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Name "....Tidal.."

Age " I'm  not saying"


Species "why?....."

(Abyssal Destroyer water demon)

Gender "do I look like a male?"


Appearance "im not saying....cause I'm right here!"

(Her general appearance even though she wears a trench coats with her inner thighs showing)

Sexuality "who are you again?....and why are you here?"


Personality "ugh why did whiplash have to leave me alone with this creep...."

(Tidal or "Tidy" here as whiplash (her best friend) calls her sometimes much to her annoyance is often rather cold and distant she hates contact and hates talking to others she will let you know if she cares for you she is also a Tsundere and hates having to confess her feelings however she is very loyal to her friends and will without a doubt protect them with her life)

Powers "I can show you my five inch guns before I stick them up you damn ass"

(She has two five inch double barrelled guns mounted on a pair of extra metal arms she also can spam torpedo's and can switch to fire energy rounds which are very good agaisnt large groups of airborne targets she also has a scythe and four AA guns on her waist she also has cery good speed endurance and strength)

Likes"for sure not being with you creep"

(Being alone or with her friends and fighting)

Dislikes "you."

(Contact emotional deep talks seeing her friends hurt people bringing up her past)

Backstory "....its..normal i.
I swear!" *tears up*

(She has a very rough and sad backstory she used to be human but most of her family was killed in an attack by abyssals and she was taken to the abyssal base and turned into an
Destroyer water demon her remaining faimly and most of her friends where killed off for sport (most right in front of her)she was stripped of everything she once was and is stuck with this in her mind until she is killed).

Other "nothing go away!!!"
(She has a slight German accent)

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