Chapter 2: Inrtoducing The New Orphan

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The next day, Black Mist woke up to some kind of smell. It was good, but it was also strange. He sat up painfully. He felt around his body for the extent of the damage, but he couldn't tell.

Hope walked in and saw the young Number sitting up. He calmly walked over. "Are you feeling well enough to get up?" he asked to make sure that he was fine.

"Kind of," Black Mist strained. "My body hurts all around, though." He looked at all the bandages, and he noticed that all of his gems, save for the ones on his head, were all covered. He then assumed that they were all either broken or fractured. He felt uncomfortable in his stomach area.

"It is best if you do not know the extent of the damage," Hope advised as he helped Black Mist up. "Some things are best left unknown, little one."

Black Mist nodded and took Hope's hand. They went into what was called the "main room," where Sam and Sanaji were eating, and Mint was drinking something clear.

"Children," Hope called. "This, as you know is our new addition." He turned to Black Mist. "If you wish, say your name."

Black Mist nodded and held Hope's hand tighter. "M-my name is Black Mist," he said softly. The girls heard it, but the boy didn't.

"What did he say his name was?" he asked.

"Black Mist!" the girls answered in unison.

"No number in front of the name?" Sam wondered. "What's that all about?"

"The Numbers gain their Numbers at a certain age, when they are still in their childhood," Hope explained. Black Mist nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'm Sam. I'm a human," he said. He continued eating.

"A human indeed!" Sanaji, who was eating like a wild animal, exclaimed. "It shows in his eating habits."

"Mint," Black Mist called, floating closer to the Namekian girl. "What is that?" He pointed at the clear liquid.

"This is water," she explained. "Unlike the humans and Saiyans, Namekians survive only on water." She smiled. "What about you?"

"I don't need anything except some kind of energy," Black Mist answered. "I don't know what kind, but I always seem to have it."

"Dark energy," Hope said. "You are not an ordinary Number. You can absorb Dark Energy, and that sustains your life."

"Oh." He nodded. He then looked up at Hope. "When will I get my Number?" he asked.

"In a few weeks," Hope answered. "You will have to wait until then for you to be able to defend yourself."

"Eh? Why?" Mint asked. "Why does he have to wait that long?"

"Yeah," Sanaji agreed. "Me and Mint could fight since we were born."

"Well, you see, a Number is different. If they are born with a large amount of attack power, they can fight." Hope looked at Black Mist. "Black Mist, how much attack power do you have?"

"100 attack points..." Black Mist mumbled. "Just...100. Also, 1000 defense power..."

"I thought so. Now, since he has only 1000 defense and 100 attack power, he cannot defend himself yet. I, however, was born with 2500 attack points. When I got my Number, my effect was of defense," Hope explained.

"Will mine be something that will boost my attack?" Black Mist asked eagerly. His eyes shined with hope.

"More than likely." He smiled. "All we have to do is wait."

Black Mist smiled and nodded. Then, a thought came to mind. "Wait, how did they get here?" He gestured to the three.

"I was lost in Planet Namek," Mint explained. "I didn't know where any of the villages were. I saw Hope, and he took me here."

"I was a survivor of the destruction of Planet Vegeta," Sanaji said. "I ended up here in this world."

"I was an orphan in Planet Earth. I think Hope was traveling there when he found me as a kid, just about your age," Sam explained. "I was actually the first out of all of us. What about you, little man?"

Black Mist looked down. "I...I can't remember much. All I know is that there were older Numbers surrounding me. They were hurting me, and then everything went black."

"I found him at the edge of the forest," Hope continued. "He was in terrible shape. I brought him back here and stopped the bleeding."

"That so?" Sam mused.

Black Mist couldn't wait to get his Number. He wished that a few weeks could already pass. He wanted to know so badly.

Hope left for a while to attend to some errands. When he left, Black Mist looked over to Sam.

"Do humans fight?" he asked bluntly.

"Well, when I was a kid, I did see a lot of people fight. It was never like how they do it here, though," Sam explained. "You see, humans use their fists when they don't have anything. From what I've seen here, the Numbers already have weapons, their fists are extremely powerful, or they can make magical constructs of weapons." He shot a look at the girls. "Well, except for these two. They seem to use an energy called Ki."

Black Mist looked over to the girls. "Mint, Sanaji, what's Ki?"

"Ki is energy from your body!" Sanaji started.

"It's also all around you," Mint added.

"Mint and I can harness it into many attacks!"

"Like blasts and beams."

"And explosions, too!"

Black Mist was getting dizzy from all the talking. "Okay, okay, I get it!" he interjected.

"Do you?" Mint asked.

"Do you really?" Sanaji teased.

"Ugh, yes!" Even though he really didn't get it. He just didn't want to hear any more from the two girls. They were really confusing. It was giving him a headache.

Sam picked up the plates, which was hard since Sanaji ate until there was literally thousands of plates. She must have made them with magical constructs, if a Saiyan could do that.

"Why do you eat so much?" Black Mist asked Sanaji.

"I dunno," she answered casually. "I mean, I do feel full, but I just don't wanna stop eating. I don't know what it is."

"Ah..." Black Mist really didn't know what to say. He found it strange that she ate even though she was full.

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