Demitale Oc

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So I found my Old Demitale Oc- I did not do her any justice XD- so I decided to remake her- the only thing that stayed is her name-

Name: Kayley


Really chill, Funny Sometimes, She can be nice depending how you treat her, That goes the same for Caring-, serious when needs to be, aggressive sometimes

Crush: Demi! Sans


1. Fog
In a fight, She can create really thick fog to cover up your view while she attacks

2. Broken dealers
This ability allows her to summon a person who broke a deal with her to fight for her

3. AU Jump
I already explained this in multiple chapters-

4. Burning Hell Flames
This ability allows her to shoot fire that came straight from hell to the opponent

5. Death Calling
This isn't actually an ability, it's more like calling a friend for some help. Kayley can call Shade anytime to help her fight and yes, Shade is doing this willingly but of course she can still refuse if she wants to

6. Deal
If Kayley isn't feeling up for a fight, she'll make a deal with the opponent, she'll give the person whatever they want (there is still a limit to what she can give though) but for a price of course. It's not always a soul, it depends on what the opponent wants. For example, if the opponent wants something simple, then Kayley would give a simple price. But if what the opponent want is really extreme, then she'll make the price way higher- and possibly dangerous

7. Demi Healing
This ability allows her to heal lot of damage that was inflicted on her but it's not as powerful as Shade's healing (Goddess Healing) or Amani's healing (Eyes of Kindness)

Head Cannon Voice:


- just like in the song for her head cannon voice, she doesn't really care about stuff normally, she likes sitting in the sidelines

- She's often called "Two Faced Demon" or "Sloth Sin Demon"

- She has another side to her, which is more dangerous. She covers up that side and tries holding back that creature

- she may be a demon but she still love and care about some people

- She likes hanging out with the medium high ranked Multiverse gals (Like Shade and Midnight)

- She likes talking to the other ranks as well but some of them find her scary (Like Jikan-)

- She hates Asgore with all of her being (if you seen the Wiki for Demitale you'll know why-)

- She's not one of those Harmful af demons- she's more like a neutral one

- Demi made a deal with her, the conditions were that that Kayley have to protect Demi! Papyrus and him from any dangers. The price was that Kayley will have to live in the brothers' house with them and will have a spell casted on them

- the price doesn't seem that high even though the condition was a medium high, it was logical. She just can't randomly appear to where they are if they're in danger-

- the spell was a tracking spell and a some sort of alarm spell meaning she can track them down if needed and if they are in danger, she'll know

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