Chapter 6: Number 96 Black Mist

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"Let me congratulate you on reaching this stage of your life, Numbers and Dark Numbers."

The large Number had small accessories, and Black Mist knew they were meant for them. The accessories were a variety of colors, from black to gold. The black and red one had a 96 etched in it. He knew that the bracelet was for him. He just knew it!

"I first want to tell you all how much responsibility having a Number has. Some have great power, and you need to control it." He then started telling about the history of the Numbers.

"As you children know, there are two types of Numbers: the regular ones and the Dark Numbers. Let me start by telling you how the regular Numbers were made first.

"The humans were the ones who made us. The scientists. They made these experimental beings, and they gave us numbers to address us by. No name, just a number. We did what they told us, every test they wanted to run, we let them. Mindless, that's what we were. We didn't question anything.

"That is, until one day, one of us got the nerve to question our existence. He was subject number 1, the most intellegent of them all. He got to thinking. He wondered why they made us do these tests. Was it just for fun? Was it to get something out of it? He had to know.

"So, one night, he snuck out of his glass pod and did a quick search around. He saw the other experiments sleeping in the pods, their bodies looking lifeless, their breathing shallow. The scientists seemed to have forgotten to put the gas on in his pod, and he took advantage of it.

"He snuck through that lab, looking for any answers. That was when he spotted a computer that was on. He read the words, and he was astonished by what he found. They were made for weapons, for the army. They were addressed as 'it' in the reports. He found it disrespectful.

"That was when the scientists opened the door and found him. Number 1 panicked, but not for long. He pressed a button, and his brothers and sisters, his friends, woke up. He quickly met with them and told them of his discovery. They were enraged. They couldn't believe that they were just things.

"So, they confronted the scientists. They demanded to know the truth, if they really were just weapons. That was when they were hit with the truth.

"They were just weapons to them. Their lives meant nothing. So, the subjects rebelled, and they won. They found a way into another world and settled, using the numbers they were given as their names."

Dyson stopped, letting that information sink in. Then, he continued.

"On to the Dark Numbers' circumstances, they get created by dark beings all around the universe every 1000 years. When they first started this, they made one model to base their creations off of. This meant that the Number has the same attack, defense, and dark energy as the original.

"The dark energy is different all around. For the Number created by Don Thousand, that energy is called 'Chaos.' For the one in Isalda, made by Huga, it's called black magic, and so forth.

"All of you Dark Number children have that energy inside of you, allowing you to use it however. Now, let us get started."

He went to a little girl with magenta hair, green eyes, and a purple dress. Dyson touched her forehead for a while before presenting her with a golden crown. It had a purple 83 on it.

"You are to be Number 83 Galaxy Queen," he said. Then, he went around to the other kids, presenting them with Numbers. Then, he got to Black Mist. He had a few of the accessories, the 96 one among them.

He touched his forehead, then he jerked his hand away. His eyes widened in surprise, and Black Mist grew worried.

"A 96..." Dyson mused. He brought the black and red bracelet up and said in a strong voice, "You are to be..." He hesitated. "Number 96 Black Mist."

The crowd gasped. Murmurs rippled through the crowd. They whispered things about Don Thousand. Black Mist had heard of Don Thousand in the nightmare he had. Then, he couldn't help but add:

"My name is Black Mist..."

Once again, the crowd gasped. Hope just stood among them, not showing any surprise. He just smiled proudly, as if to say "I knew you would be someone special."

Dyson held the bracelet to Black Mist. "Hold out your arm."

Black Mist held out his arm, and Dyson put it on. As soon as he did, the little Number experienced a large surge of power. A voice whispered in his head.

"Number 96, this is your maker in Barian World. Be careful with this power."

Black Mist's eyes were widened. The voice was somewhat familiar.

"In your body is Barian energy. With it, you will be able to access your Chaos form. This form is much more powerful what your form right now and 612 years from now. Even when you are 1000 years old, your Chaos form will be far more superior."

Hope shook him out of his stupor. "Black Mist," he said. "Wake up, please."

Black Mist blinked a few times and looked around. The rest of the kids were already gone, and only Hope, Mint, Sanaji, and Sam were there.

"P...Papa?" the little Number asked. " everyone gone...?"

"Yeah, little man," Sam answered. "You spaced out there for a little while."


"Let's go home," Hope sighed. Black Mist held his arms up, indicating that he wanted to be carried. Hope picked him up and took him home.


The next morning was filled with sobs and cries as Black Mist awoke from another nightmare. Sam, Mint, and Sanaji were there, comforting him.

But they didn't understand. Only Black Mist did. Only he had suffered in such a terrible way. Still, he allowed them to hug and comfort him.

As soon as he calmed down, he sniffed and wiped away his tears. Sam smiled at him.

"You'll get over it soon," he assured.

Mint hugged him assuringly. "It's okay, Black Mist."

Black Mist nodded and smiled slightly. Then, they went out into the living room, where Sanaji and Mint sat across from each other and closed their eyes. Black Mist watched them with a confused look. They didn't seem to be doing anything, but their expressions begged to differ. They looked like they were concentrated.

Hope placed a gentle hand on Black Mist's shoulder, making the little Number jump.

"Ah, sorry," he apologized.

"It's okay, Papa," Black Mist assured him with a smile. "What did you want?"

"I want to train you. Since you have your overlay units, it's best to start now."

"Eh?" Black Mist looked at the floor, frowning. "But I only have 100 attack power..."

To his surprise, Hope was chuckling. Black Mist looked up at him with a confused look.

"Why are you laughing, Papa?"

Hope smiled and crouched to his level. "I knew from the start that your Number was going to be 96. The real reason I gave you the name was because it was the name of the original holder of that Number. You wanna know what his effect was?"

Black Mist nodded. If Hope knew what the original holder's name was, then he would most likely know the effect. Plus, why would he offer to tell him the effect if he didn't know?

Hope smiled. "When he uses one overlay unit, he can take half of the opposing monster's attack points and add it to his own 100. The monster loses those points, which gives you the advantage." He poked Black Mist's chest. "There's another."

"Another?" How many effects does 96 have?

"Yes. You can access your Chaos form. That form is called Chaos Number 96 Black Storm. If he's summoned with Number 96 Black Mist, he gains the following effect: If he's attacked or launching an attack, he can take all of the opposing monster's attack power and add it to his own. Again, that monster loses the power."

Black Mist's eyes widened. He smiled. "Really? That's so cool!"

Hope nodded. "Come with me. I built a special training room to train the kids."

The answer to the riddle was that five girls took one apple each, and the sixth girl took the whole basket with the apple in it ^3^

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