Ocean Eyes: Wide Awake

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Keith no longer smelled burning flesh. His head no longer buzzed uncertainly; and his tongue felt like sandpaper. He clenched it eyes shut as light poured through wherever he was. His ears didn't ring badly, and he could feel his legs again. His stomach was bandaged up tightly, and it felt like it was utterly destroyed.

I've died was his first though. But as he opened his eyes he realized he was wrong. He laid in a hospital bed, white sheets, pillows, and blankets placed under him. The walls were painted a dark green, and the chairs were wooden.

Shiro and Adam were sleeping on two of them, and the third stayed unused. Centered under the white board filled with writings.

Name: Keith Kogane
Age: 25
Nurse: Bethany Withhold
Doctor: James Bethel

He looked over to see sun raining down on him. Two large windows to his left, opened and blowing hot air in the room. The breeze no longer pleasant as it had been when Shiro was awake.

Moving slowly, Keith noticed his arm was lined with IVs. In fact, his whole body was covered in some sort of wire of another. Keith blinked slowly, looking around the room again. The sunlight hurt his head, and he felt like his whole body had been emerged into molten lava, but that was to be expected after all he had just been in a car—

"Lance." He gasped, wincing at his sore throat. The closed oak door opening as Keith stumbled out of bed. Pain washing over him and making him nearly cry out. Keith only letting himself whimper as he steadied himself on the sides of his hospital bed.

"Woah, kiddo!" A familiar feeling washed over him, a feeling of safety.

Shiro was at his side, disrupting Adam's slumber. Shiro's fiancé groaning as he yawned. Shiro's hands laid on Keith's lower back and shoulder. Keith taking his hands off the bars connected to his bed as he let Shiro support him.

A doctor with a spotless lab coat and a cheesy smile standing at the door frame.

"Woah! Didn't mean to scare ya." He laughed, Keith's stomach turning.

"Lance." Keith croaked once again. His throat feeling as if he had drank hot sauce. The doctor paused, letting Keith look over him to find his id.

James Bethel, Keith recognized the name from his chart. He was his doctor. Could he have worked on Lance as well?!

"Lance." He repeated, blinking rapidly to keep back tears. Shiro's chest deflated and the doctor looked at a loss for words.

"Keith, Lance isn't in the best condition—" Keith put a hand over Shiro's mouth, ignoring how his body protested. The older man having his pitiful speech stopped as Keith let out a large cough into his opposite elbow. He turned back and gathered more air, his breathing raspy.

"Lance– He– alive?" He managed to spit out, swallowing more air as his throat remained dry.

Shiro nodded, Keith's hand over his mouth still.

"Now, Mr. Kogane, I'm afraid he isn't in the best condition. Neither are you, so we need to get you checked out. You took a mighty injury." Keith shook his head, regretting it instantly as his forehead spiked with pain.

"Lance– need– see– Lance!"

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