Going for OBS

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Last night, I packed for OBS from 9 pm to 11 pm and I slept at midnight. So I actually only slept for about 6 hours. This is procrastination at its finest! :)))

I'm currently sitting at the school hall and oh now it's time for the national anthem.

Okay, morning assembly is over and it's the temperature taking exercise now and I forgot to pack in my thermometer, oops! I just faked my temperature lol 36.6°C :P

I'm actually not supposed to use my phone but no worries but who cares? What's the worst that could happen? It's not like they're going to restrict me from going to OBS if they catch me using my phone :)

I'm really excited for this! I heard there's going to be a rope course and I love rope courses. There's going to be a sea expedition on the 3rd or 4th day and I'm not really looking forward to that but I'm still excited nevertheless!

So on the 3rd and 4th day, one of the days is for land expedition and the other is for sea expedition. We're also going to be camping in the woods for one of the nights. Let's pray that I won't get lost in the woods and get eaten by bears, or that my boat won't capsize because of my inability to kayak.

5 days and 4 nights of adventure awaits! XD

Update: 1 hour later...

Unfortunately, my friend couldn't log into my Telegram account to help me play Chat Wars so that's too bad for me...

I'm on the bus on my way to Punggol Jetty for OBS. In fact, I think I'm reaching soon. I'm in group (or known as "watch" in OBS) 15 and I'm reporting at location 1, wherever that is. 

Then I'll have to say goodbye to my phone~~

Update: 2 hours later...

I'm taking a boat to Pulau Ubin now where the reception is bad. As I'm typing this, I'm racing against time. Okay, so after we reach Pulau Ubin, our phones would be taken away so there would be no distractions for the next 5 days. 

We were told that we would have water activities in the afternoon which I'm not looking forward to but okay.

Oh wait, I've reached already. Bye!

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