ObiKaka HeadCanons (What If Obito Dragged Kakashi Back To The Cave)

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- For starters, Obito still held mixed feelings about Kakashi, The first is the obvious feeling of angry of being indirectly betrayed for not honoring his words and the second one is the subconscious possessiveness that he lost everyone ( His parents/ His grandma ( in anime she died before Obito turned pre teen) ) and Kakashi seems to be the last rope of the line, and he REFUSE to let the last light out there without his supervision and lost trust on the shinobi system in whole, had cut ties with Minato as he no longer want to associate with him.

- Obito placed Kakashi in his room before he went away to discuss his plans with Madara. He still plan to destroy the world to create a permanent everlasting peace in Tsukoyomi. After Madara shared his view with him, Obito took note and make a mental note to become stronger in less than 6 months. He went back to his room to find Kakashi frantically looking around while his body remained weak to get up. Obito would soothe and calm his friend as he sat on the near edge of the bed before Kakashi gasped with tears formed in his eyes. 

- Obito did not expect the next reaction was being tackled on the mattress as Kakashi buried his face on his neck, all while murmur sorry for being a jerk and sorry for not keeping his promise. He also whined about always miss Obito, making the latter widened his eyes in shock to find that Kakashi always have feelings for him beneath his 'jerky' attitude of bossiness and cocky.

- Obito decided to be honest with him that while he is quite angry and upset with him, he would never throw their bond away and shared his plans with Kakashi. At first, Kakashi is obviously horrified and totally against it but Obito manage to persuade him by telling him that Sakumo would also be there and face no atrocities for his selfness deed. And the other ninjas don't have to fight or sacrifice meaningless deaths to appease the higher ups as well as false honor code.

- Once Madara had finish his mentor with his mentee, Obito, he unplugged himself to allow him to 'pass away' peacefully, waiting for the upcoming riot where he can stand again.

- Kakashi allowed himself to abandon Konoha altogether, as he too has no purpose seeing almost all his loved ones had been tragically dead, as he volunteered to be Obito's 'housewife', cooking, tending the households and chores as well as being there to be Obito's consultant and support each other emotionally and mentally. (He secretly prayed that Gai, Kushina, Minato, Ichiraku Ramen's Owners and other decent folks out there to take care of themselves). By that time, Obito had become more muscular and retained his long hair, making him look appealing while Kakashi looked slender and skinny, that made him almost look feminine.

- Every morning, after Obito and Zetsus' went off to their quests, Kakashi would always went to a makeshift Rin's grave to pay his respect and beg his forgiveness as well as his assurance that everything will be ok once they achieved their goal. 

- As normal humans, as time grows, obviously their development on not just the characters but their hormones change,as two years later, Obito in his 16 years old and Kakashi is about to turn 15, as one night Obito experienced his first time of 'wet dream', indirectly making his voice scratchy on the very next day, but that's not the horror part as the horror part is Obito dreamt that it was Kakashi, of all of guys as well as girls... in his slim and slender form, was in his lap... moaning and writhing ..le..lewdly.. in his m.. muscular arms.....

- Kakashi would notice that Obito cautiously distanced himself from him, such as during their breakfast, when Kakashi bid Obito goodbye while Obito just nodded lightly, the same gesture when Kakashi bid him welcome during sunset and almost ignored Kakashi during dinner and bedtime. ( I forgot to add, they did INDEED shared the room and the bed)

- A few months later, Kakashi tearfully confronted him to know what Kakashi had done wrong to improvise their relationship. While Obito tried to reason with him while looking away and blushed madly, Kakashi angrily cupped his cheeks with his soft hands and glared at him with red eyes, all while sobbing by noting that Obito is the only one he solely cared about that is alive right now, and could not bear the thought of him neglecting him, wanting Obito to not conceal his feelings and trust him. Obito tried to reason while lowly tell Kakashi to let him go.

- Misunderstood that Kakashi thought Obito wanted him to leave, Kakashi slowly backed away from him and attempted to leave the room before Obito seized his left wrist and lowly revealed that he had been thinking a lot about Kakashi, in a deeper thought. Kakashi, unexpectedly, thought the same as he was the one who initiated first to kiss.

- Kakashi grinded against him and that's when all hell bound lose. They both lose their virginities at that late night in their room. Obito pulled his Kakashi in his strong arms and let him laid on top of him on his left side as Kakashi nuzzled his nose on his side of cheek.

- Ever since that night, both of them would NEVER leave the lewd activity gone astray as they usually shared their heats during late at nights, with Obito enjoying having Kakashi in his lap.

- One day, as they finished with their heats, Obito, who placed his head on Kakashi's lap mentioned a group named Akatsuki and the Rinnegan wielder happens to be one of the three founders of the group. He and Zetsu will track them down by tomorrow. Kakashi express his distrust of the white/ black plant man and softly make Obito promised to not harm them recklessly and harshly. Obito promised and wrapped his arms around his lover's waist to bring him closer to his chest before they drifted to sleep.

- The negotiation went well, and no casualties occured but it was a big history for Amegakure country for their very first taste of freedom. Danzo, however was being exiled as Obito make an anonymous complaint that he was the aggressor of every big civilization and this brought the old man to sepukku. The other councils were forced to retire early, as they dislike Minato's new guidance with Hiruzen stood proudly by Minato's side as his advisor.

- Kakashi was horrified and was about to scold Obito when Obito produced a classified dossier regarding his status as well as his father. Sadly and apparently, the older councils forced Sakumo to preform Seppuku for not pursuing the mission and put his morals ahead as the mission is far too important. They attempt to make Sakumo the black sheep of the hate. Kakashi could not bear the anger seeped into him much longer as he broke down crying, with Obito embracing his lover quietly and snuggled with him the entire night to comfort him.

- Kakashi pleaded Obito to allow him to participate on some missions as he wants to make himself useful. Obito reluctantly agreed as he place a special seal bracelet on Kakashi's left wrist to indicate if he's in dangerous situation. Kakashi also manage to persuade Obito not to attack the Kyuubi soon as it will cause a huge suspicion towards his clansmen and death of both Minato and Kushina, as they need a smooth plan. As well to ensure no harm in order not to raise suspicion and red flags.

- Obito 'marry' Kakashi in a secluded church with an ignorant old priest gave his vows and the two slowly and deadly become a duo in action. Both in battle and in bed.

- The Kyuubi attack still happen, only this time, it wasn't instigated by Obito but rather, the Kyuubi itself wanted to let out a rampage and the Uchiha is still being blamed for not doing their best to protect the citizens and being as far as to be send off to an isolated area as they were outnumbered. When they heard Minato and Kushina died, Kakashi sobbed quietly and begged Obito to let him fetch Naruto as he sensed the villagers attempt to make the baby the subject of hate. Obito just let him as he too cannot tolerate the villagers bullshit.

- Kakashi easily snuck in and fetch Naruto without any guards noticing and swiftly made it back in their secluded cave. Kakashi told Obito, Tobi and Zetsu that the baby is named Naruto.

- Kakashi motherly tended to him and advised him as he could while Obito's role to achieve the Tsukoyomi and care for his new found family he vowed to protect. Obito still retained his joyful side while being deadly and cautious at the same time. 

- The Akatsuki formation still occurred, with Pein as the true leader and Obito as one of the 'head' of the group. However, Obito is less hostile and still retained a civil relationship with all.

- Jiraiya was forced to head back home as he had received a 'red' warning from Obito to leave Kakashi alone as recently the Sannin found out that Kakashi is alive and attempted to bring him back. Obito made it clear about his warnings and gave a 'gift' as a reminder.

- Overall, Obito made sure he carefully plan well as well as protecting his remaining loved ones. Naruto was raised well but always desired to venture off the woods and not being cling to his protective 'parents'. They loved, fed and trained him but he desired friendship.

- Sasuke still appear aloof and detached after Itachi and Shisui were forcefully 'cleanse' his clansmen and left him alone to not ashamed his clan. Naruto found him glaring angrily as he stared at one of the trees.

- The two make secret friendship as Sasuke one day then willingly follow Naruto to 'abandon' his village altogether. Kakashi and Itachi were both horrified and secretly glad that Sasuke is in safe hands by Kakashi and his 'spouse'.

- Since Sakura was being raised sheltered and being raised to be best of herself with less moral regards, with no orphan boys to learn, she grew out to be selfish and insensitive, thinking she's confident enough and did not treat her teammates with respect. This alone changed after two of her teammates were killed on the spot in the chunnin exam forest, leading her to realize her mistakes and fall into deep depression.

- Sakura unexpectedly manage to obtain Chunnin status and Shikamaru became her travelling partner, she encounter Tsunade and pleaded her to train her as Tsunade, who usually refuse was taken back when she sensed Sakura's natural flow of chakra fold and later agreed.

- Yahiko and Shisui died one day while make sure the team made it out alive from one of the attacks and since then, Pein had become much more hostile and strict.

- Obito will make sure everyone got their happy ending soon as he vowed to erase any flaws and misery of any living things.

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