Yamamoto kenta and kaoru

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A girl with long black hair ran in the streets of the road

"S-somebody... Please help me!" She shouted while running

As ayakashi was running after her eyes filled with lust, lust for a taste of a human

She looked back with fear visible in her eyes it was a good thing she was a fast runner or she would have already died

'.... Thank goodness im a fast runner thanks dad' she just karma'ed her self as memories of her dead parents came running through her mind

As tears streamed down her eyes

'M-mom... Dad....' She wiped the tears off her eyes as she remembered her parents last words

'L-live kaoru... Live for our sake' the word her mother gave her rang in her head

'Thats right its no time to think of anything just survive!' She thought as she stepped on a rock causing her to fall

"Stupid rock...." She murmured and stood up and ran again with her bloody knee's

The ayakashi was coming closer running faster than before they were slowly catching up to her

Then she saw someone

Someone on the roof wearing a traditional Japanese kimono

With his long black hair tied up in a high pony tail and has two katana hands ready and in position

There she saw it one second he was there the next he was gone

She looked back at the ayakashi seeing them dead

Her eyes widen as she saw the same man bloodied and was walking towards her as if nothing happened

She fell on her knee's her eyes widen with fear and horror

"Oh! Dont worry u wont hurt you!" He said smiling widely

"H-how did you do that?" She asked

She slowly stood up dusting off her clothes

"Well..... I don't know either" he said simply

"What do you mean you dont know!" She shouted causally

When she noticed her mistake she covered her mouth

".....sorry" she murmured barely heard

"Nah its okay since my mission is complete lets go" he said and held the girls wrist

"Wahh!! Let go who are you!!" She shouted as the guy carried her bridal style

They arrive at the rooftop where he previously stood

"Im yamamoto Kenta!" He said grinning widely

"I-im Mirai kaoru" she said as her face turned pinkish red.

That's all folks the meeting of kenta and kaoru! The next chapter is the part 2!!!

Im sorry for the short chapter just got to lazy to write a longer one

Well at least a fast update XD


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