OCEAN EYES__ Epilouge

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Happy endings?

Two years later.

Its been two years already and everything seemed to remain the same. The sky was still blue, the early birds still sang right outside room 94, Angel's room. The early bird's songs became a natural alarm clock to our NUMB princess who stood the test of time and finally ended up victorious, though a price had to be paid.

Angel slowly opened her eyes and look out of the window, the sun was coming out for its daily routine and golden rays shone right past the curtains giving the room a little warmth. She nodded her head in rhythm with the songs of the birds and sat up. Her room was empty, she didn't mind anyway. Waking up in an empty room had become part of her, but the hope that by noon life would return to the empty grey walls filled her heart and made them beat.

Soon, Beth opened her door and shot her a warm smile before moving closer to her.

"Good morning Angel. How are you doing today" Angel didn't respond but starred right into her eyes. The look alone was a guarantee that Angel was in a perfect state, at least that was better than being dead. Beth smiled at her, guiding her by laying her palms on Angel's waist, she laid her to the small bathroom to wash her up and get her ready for the day. It was a special day for everyone.


There was a gentle tap on the door and a little push that ushered in Chris. He held a firm smile, showing his white teeth that matched perfectly with his caramel skin. He walked slowly into the room, ignoring Beth and walking straight to where Angel sat, starring outside the window.

He drew his visitor's seat right in front of her and took her hands into his. Giving it a gently squeeze, Angel turned her attention to her charming prince.

Her heart warmed up but her lips were too sealed that it suppressed the smile that was building up. She just starred into his eyes, sending so many unspoken words, she just wished he could hear her soul. How her soul longed for him. How her body wanted to jump into his hands and feel his warmth against her skin. How she longed to say words of gratitude to the man that had stood right by her through it all. But she couldn't, all she could do was stare. Stare into his dark twinkling eyes.

Chris somehow heard all those words. He drank her in with his eyes also, giving her a reassuring smile that he was there and would never leave. He still loved her, he just hoped that one day he would be able to hear those words from her mouth.

"Well Mr. Chris, am I that invisible?" Beth, Angel's nurse shot a playful glare at Chris and replaced it with a warm smile immediately she got his attention.

"I have to greet my Angel first, Beth" He laughed still not letting go of Angel's hand.

"Alright then, guess I will wait till Ann gets here for me to get some attention" she laughed and turned on her heels heading out of the room with a file in her hand.

Now alone, the two love birds continued with their starring competition.

"How are you doing my love? " Chris asked and smiled. Letting go of the hope that he would get a response, he continued.

"Ann will be here soon. She's graduating today. Remember I told you about that. I know you must be proud of her" he squeezed her hands and smiled the more. A twinkle appeared in Angel's eyes, that only happened when she was happy about something. That alone made Chris to smile even more letting out a small squeal.

All these while his eyes had moved from Angel's eyes to her lips to every part of her face. They had remained the same ever since the last time he had them close to him, the last time he had them alive against his. He shook off the memory choosing to remain positive and happy, that was the least he could do for her.

He looked into her eyes again and the twinkle had disappeared, leaving only hallow darkness in them. Eyes so deep, filled with unsaid words and un-cried tears. The spark in her eyes had vanished long ago and he missed it with passion. It gave life to her being. It felt as if you could read her entire soul just by looking at her eyes, they were always filled with joy, ambition and love.

All of those vanished that morning when she took the life of her oppressor. It left her with dark eyes, you could drown just be looking into them.

But what choice did he have. He just had to look into them, get use to the darkness and pray that the spark would return one day.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Facing the door he told the person outside to come in. He already knew who it was. It was just Him, his parents and Ann that came visiting.

Ann walked into the room, wearing a long golden gown that had a slit just at the right place to show off her long legs. Her makeup had a professional touch to it and her hair was flowing down in waves, covering the skin that her off shoulder gown left the world too see. Too bad world.

She walked into the room quietly, taking off her black strapped heels, dropping her bag too on the bed, she excitedly ran to her sister and gave her a warm hug. Though not returned she knew it met something to her Sister.

"I made it sis" she squealed the more and made a spin knowing that Angel was looking at her. She quickly rushed to the bag she dropped and brought out wooden carved awards that she was presented the night before, which was the school's award night.

"I told you I would make you proud sis" she shoved Chris away from where he was sitting, replacing him on the seat, she started showing and naming the awards she was given.

"Wow, Ann. You really out done your self. Congrats dear" Chris said with a smile in his face as he sat on top of the bed.

"I was given a scholarship to further my education Angel. Yes. I just need to choose the university and I am off." she said the last words with a sting in her heart. She couldn't stand the idea of leaving her sister behind in that place. So she had choose to further right in her school. They already offered though.

" Wow, this is great news. We need to celebrate" Chris added looking at the smile on Ann's face disappear. She lowered her head, she must have been waiting for a reaction from Angel but she got nothing. Chris walked over to her and patted her back.

"She hears you Ann. She is very proud of you" he held Angel's hand and made it touch Ann's. "We are all proud of you"

"Look who we have here" Beth loud laughter interrupted the special moment as she bounced into the room and gave Ann a hug. "Congrats girl"

"Thank you Beth" Ann replied and stood on her feet, looking over Beth's shoulder in search of something. Confusion marred her face as she looked puzzled at Beth.

Right then, tiny steps made their first walk into the room full of adult humans. The tiny being took little steady steps as her giggles filled the room. She laughed the more as she lifted her head to met the confused adults that starred right down at her.

"Are they confused that I am walking. Am human" the baby giggled the more as she walked the more and landed on Ann's feet.

Everyone joined the fun and the cold grey walls filled up with so much warmth that only an innocent child could bring. The baby had dark curly hair and her dark eyes contracting her fair skin. Her chubby cheeks was graced with a dimple, she held her hands up and Ann carried her hugging her. The baby hugged Ann tighter by the neck giggling the more.

"MA-MA" she called out as her eyes met with Angel's who looked right back at her.

"The little baby knows her ma-ma" Beth said and everyone laughed.

Ann took her and laid her on Angel's laps, holding her by the waist so she won't fall. Every one turned to face the daughter and mother conversation. The baby remained calm and look at her mother. She was really a combination of Chris and Angel. With Chris hair and Angel's skin. She was really an angel.

"MA-ma" she said again and held out her hands and touched Angel's face. The room was quiet. Everyone watched the both of them. Angel's concentration was only on the child on her laps.

The baby touched every part of Angles face till it touched a liquid that streamed down her eyes. The child's smile turned into confusion at the watery substance that came from her Ma-ma's face. She looked back at Ann and showed her hand to her.

"She's crying" Ann said. Sheer shock took over, as Ann turned to face Chris and Beth who were looking down at the child.

"She's crying Beth" Chris jumped on Beth, picking her from the ground, he shook her till her head started to spin. Every one had tears in their eyes and hers were flying all over the place.

"Chris put me down before my eye balls falls off" Chris lowered her and rushed to Angel. Kneeling by her side, he took her hands. The baby looked at the dad and did the same to Angel's other hand and then, Chris felt a squeeze, so does the girl. She laughed out loud and squeezed back her mummy's hand.

"Beth, she squeezed my hand. Beth, please go and call the doctor. What's happening?"

"it's a miracle Chris. She coming around. Oh thank God" Beth said and rushed out of the grey room.

"Angel, you're back."


A/N: So it's finally over guys. What do you think?

Am not really a fan of happy endings but oh well but I can say. I think I love it😁😁😁

What should we name the bundle of joy, the baby that brought our Angel back?

Anyways drop your comments and don't forget to vote.

You can also check out Deep THRUST. It's on my profile.

Thank your so much for choosing to read NUMB.

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