Amori's POV

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It was terrifying, this man use magic. MAGIC! I've only ever heard rumors of that stuff, that certain kingdoms, and people, posses magic. Yet I never knew they were true.

I look down at Lea's unconscious body. The prince knows where we are, and I wouldn't be surprised if he knew exactly where we were heading.

I turn to Max and noticed he was pale. It was like he knew something I didn't. "What's wrong?" I ask him.

He quickly looks at me giving me a sad smile. "I think I'm gonna die Amori."

I freeze at his words. "What are you saying? Your not gonna die-"

"That Prince Percy... He has the whole kingdom searching for us. They all think I kidnapped you, and if for some reason that bastard beats us to the end of the dock." He pauses, and grabs my hand. "I will protect you... Even if it's the last thing that I ever do. "

I stare at Max's blue eyes, as I feel my own tears fall from my own. "Max... " I start. "I've had a crush on you... Forever. " I confess with a laugh.

He gives me a smile and leans closer to me. "Yea.. So have I."


We start to see land, and I quickly grab a telescope from somewhere. I need to make sure I know where the prince is so Max and I can get out safely.

Once I look at the land I see a couple of soliders waiting at the dock. I don't see the prince but there was a lot of soldiers so I wouldn't be surprised if he was in their midsts.

I put away the telescope and begin to search around the boat for anything we could use. Then, my eyes land on the escape boats.

"Max." I whisper. "Do you know the back way to the abandoned castle?"

Max nods, "yeah but it's an under water passageway... What are you thinking?"

I walk over to Lea, and place a blind fold over her. "Put Lea in the escape boat. We are getting out of here."

Max doesn't question me and begins to load Lea on the escape boat. As both him and Lea get on the boat a ship employee walks over to us.

"May I ask what you youngins are doing over here in a escape boat?" The man asks.

I quickly walk over to the man and hand him a sack of gold. "A psychopath is chasing us and I saw him on the dock so we are gonna use the boat and travel elsewhere." I say.

The man looks flabbergasted, but judging by the look he gave after glancing at the money, he didn't seem to care anymore. "Man, I sure need to get some new glasses." The man says in a exsagerated tone.

I smile to myself and make my way over to the escape boat. Max lends me a hand and I get in the boat. We cut off the ropes and push our self's off and away from the boat. Try finding us now Percy.

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