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Taehyung looked at his phone constantly as he sat in front of Yoongi and his parents. The four had decided to meet up and discuss things. Though, Taehyung soon regretted it once he started being attacked for cheating. "My son gave you many years and this is what you do to him, shame on you! You don't deserve to have Min in your name!" Yoongi's mother spoke, pointing her finger at Taehyung who only stared blankly. Not like he ever wanted the name anyways. Min Taehyung was just foolish.

Yoongi sighed, sitting up and pushing the papers towards Taehyung. "Everything within the apartment is yours. Since I am moving back to Daegu I don't need anything here." The boy spoke, sitting back with his arms folded. Taehyung took a quick glance before puffing out his cheek and nodding. Taehyung found himself looking at Yoongi, his gaze going down to his finger to see Yoongi still wearing the ring. Taehyung looked up.

"What are we going to do about the rings?" Taehyung asked. "I don't care, i'm just waiting until our divorce is official to take this junk off." Oh, did he mention that Yoongi got the rings from Walmart? Don't get him wrong. Walmart rings are really great but.. was he worth that little to Yoongi? Yeah, most likely. Taehyung only sighed and grabbed his jacket. "I'll see you in a week then."

"Mhm." Yoongi looked at the boy who walked off. After so, he grabbed his phone out and tilted it a bit to the side to text the male he had been fooling around with, Namjoon. Taehyung knew he should have spoke up for himself. Told Yoongi off but it honestly wasn't worth it anymore. Arguing with Yoongi was not worth it anymore and if Taehyung was the bad guy in their eyes... that was okay because as sad as it was... Taehyung's never been happier.

Jungkook sat on the train seats, sighing as he set himself back and groaned lightly. The whole day had just been crazy and he couldn't wait to see Jiyeon along with Taehyung. Well hopefully he can see Taehyung. After the whole crying shit, Jungkook got himself together and the two took a walk. They talked about some things that were meaningful and big events that happened in Jungkook's life. Jungkook even found out he had a brother who was three years younger, just finishing up high school as well, Jeon Wonwoo.

Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Wonwoo, Jeon Jaehyun, Jeon Jaylynn and the unborn, Jeon Jihyu. "Wow, a lot of names to remember." Jungkook said to himself. Would he remember them all? probably not but he'll do his best to remember. The boy then took out his phone, looking at his phone before he texted up Taehyung.

Jungkook bit his lip and closed his phone, placing the earphones in his ears and looking out the window. A small smile making its way up to Jungkook's lips as he thought about how he would be hugging his lover in just a few hours. Lover... that was kind of weird honestly but he kind of really liked calling Taehyung his lover.

Taehyung put the groceries on the table and yawned. Not even 4am yet and he was already tired? If he wasn't a man, he would be sure he would be pregnant. Just then, Taehyung felt his phone vibrating. The boy checked the message and practically melted as he read it, and screeched as he saw the picture. Lord jesus he was perfect.

Taehyung texted back before he set his phone down. The boy had a prominent smile as he started putting the groceries away. Though he had to remind himself that Jungkook still had to go back to the hospital. ...Shoot, he was suppose to keep him updated! Yoongi and his meaningless meeting distracted himself. The boy rubbed his temples and sighed. Okay, maybe making a meal for Jungkook would be fine?

Whatever, Taehyung grabbed the ingredients and anything else needed before he started off making the food. Though most of it was small amount considering he had to put the food in a container.

Jungkook looked at the two males on the other seat a few feet away. He tilted his head as he watched the two be playful with each other. Oh now he really couldn't wait for Taehyung to be in his arms. Taehyung, a married man. The thought had him frowning, hitting his own head and he sighed and looked out the window once more. If only he got to Taehyung sooner. Though, the would mean he should've been in Daegu by fucking 11 years old.

As soon as the train stopped, Jungkook stood up and grabbed his bag, walking towards the exit of the train and got out. The boy was quick to check around but frowned when he realized Taehyung was not there. Yoongi was probably home. Just as he was about to leave though he heard his name being called. With a smile, Jungkook turned to see Taehyung. A wide smile making its way on his lips as he put his bag down and pulled Taehyung into a hug once the boy was close enough.

"Well, hey to you too." Taehyung chuckled, hugging the boy as his hands ran through his hair. Being in the youngers hold felt so heartwarming. The boys held each other before Jungkook pulled away, pushing the hair away from Taehyung's eyes before he leaned in and placed his lips against Taehyung's. The two boys smiled within the kiss as Taehyung then pulled away, smiling like an idiot as he then kissed Jungkook's cheek. "I know you told me to keep you updated on Jiyeon's condition but uh.. Yoongi wanted to discuss something so.. I made food instead" Taehyung patted the bag.

Jungkook only laughed and nodded, pulling Taehyung into yet another slow passionate kiss. This time, Taehyung allowed Jungkook to carry on the kiss until he realized it was getting heated. "Jungkook, we're in public." Taehyung pulled away. Jungkook huffed and picked up his bag. "Okay, fine, but i'm not letting you off tonight, lets go." Jungkook smiled, wrapping an arm around Taehyung as he pulled him along.

It was crazy how much Jungkook found himself liking Taehyung. Today was a rollercoaster but being with Taehyung made everything okay? somehow, someway Jungkook just felt okay when he was with Taehyung. By the time Jungkook and Taehyung got to the hospital it was around six thirty. Jungkook going into the empty room, almost panicking as he saw a neat bed. The boy made his way to the front desk, gripping onto the counter as he looked at the nurse.

"What happened to Sung Jiyeon in room 243?!"

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