The POV of a Princess.

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I wake up with a long sigh as my tangled Auburn hair fell into my face. Tonight is the night of the ball, how great for me.

I stretch a little before getting up and heading into my unnecessarily large bathroom to get ready for breakfast. I never liked maids doing my hair and clothes, it always made me feel rather usless.

After getting ready I smile in the mirror, today is gonna be a good day. Even if I don't fall in love tonight I will have great friends and allies for the future. So I make my way to my closet and take down my royal blue dress with gold trims, this dress was handcrafted by my grandmother before she passed, so I make sure to wear it as my morning and noon dress from time to time.

Finally ready, I open my bedroom doors to the bright polished corridor which had green flags and tapestries representing our kingdom; the kingdom of Oaksmaid. As I continue walking to the grand stairwell I glance at the portraits of my ancestors, Maggie Verlaine, married in the family from slavery. Reagan Bloom, caught a great grandfather's eye and he became obsessed.... obsessed. What a horrible thought. I don't know what I would do if that were to happen to me.. I'd probably leave the country.. unless he is hot but there aren't alot of hot royals in this particular part of the world.

I finally find my way to the dining hall, I take my seat next to father and smile at him. "Goodmorning father. Did you sleep well?" I ask.

My father runs his brown, graying beard and chuckles. "How could I, when tonight my little princess could find a prince that will take you away in the future?" My parents only gave birth to one child, and that was me. I was the last of the Oaksmaid family, all thanks to mother running off with the stable man. My poor father never loved a soul since.

"Nonsense!" I say, "if anything I'll make that man marry into our name and I'll take your spot when you retire!" I then pick up a piece of bacon and point it at my father, "Your little princess isn't so easily swooned."

The rest of breakfast was just us bickering about the ball, nothing out of the ordinary; why wouldn't it be? It's just another day.

I get up and thank the maids and cooks for making the food. Then I quickly make my way over to the ballroom to help the workers with the deccorations... no other reason.

Entering into the large, golden, magical room always amazed me. We haven't had a ball in my castle since I was 11. Yet I still get astonished by the beauty in this room.

"Amori!" A familiar Male voice called out. "Glad you came by!"

I turn to see my best friend, and the stable boy, Max. We use to roughouse all the time as children, but now since we've aged we rarely catch a glimpse of each other. His golden hair and his bright emerald eyes just grew more handsome by the years. No wonder mom left with his father, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... sorry dad.

"Here in the flesh Max!" I say with a clap. "Now, what do I need to do?"

Max laughed at me then gives me a big smile. "I was thinking we could.. taste test the snacks?"

I widen my eyes out of shock and excitement, "you read my mind completely!!"

So for the rest of the day I ran around the castle with Max, preparing for the ball. At around 6, my main maid caught me and dragged me back up into my room to get ready for the party.

"So what's the dress this year?" I ask.

My maid smiles and takes out a long flowy white dress with silver linings. "This was your great great great grandmother Reagan's dress that she wore the first time she met your great great great grandfather."

I stare at the beautiful antique dress in awe, but I quickly snap out of it when I remember the name she said. "Reagan Bloom? No, I don't feel comfortable wearing a women's dress who was practically forced into marriage."

My maid laughed, "The years have changes Amori, you will have no reason to be forced into a loveless marriage. Plus I see the way you look at the stable boy, your father will be happy with whoever you decide." She then walks closer to me and pushes the dress out in front of me. "I know you wanna wear it!"

I look at the dress, then back at my maid and smile in defeat. "Fine, but if I end up stuck in a sticky situation I'm blaming this cursed dress and you!" I laugh. I then finish getting ready and look at myself in the mirror as my maid... my friend Lea brushes my hair.

"Here goes nothing."

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