Tachibana Haruka

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Haruka's POV

"Ughh..." I held my head as i sat up on my futon

Ughh my head hurts like hell!!!

I looked at the clock it was 5:47 am

I stood up and went out to take a shower.


After i finished my daily morning routine i went to the dinning room where i should find rikuo.

My headache worsen by the second. I held my head and message my temples.

I open the door revealing rikuo eating and my parents, brother , and my aunt chatting happily

"Oh good morning haru!" My mom greeted me as my aunt gave me a sweet smile

"Good morning mom, dad, shingo ,and auntie" i said as i walked over to rikuo's side and sat

"Good morning haruka-san!" He greeted me

"Good morning rikuo" i greeted back


We went out to go to school wearing my usual disguise

"Haruka-san are you okay?" He asked me worriedly

"Im okay dont worry much" i said smiling slightly.

As we arrived at school i saw kana-chan cheerfully smile and the others being they're usual selves

"Good morning haru-chan!!" She greeted me

"Good morning....." I greeted her back

Damn it my headache is getting worser as my vision started to blur

"H-haruka-san!!" I heard rikuo as i totally blacked out.

Rikuo's POV

"H-haruka-san!!" I shouted as i saw haruka-san fainted

I caught her. She was hot i think she have a fever

"Haruka-san! Wake up" i shook her but no avail she didnt wake up

Kana-chan and the others were shocked

"Im gonna bring her to the clinic!" I shouted and carried haruka-san bride style.

I ran up to the clinic opening the door rather rudely

"Nurse-san!!" I shouted at the woman who was writing as she looked at me she ran towards me

"What happened!?" She asked as i explain what happened she told me to lay her down on the bed.

"Its a fever just let her rest" nurse-san said and left us there

"Thank goodness!" I murmured at myself

Holding her hand i laid my head on the bed as my vision slowly disappears.


I woke up seeing it was 10:33 waaahhhh!! I slept a really long time!

I looked at haruka-san who was sleeping peacefully

I sighted i wonder what happened?

I saw her eyes twitch i was shocked and stood up from my sit

As she slowly opened her eyes i saw something weird

It was violet her eyes were a beautiful shades of violet as she blinked it disappeared and came back as crimson red

"R-rikuo!? What happend!?" Snapping out of wondering i looked at her and explained what happened.

"Oh so thats why i had a headache!" She said and smiled

"Yeah" i agreed as she tried to stand up but failed miserably for her legs was wobbly

"I think you should rest" i said as i held her forehead which was hot

"Yeah maybe i should" she said and laid back down

"Thank you rikuo go back to class" she said covering her body and closed her eyes

"Yeah see yah later haruka" i said and left her to rest

Normal POV

"Seimei-sama its seems like she's slowly awakening" a demon said to seimei who was sitting on his throne

"Then the plan worked then?" He mumbled while playing his chess piece which was the queen

"Its seems like we have to make a move before she fully awakens and gotten her real memoris" seimei added smirking

"Begone now and continue to observe yamamoto Haruka!" He commanded the kneeling demon

"Yes!!" He said and desappeared out of nowhere

Smirking widely he walked to the portrait

"Kaoru your daughter really looks like you, it makes me want to do what i did to you" he laughed and went back to his throne

"Let the game of chess begin" he said as he reached out for a piece of soldier and moved it forward.

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