Amori's POV

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Max, Lea and I enter the secret kingdom through the back entrance undetected. It was great, now that Percy is out of the way, there is no stopping our freedom.

I set Lea up in a room, making sure she was blind folded. "Lea, you may have to keep your blind fold on for awhile." I inform.

She nods, "I'm sorry Amori... I really am. I almost ruined our escape which would also have killed Max." Lea says, fidgeting a bit with her hands.

I smile and placed hand on Lea:sshoulder. "Hey, I don't blame you for that Lea. In fact the only think I do blame you for is making me wear that cursed dress. I told you something bad would happen." I laugh.

Lea gives me a smile. Although I cant see her eye, I know she was looking at me. Well trying to at least. The two of us sit in silence for a moment when Max enters the room.

"Hey, how are you guys holding up?" The blond asks, giving us a warm smile.

"Great actually, I'm glad I'm here with you guys." I say, getting up and walking over to Max. "Also, how did we get here undetected?"

Max looks at me for a moment. Almost like he was studying me, but then he laughs and pats my shoulder. "No clue, BUT there is food in the dinning Hall so we should go ahead and get going."

I give max a suspicious look before hesitantly walking out of the room. The three of us make our way down the hallway when I begin to notice some odd paintings on the walls.

The walls had the old royals paintings plastered on them. Yet, the years that they ruled were really spaced out. The first one I noticed was a girl. She seemed oddly familiar and the painting was dated 500 years ago. The next looked like the same girl, yet slightly different, dating 400, then 300, then 200, then... 100. These were all the same girl. Yet why does she look strangly familiar.

"Amori." Max starts, staring at something at the end of the hall.

I walk over to him tilting my head. "Whats up?" I ask.

There was a silence, as Max looked down at a photograph, or painting in a sealed glass case. His eyes furrowed a bit then he looked at me with a worried expression.

"Why.." He pauses, swallowing hardly like the words he was about to utter may be his last. "Why does this painting that dates over 1000 years ago have all of us in it."

I give him a confused expression before looking down at the photo myself. Like Max had said there all of us were, Max was a soldier who wore a serious expression, his blond hair tied up in a small pony tail as he stares forward. Next to him was a beautiful blonde maiden, who wore a stunning dress, she too stared blankly forward, she resembled Lea.

Next to her was a cloaked figure, their face was hidden, but I could tell there was something off about them. It was as if they were there solely to make sure this photograph was taken perfectly.

In the smacked middle was the familiar girl. She wore a dark expression and it seemed like she was holding an object in her left hand.. Or was it a chain? Either way this girl glared at the photographer... Or painter?

The more I studied her, the more I began to process why she had looked so familiar.. This woman... She looked exactly like me. Yet what freaked me out the most was the person who was connected to the chain in her left hand.

"Max..." I start, staggering a bit away from the photo. "Is that.. Is that who I think it is?" I stutter, looking at my friend.

There was a long silence before he turned  to me and nods. "That's definitely him.." He looks back down at the photo, and I follow his gaze. A tall ashy blonde male, with slicked back hair was connected to the chain the woman was grasping. "That's Percy."

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