Princess Amori's POV

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This guy, he is very terrifying to talk to. Yet I keep smiling, he is just misunderstood I bet. I made many people in the ball comfortable with me, I just need the same for him. Hell, I don't even know what kingdom he is from.

"What is your goal in life?" I ask after awhile of silence. I'm not too sure but maybe for a split second, I saw his deadpan expression change. More then less likely he was taken aback. Almost as if he was never asked that question.

"I do not believe that is any of your concern." He replies, going back to an unamused state.

I feel like I'm getting nowhere with him. He is handsome, ill give him that. Yet with this cold attitude, I now understand why no one has approached him. My body is giving me so many warning signs that I should walk away. Maybe I should.

As I go through my conflicting thoughts, the sound of footsteps started up from behind me. I turn around a bit to see who may have been approaching us, and see it is a woman with the most plastic smile I've ever seen.

Other then me, she was one of the first people to approach this prince. Yet, I feel something off about her as well. She was holding something in her left hand and hastily moving toward the prince.

Quickly, the girl pushes me to the side and pulls out a dagger with some sort of green substance on it and darted towards the prince.

I quickly get in front of the prince before she could hit him and grab the girls hand and bent it back. Yet she refused to let go of the knife and ended up moving her fingers enough to get the knife to cutt my wrist. I bent her hand a bit more and she finally let go.

"GAURDS!!" I yell. A group of my soldiers come in and grab the girl who is struggling to get free. "Take her to interrogation." I hiss, as the poisn from the cutt began to sting.

I turn around and see a shocked expression on the prince's face. "Why did you stop her."

I look at him for a moment, then place my hand over my cutt. "Why wouldn't I?"

My father then announced that the ball is ending, its only been 2 hours but after that incident he wants everyone to arrive home safely. I look at the prince one last time before shooting him a smile.

"Be careful out there..." I then turn away from the prince, knowing this would be the last time I'd see his face... or so I wanted to belive.

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