Elizabeth Nemone - roleplay

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Role: boss's daughter

Name: Elizabeth Nemone
*Nickname: Eliza

Age: 19
Gender: female
Sexuality: lesbian
Faceclaim: Mia Wasikowska

Personality: Eliza is cold-hearted. She doesn't have anyone she trusts, and she assesses her relationships with people based on what they can offer her and how she can use them. She has issues with her father, and hates her younger self for wanting his love, wanting to impress him. She finds his work fascinating, and wants to outdo it. She's incredibly ambitious, and is always aiming for higher than she can see how to do. She's patient, and cunning, and resourceful, and will do anything to get what she wants. When any of her beliefs are challenged, she spends time assessing whether she is in the wrong or not, and eventually may change her views, but she is incredibly stubborn and determined.

Likes: Eliza likes science. She's particularly fascinated by chemistry and the make-up of everything in this world, and reality. She also likes music, especially rock and soft rock. Eliza prefers solid subjects like maths and science. She likes public speaking and debating. She smokes and occasionally has a drink, but she never drinks too much, as she likes to be in control.
Dislikes: Eliza has a thing against subjects like art and English. She also has little time for reading, so she hasn't read many classics. She hates video games and other time wasters. She hates Spider-Man - it started when she was younger out of a sort of jealousy that her father was so obsessed with Spider-Man he 'cared' more about him than about Eliza.

*Family/Friends: her father is the boss and her brother is the boss's son. She isn't close with anyone in her family, but she sticks with them, and she loves her brother fiercely even though she often thinks badly of him.
*Other details (e.g tattoos, scars, etc): she has tattoos of one butterfly on each wrist and a raven in flight on her back, between her shoulder blades.
*Theme Song: angel of small death and the codeine scene
*Other: Her father was verbally abusive and manipulative, and as a child she used to do everything to try and impress him. Now, she knows that he was wrong, but she's loyal to her family because of how she can use her family name and resources. Her family call her Elizabeth, and her brother calls her El, but her friends at school and anywhere she's made her own name for herself will call her Eliza.

Backstory: her father was pretty bad at being a father, and her mother was generally the picture perfect housewife, but with very little emotional depth. Eliza basically learned her morals from her father, which is probably why she turned out the way she did. She started off idolising her father and trying to get him to love her, but eventually realised that he was not a great person.

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