Callie Owens

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Role: Cheerleader

Name: Callie Owens

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi, But doesn't tell anyone because of her social status

Appearance: Adelaide Kane

Personality: Callie is an extremely complex person. Since she's pretty popular, she always acts cool and pretty but she doesn't really feel any of those things. Callie is super insecure and frustrated and slightly depressed, wishing she didn't feel so much pressure about her school's social Darwinism. Even though she is really close with the queen B, she hasn't told her about her problems. She reason she hates the Star is mostly because she envies her because she seems so purely confident and that's what the Golden Boy wants, but she's mostly move don from that. She's really sweet but also pretty dramatic and cares a lot about her friends, always putting them before herself.

Backstory: Her parents are extremely hard on her constantly telling her she's not good enough. She always struggles to be good enough for them and enough to be where she is popularity wise.

Theme song: Lifeboat from Heathers

Other: Some guys at school think she's a slut and will sometimes harass her into going on dates with them, but she never tells anyone because she's too afraid

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