Chapter 9: Sanaji's Extreme Reaction

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The next day would be the ending of his training. Black Mist had been waiting all night to fall asleep since he was so active before he went to bed.

Note to self: don't be so active before going to sleep...

The voice in his head kept him company, too. It would tell him soothing things to him to help him fall asleep, tell him that he would finally be done with training and take care of himself. Unfortunately, that only made Black Mist more excited.

"Just calm down," the voice said. "If you cannot get to sleep, you will not be able to complete your training."

While it had a valid point, Black Mist still couldn't seem to fall asleep. He got up and went outside, where he found Sanaji. She was staring up at the stars, but she didn't seem to want to look at the full moon.

"Hi," he said softly so as not to alert her.

"Hi," she said back. She looked at him with a smile. "It's a pretty night, isn't it?"

Black Mist nodded and sat next to her. "Yeah, it is." He looked up at the moon and smiled. He liked the moon. He liked the night the most.

"That is because you are suited for the night," the voice answered to his unasked question. "You like it because it provides cover."

Also because it's pretty, Black Mist told the voice. There's no denying that.

"Very true."

Sanaji sighed, which brought Black Mist back to reality. He looked at her, and he saw that she was smiling, content. He smiled along with her.

"The night is so pretty," she cooed. "Especially the moon."

But she wasn't looking at it. Black Mist was confused.

"Why aren't you looking at it, then?"

Sanaji turned back to him and giggled. "I'll turn into a giant monkey, silly! I can't have that when I'm little."

Black Mist nodded. He looked up at the moon again, not questioning why she would turn into a monkey. Maybe it had to do with that tail of hers. He would ask when he felt like it.

He felt sleepy, finally. He looked at Sanaji. "I'm tired. I'm gonna go to sleep."

Sanaji nodded and kept looking up. Black Mist went inside and went to sleep, the little voice in his head sendong soothing waves to help him sleep.


Black Mist woke up excitedly since it was the last day of his training. Sam came in this time to retrieve the little Number. He chuckled when he saw Black Mist bouncing excitedly.

"Let's go!" he shouted.

Sam chuckled and led Black Mist to the training room. The hyper Number bounced along beside him, sometimes speeding up, then falling back into step with Sam.

"Onii-sama, did you know that I'm going away?" he said excitedly. "Today!!"

Sam's reaction wasn't something the little Number was expecting. He was shocked.


Black Mist picked up on the tone and bit his lower lip. His excitement went away, and he nodded slowly. Sam sighed and kept walking.

"Why are you leaving?"

"I don't feel right staying here, Onii-sama. Papa said I could go if I finish my training, and today is the last day."

Sam took his words and thought about it. He doesn't feel right here. I wouldn't blame the little fellow for wanting to move out, but at such a young age? I'm going to have to talk with Father about this...

Sam nodded and walked on, a deflated Black Mist trailing behind. He was beginning to have second thoughts about all this, especially the thoughts about the gang.

What if I encounter them again? They'd most likely beat me to a pulp again and maybe tear out my eyes...I don't want that...

The voice in his head said reassuring things to him. "With your new power, you will not have to worry about them. Remember what Hope said: You can take your enemy's power as your own."

Black Mist nodded, still nervous, still having second thoughts. The voice still assured him that everything was going to be alright.


In the afternoon, Hope called Mint, Sanaji, Sam, and Black Mist into the living room for a chat. Black Mist knew what this was about, but the girls didn't. He just hoped that they would understand.

"Alright," Hope started. He took a seat on the couch while the kids minus Sam sat in front of him. Sam sat beside Hope. "Now, I want to say that we're going to say goodbye to one of our own."

This brought up complaints from Sanaji. "WHY????" she whined. "I DON'T WANT SAM TO GO!!!"

Hope shook his head. "Not Sam, Sanaji."

"Mint, then?"

"No, not her either."

"Then, that only leaves..." Sanaji looked at Black Mist, who showed no expression. She started to panic. "NOOO!!! NOT HIM!!!"

"Sanaji, calm down," Sam urged. He got up and sat next to Sanaji. "It'll be alright. Father told me he can take care of himself."

"NOOO!!!!" Sanaji kept yelling and screaming her head off. She gripped Black Mist's shoulders with so much force, the Number winced. "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!! NO!!!" Then, she burst into tears, hugging the life out of him.

They were all surprised. They didn't expect Sanaji to act this way. She was always so cheerful. Sam hugged her and gently pried her off.

"Sanaji, it'll be fine," he soothed.

Sanaji just screamed louder and clung on to Black Mist, crying her eyes out. "NO NO NO NO NO!!!" she shrieked. "DON'T LEAVE ME!!"

Black Mist looked at Hope with a confused look. Hope shook his head and produced a needle.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to use this, Sanaji..." he mumbled. He got up, walked over to her, and jabbed the needle into her jugular vein.

That produced immediate results. She fell limp, her grip no longer so tight. Hope sighed and picked her up.

"Papa, I think it's best if I leave tomorrow..." Black Mist suggested, startled by Sanaji's behavior.

Hope nodded. "I'm sorry, Black Mist. I know how much you wanted to go. As soon as you talk to her when she's calmer, you can go."

Black Mist nodded in understanding and followed Hope to Sanaji's room. Hope laid her on her bed and sang her the lullaby he sang to Black Mist when he first got there. It was very soothing, and Sanaji's tensed body soon relaxed.

"I'll stay with her, Papa," Black Mist offered.

Hope nodded. "I will go make dinner. As long as she doesn't freak out again, you will be fine."

Before Hope left, the young Number stopped him. "Papa, why did she freak out like that?"

Hope stopped with one hand on the doorframe. He sighed. "It's a long story. Maybe Sanaji can tell you when she wakes up."

Black Mist nodded, and his foster father walked out.

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