Yamamoto Kenta and Kaoru

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"Waka-chan! Be careful!!" Kaoru shouted as she caught the falling plate

"Waka-chan how many times do i have to tell you that don't touch unnecessary things!" Kaoru added placing the plate on the table

"Im sorry ru-chan.." Wakana mumbled and pouted.

Kaoru patted her head and smiled

"Dont worry its always like this and i gotten used to it anyway" kaoru said and led wakana out of the kitchen

Kejoro and the others breathed in relief

It has been 1 months since she was bought in the nura clan and it seems like she gas gotten used here.

The two sat in front of the sakura tree

"Wheres your husband?" Kaoru asked wakana

"On a mission with your hubby I think!" wakana said while kaoru got bright red by the word

"Waka-chan! For the hundredth time he's not my hubby!!" She exclaimed while standing

"Oh? Not your hubby? And for your info. Its still 96 times! It has yet to reach a hundred!" Wakana corrected

Kaoru just simply faced palm at her best friend and sat again

"Waka-chan...." She mumbled while wakana looked at her

"Why do you think Kenta kept disappearing every night when its full moon?" Se asked wondering why

"Hmmmm?..... He said not to tell you but ill tell you" wakana said and kaoru looked at her

"You know Rihan said Kenta's parents was killed in front of him he was a child back then helpless and weak his family was a special one. In each body there lived two souls.....its the cause of a curse" Wakana said looking at the sakura tree

"Two souls?" Kaoru asked gesturing to get closer to wakana

"Yes two souls like a split personality..... The bubbly and funny Kenta was the main soul while the other was...." Wakana stopped


"While the other one was merciless and emotionless yes like a void spirit certainly not the Kenta we know..... Or so Rihan said to me!" Wakana smiled and looked at Kaoru who was still looking at the tree

"Merciless...... Emotionless...." Kaoru mumbled under her breath

'So thats why he didnt know what he did when we first met!' She thought and smiled

At least she knows something about Kenta at least even a little bit.

Wakana looked at her best friend and held her shoulders and shook her

"Earth to kaoru! Earth to Kaoru!!" She said as kaoru blinked and regained composure

"Oh I'm sorry i spaces out a little!" She said while wakana brighten up while noises begun to be heard

"Come on looks like my husband and your hubby is here!" Wakana said and stood up and pointed at where the noise were

"Mou! Waka-chan i said he isn't my hubby!" Kaoru said and walked along side wakana

"Hai hai" she said while a teasing smirk appeared on her face

'What? Why do i have a feeling something bad will happen' kaoru sweat dropped

When they arrive they were welcomed by the clan members scattered in the front gate

"Eh? What's happening?" Kaoru mumbled as she saw the two who got back on a mission

"Oh kent-!!" Kaoru shouted and ran to him but was pushed by wakana and fell on top of the man

"O-ouch.... Waaahh! Im sorry Kenta!" Kaoru said as worry was visible in her eyes

"That hurts! Oh-? Kaoru? Aahh!!" Kenta and kaoru looked at the other couple who was in the other side with Wakana getting black mail photo's

"WAKA-CHAN!/WAKANA!!" The two shouted bright as red

"Oh! Gotta escape! Rihan hide the Camera!" Wakana shouted and gave her husband the camera while rihan gave a thumbs up at her

Kaoru stood first and ran after the escaping wakana

While Kenta stood black aura surrounding him

Rihan knowing this is a warning ran jumping on roofs.

With as angered demon behind him.

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