Amori's POV

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As the three teens traveled a few days, it was to their surprise that the word of them leaving was spreading. In fact it kind of angered me. The high classes are making it sound like Max had kidnapped me.

We decided to take a break. The kingdom we were going to was a private, almost lost, kingdom; which was in the middle of a small island. Soon enough we realized that we're almost to the peir... then we will be out of this country.

"I heard what they do to the women in that kingdom." Lea finally said, taking a drink of water. "I am glad we left when we did. I had a bad feeling when I ran into that raven haired male the other day."

I raise an eyebrow at Lea. "Black hair? Percy has ashy blonde hair, it's so dull that it's almost gloomy. How did you get black hair?"

This made Lea raise an eyebrow. "I saw you talk to his mom. He has the same hair color as her."

"Lea, they have completely different hair colors.. unless."

"Guys!" Max explains running towards the girls. "I just got mail that Prince Percy is trying to find us. He is also threatening to kill Lea and I."

I quickly jump up, dropping the apple I was eating. "Why is he chasing after us? It's just an arranged marriage. This dude openly admitted to me at the party. He wants nothing to do with marriage. "

"Aparently he is tracking us, from what this letter said. Let's get going, the boat is going to be leaving in a hour." He quickly extended his hand to me and I take it.

I quickly turn to Lea, "I told you if anything like this would happen I'd blame you and that cursed dress." I joke.

Lea gives me a blank expression before blinking and giving me a half smile. "How was I supposed to know this was going to happen. Sorry!" She joked back, getting onto her horse.

With a few nervous laughs, we all continued to the peir, and luckily for us we made it there just in time. We quickly enter the boat and right when we got on the gates were closed off. As the boat began to sail Max quickly grabs my wrist and ducks with me being some barrels.

"What's up?" I ask Max with a whisper.

Max peers his eyes over the barrels and then whispered back, "The Prince and his soldiers just came out of the treeline. They won't make it to the peir on time but I don't think he knows we are on the boat."

I decide to peek aswell and saw tons of soldiers with the Prince right infront of them all. I saw soldiers start to look around the city. I smile as the boat got farther and farther away from the dock. We lost him, we are finally free!

"Where is Lea?" I ask.

All of a sudden Lea appeared on the back side of the boat, his hair was a shade of black, which was unusual since her hair color was just red. In her left had she held a smoke signal. One snap and a loud noise would irrupt and a big burst of smoke would give off our location.

"Shit, grab her!" Max exclaimes running towards Lea. I quickly follow him and we grab both of her hands. Right when we touched her she started squirming.

I look at her face and she had the same blank expression on her face. She continued to fight us, trying to get the smoke signal to go off.

"What's wrong with her?!" I ask, and as soon as I spoke Lea stopped, she looked at me and gives me a smile.

"My love. There you are." As those words left Lea's mouth her hair quickly turned back to red and she fainted. Max catches her but not before she dropped the smoke flair. Which instantly broke with a loud bang.

I quickly looked back on the peir and saw the Prince standing there. It was like he saw us before Lea even fainted. Before the smoke enveloped the whole boat, the last thing I saw was Prince Percy waving at us.

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