Our Story

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A/N: Since I live in India, we follow the British system, and so, color is colour, favor is favour, realized is realised, theater is theatre and so on. Also, the names are Indian. On with the story now.........


The winter breeze hit my face as I sat on the rock staring at the sea. Memories that can never be explained were made here. Decisions that were difficult and confusing were taken here. Miracles happened here. Also, my belief that true love didn't exist in this corrupted world, was changed here.

Like the leaves change colour, like the snakes shed their skin, people come and go. You never know who sticks forever. You never know if the one person who you trust the most, will be by your side in tough times, who will support you even if you're wrong. You just never know. But, when it came to him, I knew. I knew that he would be the one who I could trust. I knew that he would stick forever. I knew that he will be by my side during tough times and I knew that he would support me even if I'm wrong. I don't know how, I just knew that. It was like a gut feeling that he will be there, by my side, forever. Perhaps, he would even be my forever...

Our story is nothing like those fairy tales where the Prince and Princess live happily forever, nor is it like Romeo and Juliet or Titanic where it is a tragic ending. No, our story is much more than what the words and emotions express. Our story is a combination of so many stories, fairy tales and tragedies alike. Our story goes like this.....


I was an eighteen year old girl living her life with no belief whatsoever in true love. I just didn't believe in it. Now, to lose hope in something as magical as love, there has to be a story behind it. There is always a story behind losing hope in something that everyone looks forward to. There just has to be. And my story wasn't because of losing my parent or parents, or because my love life was failure. No, none of them. It was because I saw what my elder sister's husband did to her.... and, I still remember what he did to me. How could someone, who's been raped by her own sister's husband, ever forget that?

My sister's husband did that to me after murdering their baby and my sister right in front of my eyes. He's rotting behind bars now. But that didn't give me the reassurance that he wouldn't be back, and that didn't mean that he didn't haunt me in my dreams, every single night.

They seemed so in love, so happy with each other. They were the epitome of true love. They were the reason I yearned to find true love, to find my soulmate. But now, they were the reason I didn't believe in love. They were the reason I didn't trust anyone anymore.

There was more to the story though. My sister was an example of the perfect daughter in front of everyone. But behind the curtains, she was just as messed up. Her husband, though he seemed like Superman, he too, was messed up. They cheated on each other. They hated each other. He killed my sister because he found out that she cheated on him, when he did that all the time. And you know what the worst parts were, while she cheated on him when she was drunk, he cheated on her while he was sober. And, he knew that she was pregnant with his child when he killed them. Together, at once. And me... I was left, scarred and broken, for life.

I was in a dark tunnel. There was no source of light. I slowly fell into depression. I couldn't tell anyone how I felt because I trusted no one, not even my parents. I would sit on rocks and watch the waves of the sea crash on land. It was the one place, my mind was at peace.

One lonely winter day, my dark tunnel, lit up for the first time. It lit up like a Christmas tree, like the houses on Diwali. The light, came from a boy who got me to open up when no one else could. He cared for me when no one gave a damn. He was my angel sent from God above.

His name, was Suphreme.

Like his name suggests, he was the ultimate in my life. "What are you thinking about?" was what he asked me when he first saw me, sitting alone and watching the sea, tears streaming down my eyes. Not, "Why are you crying?" like anyone else would.

I had given him a tight smile,"Nothing that you should be bothered about."

"Oh come on", he had said. "I won't bite. Tell me what's wrong."

"Really, don't bother. If I tell you, you will be dragged into this mess", I had replied.

"Ok, topic change then. Let's talk about.." he had dragged.

I had raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what his intentions were and why he had talked to me.

"You were supposed to tell the topic", he had explained when he saw my confused face. He looked so carefree and happy. I envied him for that. But little did I know, behind that carefree smile and hearty laugh, was a broken boy, looking for something worth living.

"Something else", I had suggested. He had looked confused as to why I said that. His expression mirrored my two-minutes-ago expression. "Let's talk about something else."

He had smiled at me when I said that. For the first time in a long run, I felt that that smile was genuine. It was not because of the pity or the sorrow. It was genuine.

That day, we talked about sunshine and rainbows, life and death, like's and dislike's and any random thing that came to our minds. This one meeting turned into thousands. Every single day, we would meet. Every single day, we would talk. Every single day, I would smile.

My parents saw the smile on my face, everyday. They were happy. I talked to them and they talked to me. As slowly as I had fallen into depression, I came out of it. I laughed more often. He changed everything in a way everyone thought was impossible. And before I knew it, I was falling. Not under gravity, but, for him. I was falling in love with him. Something I hadn't believed existed, existed now. My dark nights turned into sunny days. My rain filled life turned into one with rainbows and sunshine.

While we were talking one day, he suddenly held my hand. "I want to tell you something."

"Go on", I had said.

"I'm broken", he'd admitted."I have no one. I was looking for a reason to live.That day at the beach, I was just lucky. Lucky to find you. I had come there thinking of drowning myself. But I left there, drowning myself in thoughts of you. I got to know you later. Every single day, you never stopped surprising me. Every single day, I fell more and more in love with you. I had decided the day I left that beach, I had found my reason to live. My reason to live, was you."

"I'm broken too", I had admitted after his speech. "I was raped by my sister's husband after watching him murder my sister and their unborn baby. I lost my belief in love and stopped trusting others. Then, you came along. Our everyday meetings led to me falling for you. Hard."

And so, we began dating. That winter was the happiest of my life. But of course, all good things must come to an end, and tragic struck the two of us.

While we taking a walk on the beach one day, he suddenly had gripped my hand tight and told me to call an ambulance. I did as told. He was rushed to the hospital with me in tow. And that day, the news I got, shattered my life. I fell down, and this time, under gravity.

"Why didn't you tell me you were suffering from cancer?" I had demanded, tears streaming down my face, once I had entered his room.

"Because I didn't know", he told me. "Please don't cry. Let's cherish the time we have left together."

And we did. We went roller-skating, had ice-cream, played pranks, got drunk, kissed for the very first time, stole kisses while the other was concentrating just to win the game, and way much more.

Weeks later, on a cloudy and rainy day, my other half went in for surgery. Before he did so, I told him not to give up, and he told me not to give up hope. He also had said,"I love you, baby, and I always will. Never forget that."

I had replied with,"I love you too, Suphreme. Come back to me, ok."

He had just smiled as he went into the operation theatre. And that small action, had given me hope and made me smile as well.

So many torturous hours later, I was allowed to see him. He had no one. No one who would worry about him, no one who came to see him, just no one. All he had was me. And all I had, was him.

The doctors told me that he was absolutely fine. But just in case the cancer should relapse, he should come back for regular check-ups, which I was fine with.

He was awake when I walked into his room. He smiled at me and said,"See, I came back to you." I laughed first and then just burst into tears. I went forward and hugged him like no tomorrow. I had squeezed the life out of him. He didn't say anything though. He just took it.

We overcame all other obstacles put in our way. We were stronger together, weaker apart, and we realised that pretty quickly. I trusted him and he trusted me.

That same winter, we both decided to go to the same college, move into a house and... we got engaged. Yeah, we were moving a bit too fast, but we were all the other had, and, we weren't planning to let go.


Now, as I sit here, alone, I long to go back to that winter. The happiest days of my life were in that winter. The cancer didn't relapse and we lived happily. We were on the verge of starting a family when he got deported for six months. Deported to the country with a war waging on.

I had got all that I wished for then. Now, I just want my other half to come back to me. To come back alive from the war going on. To come back in one piece, not a hundred and one different pieces.

Just as I was thinking of him coming back to me, I heard the voice of a man. Not just any man, the man I am proud to call mine. My husband. "What are you thinking about?" he asked me.

I gave a gasp of surprise and turned towards the direction from which the angelic, melodic voice came. And there he stood, arms stretched, waiting for me to run to him; like I had waited for him to come back to me.

Without a second thought, I ran to him. I squeezed the life out of him. Kissed him till I couldn't breathe and was desperately in need of air. "You came back to me", I said.

"I did. And I always will", he replied, kissing my forehead.

"I have something to tell you", I said, fidgeting with my hands.

"Go on, baby. Don't be nervous", he encouraged.

"Do you like the names Anisha and Aayan?" I asked.

"This is what you were nervous about?" he laughed, but answered the question anyway. "Yes I like them. Why those name in particular though?"

"I was not nervous about that. Those names in particular because Anisha means continuous, light and you were that to me. You came in my dark days and became my light. My continuous light. And Aayan because it means God's gift. You were my God's gift", I answered.

"Likewise, baby. What were you nervous about, may I ask?" he questioned me.

"I asked if you liked those names because we are going to be naming our twins that." I took his hand and placed it on my stomach so that he could feel the bulge as he couldn't notice it because I was wearing a loose dress.

His eyes widened, but a smile was on his lips. I think he figured out that I was six months along, and so, I knew the genders of the babies. He kissed my forehead, cheek and lastly, my lips. This little act, was enough to show his love towards me. Our love was ever-lasting and undying. It kept getting stronger as days flew by, and we overcame every obstacle that was thrown in our way. He was my winter nostalgia, like I was his.

We walked together across the beach, waves touching our feet every now and then. And as we walked by, we left our footprints in the sand. Some staying, some getting washed away. But both showing that, whether there may be difficulties or not, we will stick by each other's side no matter what. Forever.

My name, is Supriya. And this, is... My forever. My maybe. My life.

His name, is Suphreme. And this, is... His forever. His maybe. His life.

But this, this is... Our Story.


Hey people, 

I just loved writing this story because it is different from my other books. I completely enjoyed it. Moreover, I wrote this story in one day. One day. Yes! I started writing on 13th December, 2015 and finished it that day itself. Edited : 31st Decmber, 2015 (IST).

I hope you guys enjoy reading it. And if you did, please Vote. If you loved this story, Vote and Comment. Hated it? Comment your thoughts. Finally, don't be selfish. Please share this story with your friends, enemies and families, so that, they may enjoy, like, love, dislike or hate it with you. Please....

Don't forget to check out my other books. Peace:)

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