I asked even when I know what has happened.

"Duggu, did you just call off the engagement" Daadi asked

"Yes daadi, I did" I replied

"See! See this! He has turned relations into games" Dad yelled

"Arjun, why! When we all weren't ready for this girl, you told you need to marry her only. We thought okay, even if it's a deal, you both will get along eventually. But now all of a sudden. After 7-8 months. Why Arjun" Mom asked

"She just crossed her limits in something. And I would've tolerated anything other then what she did. And for you all to know, she was cheating Dhe got on my nerves. Real bad! I'm sure Mr. Goenka mustn't have told you his daughter's deeds " I clenched my fists saying this.

"But what did she do? " Chachi asked

"Just know this! It's over ! If I've done this know it dad that I've given up the company I wanted to buy since last three years. I hope you know, I won't have taken decision in air." I said and he sighed.

"Tell me this is final. You won't do it again" He asked

"Never! May be daadi was always right" I mumbled and daadi looked at me.

"Mixing business & family! That too with someone like her! Was real wrong" I said and daadi nodded.

"So, you're not marrying Anyaay. It's final right" Ruhaan asked little excited and I sighed nodding.

"Yesss! Yesss. Badi maa, muh meetha karwao sabka (make everyone eat some sweets) " He grinned and everyone chuckled.

"Mr. Goenka is very angry on you" Chachu told

"I don't care" I said and went to my room.

After freshening up I was going out when both my brothers came to me.

"You didn't tell anyone but tell us. What was the reason? " Nishant asked

"Nothing Nishant" I mumbled

"Bhaiya. It's something that has made you angry to this extent. Tell us" Ruhaan asked

"She hurt Naina" I told and they looked at me.

"Hurt Naina.. I mean, I don't understand.. " Nishant said when I told them everything.

"That Anyaay! How dare she say this" Ruhaan angered

"She wanted to get on my nerves right! She didn't know, she chose the wrong nerve to hit. I could've tolerated anything, anything Nishant. But not a bad word about her! And she, Crossed the limits of that! I could've tolerated if she would've said me the same but... She said it to Naina ! And, I can see anything but her crying with that hurt in her eyes" I raged

"It's okay. Calm down" Ruhaan mumbled

"Arjun.... Do you realize what you are saying. You know right, where it's going?" Nishant asked

"I know that! And honestly, I've accepted that! It's some more stronger thing. Something deep... Passionate" I whispered

"Buckle up brother" He said tapping my shoulder as we went down stairs.

We all had our dinner and after which I came back to my room.

Asking Naina if she's alright, I worked on some files and slept.

Next day as I woke up I again saw my whole family tensed.

"Good morning" I wished and mom looked at me concerned.

"What happened mom" I asked and she passed the news paper to me.

Famous Business tycoon Arjun Singhania, calls off the engagement with Industrialist Namit Goenka's daughter.

"Such a... " I cursed but stopped seeing everyone.

I looked at Nishant when he denied what I was asking and I nodded.

I swear if they would've dragged Naina's name in it, I would've ruined them in such a way that their seven generations would've remembered it!

"I knew they'll do it" I mumbled

"Our share prices" Chachu asked

"I know a loss for today, but don't worry they gonna hit the market tomorrow morning" I told

"I didn't expect her to do this" Chachi mumbled angrily.

"We totally expected " Ruhaan angrily said

"It's okay! Not a big deal. I know how to handle such people. Come on let's have our breakfast " I said and mom nodded

After breakfast I was going to office when Ruhaan spoke.

"Bhaiya" He called looking at me.

"Yes Ruh" I asked and he looked tensed.

"Ruh, what happened" I asked again.

"This all won't go till Naina di right!" He questioned

"Do you think I'll let this all go to Naina" I asked and he denied

"Then trust your brother" I said and he nodded.

Naina, you've not just affected me, but my family too!

I left for office and as I reached there I saw media but the security of office was already there hence I directly entered office and got to my work.

Afterwards, I called Naina when she bombarded me with questions about what was in news and then herself answered them too.

No space for me to even say!

That's the non stop All India Radio.

"Will you even say anything? " She asked

"When you'll stop then I'll say! But your All India radio isn't even stopping" I mocked

"Okay fine speak" She said and I opened my mouth to speak anything but she spoke.

"You're fine right?" she asked 

"Why you're so concerned about me Naina whe.." I was again saying when she spoke.

"Why , shouldn't I be? Don't I have the rights?" she asked 

"You have ! Only you have the rights Naina! But I was saying, you should be more worried about yourself. You're the one who's more sensitive. I know how to deal with these problems" I said

"And I've you! So I know I'll deal with anything till you're with me" she replied 

As she said this,

I looked at the call &

My heart found peace!

I didn't speak for some seconds because, I knew what all these words of her were doing to me.

"Arjun" she spoke

"You sometimes speak the things so casually. Do you know the after crisis " I asked

"I..didn't speak that casually!" She mumbled

"I should hang up now! Bye" I said and after she replied I cut the call and sighed.

I opened the gallery of my phone and looked at the picture opened.

It was that one candid picture of us I took from the photographer that day itself. 

Look at her smiling so widely at me just because I smiled a bit!

To be very honest, May be Ananya indirectly gave me a reason to feel what my heart actually wanted to feel !

I'm not saying she wasn't wrong! Hell she was, but she made me realize what I was doing!

Looking at the picture, I looked at her smile again!

Honestly I've no idea that how seeing someone smile made me so calm. And I don't know why I feel proud of myself to make her smile or blush or shy! I feel like that's my biggest achievement to make her smile !! 

I closed my eyes and the one image that came in front of me was of her! 

Realizations sometimes are bit controversial!

Mine is with my heart & brain! 

Heart wants what it wants but my mind knows, I can't give one thing she would demand me the most!

The damn commitments !!!


The damn butterflies I feel everytime I listen to his voice are increasing day by day!

It's been a month to whatever happened that day and honestly, I feel more closer to Arjun now! 

I feel myself going more towards him! May be one of the biggest reason is...He's not engaged now!

I've no excuse left to let my heart stop from feeling what it is!

But I'm afraid! I'm afraid of getting hurt by him! 

I'm afraid of letting something bad happen to our beautiful relation!!

"What you thinking" Aditi asked as I sitting on her bed.

"Lots! But tell me which movie today?" I questioned back

"No movie! We need some bro time" she said and I chuckled

"Make me maggy first" I told 

"Already made and where are you lost madam! Look there" she snapped her fingers and pointed to the bedside table where I saw the bowl.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just...engaged with thoughts so much" I mumbled

"Naina! What happened?"she asked 

"I don't know Aadi ! It's all so messed up inside that I don't wanna think about it yet I do think" I sighed

"You're messing it up! The day you accept it, it'll be easy!" She said

" him you know that right" I asked

"I know that since last many months before you even accepted it to yourself " she sang and I sighed.

"It's getting magnified" I mumbled

"Then let it" She said 

"You're not understanding Aadi. Him & me..we'll destroy ourselves " I was saying when my phone rang.

"Its, Mitesh...and him! Video call " I told and Aditi picked it up.

Mitesh was out of Mumbai for some work and Aditi asked me to come for night. This is how I was there.

"Hey guys" She wished

"Hey Aditi" Arjun wished and Mitesh wished her in his own way.


"Hey" Arjun wished and I looked at him.

He was in his room because I saw the wallpaper behind him.

"Hey" I whispered and wished Mitesh too.

"So girls night in" Arjun asked

"Yep! Some good talks and food "Aditi replied and Arjun nodded looking at me.

Aditi was talking to Mitesh over something while I was scrolling Aditi's phone.

"You can get out of phone and talk with him Naina" Aditi said and I looked at Arjun who raised his brow but then I felt his eye balls gesturing downwards.

As I looked down, I saw what he was pointing to and I slid the comforters till my abdomen!!!

I was wearing shorts!

Damn too short that didn't even properly cover my whole upper thighs.

As I looked at him this time, he smirked a bit and I instantly looked down.

"You're blushing hard" he said and the two people who were talking stopped talking and looked at me.

"Naina" Aditi spoke with a smile expanding more.

"I ain't" I replied

"You're" Mitesh & Aditi said in unison.

"I ain't " I again repeated 

"You're short cake" the voice came and I looked at him and looked down again.

"God, I've never seen you so shy! What has happened to you" Aditi chuckled

"We both know baby, what has happened" Mitesh teased 

" maggi is getting cold" I said and focused on my maggi.

"Naina..." Arjun spoke

"Huh?" I looked at him

"Do you want me to go?" He asked when I denied.

"Then you need to speak something" Aditi said and they all nodded.

What's happening with me! Why my stomach is churning in this way!!!

I talked a bit after which Mitesh went since he had to wake up early.

I too cut the call and looked at the messages to see the fresh message from him.

The blush and the shorts both suits you ma'am !

I sighed and typed back.

I'm not understanding what's happening Arjun!!! Everything is just getting out of my control! The more I'm trying to control, the more I feel my sanity slip away

As I typed this, I got a voice call and I sighed as tears brimmed up in my eyes.

Aditi looked at me and spoke.

"Talk to him! Tell him what's going on inside you Naina" she said and tears left my eyes as I picked up the call.

"Naina, what happened?" he asked a I picked.

"I..don't know" I mumbled

"But you've to explain to me so that I can help right" he asked 

"I don't know Arjun! And I don't know how to complain about you to yourself" I whispered

"What...did I do?" he asked 

"You're messing up with my mind & heart! I don't know what's right & wrong. I don't  know how to form words and tell you anything. I..thought it'll all go away but it's increasing day by day. And it's affecting me so much! You're affecting me so much" I cried 

"Naina! Stop crying first! Your nose will choke and I won't be able to understand anything you say then" he said & I sobbed harder.

"I don't know what has to be done" I lamented 

"Okay! Do one thing! Give phone to Aditi" he said and I did the same and Aditi nodded to something he might have said and put the phone on speaker.

"Aditi, what happened to her?" he asked and I looked at Aditi shocked and I denied with my head furiously but she looked at me.

"She likes you Arjun and I hope you know that well! But it's more then liking! Much more! She wants to be with you, but she's afraid! know the reasons! But she's stopping her feelings towards you." she said and I let my tears fall silently .

For a second no one of us spoke. For a second I hated Aditi ! And for a second, I thanked Aditi internally because she spoke what I couldn't!!

"Naina, don't stop what you're feeling for me. Please" these were his first words.

Even these words were doing something to me!!

"But if you think this is what you really want then go ahead! But I know, I want to be with you. I know the future is un certain, I know both our pasts are fucked up but what I see is this moment with you! And in that present I see you !And I want to see myself with you! We've two options Naina! Either accept what we have and come together or else move on without being together like this even while knowing what we feel for each other! I know what I want! But you've to tell me what you want! Take today's whole night,but tomorrow morning, I want to meet you and want to know what you want! One last time saying, I want to know what is it that's stopping you and what you want! Okay" he calmly spoke all of it and I hummed.

" I don't want you to cry. Please stop crying." He added and I wiped my tears.

"I have" I said wiping my tears and heard a deep breath.

"Spend some time with Aditi. I know she'll make you smile anyhow!" He mumbled and I looked at Aditi who was smirking.

"Idiots of my life" I mumbled

"Aditi..Tomorrow , will you make her meet me?" Arjun asked 

"We're going Iskcon tomorrow in afternoon! Meet us there only" she said 

"Okay! Good night to you both. And Aditi take care of her " He wished and hung up.

I looked at Aditi who opened her arms and I hugged her.

"Listen to your heart baby ! Take risk for once! You won't have a heartbreak this time" she mumbled

"What if I have" I asked 

 "There's no love without risk" she said 

"I don't love him still" I told

"We'll see this afterwards! For now let's watch this movie" she said and played Insidious and well the night almost went by thinking there are ghosts here!!

Jokes apart....I was waiting for tomorrow because I had so much inside me which had to be told him.


Hello guys. Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter?

Isn't Ruh and Nishant such amazing brothers 😍

And well, someone knows what's Home😍😍

Moreover, Arjun just straight forwardly tell what he thinks and feels to Naina and I guess that's the best thing to do ❤

But, what will be Naina's reply!

Let's see!

Do vote, likes, share and reviews are always welcomed!

Update soon!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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