Amori Hana - original

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Name: Amori Hana, anglicised to Hannah Amori

Age: 9

Birthday: 4th April

Gender: female

Sexuality: she's nine, so therefore impressionable, and following the examples she sees around her, assumes she's straight.

Face claim: Hamada Kokone

Ethnicity: Japanese

Birth place: Japan

Country: America (California)

Personality: very smart, very closed off. She doesn't like talking to people and is protective over what she has. She's very quiet, and gets annoyed very easily. She likes taunting people, testing her skills. She's got sticky fingers and takes things for the fun of taking them, showing off herself and testing how good she is. She often frustrates people. Hana is restless and doesn't like to stay in one place too long. She can be a drama queen and can often be seen as entitled.

Likes: flowers. Hana loves flowers, she always tries to keep them alive as long as possible once she's picked them, or press them so they stay pretty. She has pressed flowers in frames all over her walls at home. Books. Hana likes to learn new things, on her own, without pressure. She reads books so fast her mother once termed her a book monster, claiming she ate them. Family. Hana loves her parents, and would do anything for them and for her little brother.

Dislikes: rules. Hana is like a cat in that she doesn't listen to people, is independent and goes her own way. She really hates having to do something just because someone said so. The colour red. Hana hates the colour red because it reminds her of blood. Also she is reminded of what used to be her favourite dress; the red one.

Flaws: Hana doesn't listen to people often, she puts herself first, she forgets that other people have feelings.

Fears: the colour red, insects (she hates how they crawl over everything and ruin things), wells

Weaknesses: Hana finds it hard to make herself heard, she has little to no empathy

Strengths: She is quiet, she can sneak places, she's very small so she can go unnoticed, She is often underestimated.

Parents: her mother is called Reina, she is a writer, and her father is called Susumu and he is a business entrepreneur.

Siblings: she has a little brother (7) named Taiki.

Backstory: when Hana was four, she and her parents were at a party for her father's new business. Her mother was going to find her father so gave the newborn baby Taiki to Hana to look after. Hana went outside, looking for flowers in her pretty red dress. She was skipping along, making sure to hold her brother correctly when she tripped and fell into a well. Her brother had a long cut on his forehead and Hana couldn't swim, so she was very panicked. Her parents found them two hours later and took her brother away from her. She screamed. She was helped out but they wouldn't let her see her brother. Now she's nine, she is very protective of her brother and all her personal possessions. She hates red, and blood, because it reminds her of how scared she was. She resolved never to be scared again.

Other: Hana has a pet cat called Aya. She is a black cat with white spots on her paws that look like socks.

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