Talyn Jackson

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Name- Talyn Jackson

Villain Name- Enchantment

Age- 15 (in school AU) 19, almost 20 (normal)

Birthday- December 22

Gender- Nonbinary, but biologically female

Zodiac- Capricorn

Sexual Orientation- Asexual

Species- Witch

Personality- Gullible, tends to keep to themself unless spoken to first, sweet, kinda innocent

Good Habits- Tends to be early to anything that they can help

Bad Habits- Bites their nails, swears in Swedish sometimes and doesn't realize it, uses black magic sometimes to make sure they get what they want

Strengths- Midnight (the witching hour) and they can keep a secret

Weaknesses- Gets really tired really easily if they use their black magic too much and can only do mundane things with their white magic (ei, unlock locks, teleport short distances, create small lights in darkness)

Likes- Practicing their magic, the internet, and absolutely slaughtering people at Mario Kart

Dislikes- Being misgendered, when the Wi-Fi goes down, and being yelled at

Hobbies- Making plastic flower crowns, starting Nerf gun wars, and binge-watching Netflix

Scared Of- Being completely outcasted because of their gender identity and being exposed to loud noises for extended periods of time (they get sensory overload way easy)

Story- They were born to a community of black magic users, so white magic was completely forbidden. When they first started practicing white magic with the old spell books they found in their basement, they nearly decimated the entire neighborhood. After about a year, they mastered almost all the beginners spells and were caught by their parents.

((Only pay attention to these lines if it's a Villainous school au.)) They were sent to a school called 'Villian Academy' (or whatever) in an attempt to reform them back into using nothing but black magic. Maybe it'll work. Maybe it won't.

((Pay attention to these if it's normal Villainous)) They were sent to work for Blackhat, Talyn's parents' old boss, to teach them how to truly be evil.

Parents- Joseph Jackson (dad) and Beatrix Jackson (mom)

Best Friends- None (yet, in school AU) 5.0.5 (in normal)

Friends- None (yet, in school AU) Flug (in normal)

Crush/Spouse- None

Relatives- Matthew Jackson (brother), Joan Jackson  (brother), and Melanie Jackson (sister)

Body Type/Looks/Outfit-

Accessories/Jewelry- Glasses (shown), Crystal necklace/magic source (shown), black snapback (shown)

Scars/Piercings/Tattoos- Ear gauges (shown)

Theme Song/Quote- "I'm feeling a feeling that feels the way a chocolate chip muffin smells.


Favorite Season- Spring

Favorite Time of Day- Evening

Favorite Holiday- Halloween

Favorite Color- Light purple

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