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"I've heard you threathened your teacher?"

Tsuna scowls towards the phone, "I did not. I attend uni as you told me, I come everyday, sit inside the classroom like any other normal students." He voiced out, "The professor came to me himself and told me to leave, so I did."

"Why are you such a troublesome son? Why can't you be like your brother?!"

"Why do you always compare me to him?! He is him, I am me! I never wanted to become a businessman and be your successor!-"

"You're a Sawada, young man. Sawada always inherits the company and works in it. Don't you dare defy me."

"Then disown me for fuck's sake!"

"Language! If anyone found out a Sawada disowning one's child, it will be our name that's walking in shame!"

Tsuna growls, "I don't give a fuck."

"Just graduate as a businessman and work under your brother's. Why are you being so hard?"

"I don't want to be a businessman, I've told you. I just want to draw or paint-"

"And that will bring down Sawada's name."

Tsuna inhales, "Sawada that Sawada this, I never wanted to be born in the Sawada."

"And I never wanted such a useless son like you."

"For the thousand time, fucking disown me."

"And disowning you will expose that Sawada's name is tarnished."

Tsuna ruffles his head in annoyance, "whatever you say. I'm keeping my side of studying. I attend university as you asked." He spat out, "If you don't believe me you can get someone to stalk me follow me whatever, I don't give a fuck anymore." He ended the call and slumps down to the floor.

"Maybe I should try singing Mafumafu's songs.."




"Do you have chamomile tea?" Fon blinks at the hoarse voice Tsuna lets out.

"You sound awful." The employee voiced out as he also saw the red puff on the brunet's eyes. "And yes, we do have chamomile tea. Is it for take away?"

"Yes please." Tsuna murmured softly, "and I won't be coming for any meet ups for the mean time, can you please relay to the others?"

"Sure." Fon replies, "Do you want to talk about it?" He packed the said tea into a thermos.

"No, I'll be fine." The brunet told, receiving the thermos, "Thank you."

"Feel better soon. I'll be here if you need anyone to talk to."

Tsuna hessitantly nodded, "Yes," He then bows a bit and left the cafe. A tired sigh escape his mouth, 'Well, I overdid myself.' His hand reached to his throat, 'It was fun though.'


"Ah-" His head hitting a broad chest, inhaling the smell of espresso, the brunet stammer backwards, "S-Sorry."

"You have the tendency to walk while daydream don't you?" The deep voice of Reborn stung him. "Look where you walk."

"Not my fault I can't see who'll come out from the side." Tsuna mumble out annoyedly, pulling himself back and sighs.

"Huh?" Reborn lowers down as he stares at Tsuna's face, "Did you have a breakdown?"

"None of your business." Tsuna shoved Reborn, "I need to go so if you'll- ah hey!" Since he's physically smaller than Reborn, he failed shoving and instead his hand was restrained.

"What happened?"

"I said it's none of your business." Tsuna exclaims, grumbling that he's too weak to release himself from Reborn's grasp. "Let me go urgh."

"You've strained your throat too." Reborn's other hand reached the brunet's neck, "You should handle your throat with more care."

"That's why I got a chamomile tea." Tsuna grumbles out, "Can you please let me go or I'll call a police on you."

Reborn let him go and his hand went to his pocket. "Here." He gave a cough drop. "Don't wreck your throat before we get to do our collab, dumbass." His hand then brush through the brunet's hair and waved.

Tsuna lightly scoffs, "Whatever." He stuffed the cough drop to his pocket.




"Heh." Tsuna scoffs as he stare at the canvas. "It's satisfying to see this." He proudly told to himself over the painting he just did.

His hand that held a brush then dips it into a dark blue color, "Meh." He re-painted the whole canvas, covering the art he drew. "I should draw a sakura.. yeah," He hums to himself, "There was that rumor about sakura is beautiful because beneath it is a burried human body right?"

Grinning to himself, "At least he'll be a good resource for a sakura tree then." He shrugs, replacing his brush with a smaller one as he slid the brush through the canvas, drawing branches of the cherry blossom tree.

As his hand swiftly drew as how he imagines it, his face lit up in delight. "Ah." He halted his hand when he realised he's out of pink color. "...a shame." He placed down his brush, placing it inside a water and washed it.

After cleaning up the studio a bit, he stood up and went to the door. "A short trip will suffice." He mumble out, grabbing his wallet and a tote bag in the way.

Of course he didn't forget his mask.

His brown eye blinks when he met with two boys. He tilts his head at the silverette and ravenette, they seem similiar but.. to who?

"Ah hey!" The ravenette one laughs out, "Were you about to go out?"

"Who are you?" Tsuna asks, "ah, are you the eyes my father sent?"

"Much to our dismay, yes. But our proper affiliation is under Ieyasu-san." The silverette one voice out with a scowl.

"I see." Tsuna responded back, "So you're gonna stay in this house too?" He eyed the small suitcase.

"Yes, well, do you mind?"

"No. Just, don't enter any of my rooms or touch anything or I'll kick you out." The brunet voiced out, hands back to the keys where there is a spare of the key. "I'm gonna go on an errand so, make yourself at home I guess? Don't touch the canvas, it's still wet." With that he threw the spare key and ran away.

"Well he seems different from the information we get from Iemitsu."

The silverette sighs, "You know that Iemitsu's information are always wrong. Let's hurry in, I'm tired."

"Sure sure."


I can't draw so sorry if it's wrong.
22 November 2021

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