Melissa Chronicon - Hunger Games

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district: 6

name: Melissa Chronicon

gender: female

age: 15

sexuality: bi-questioning

personality: Meli tries to give everyone she meets a smile, no matter the circumstances. She is an optimist, and always tries to see the good in the situation, no matter how bleak it looks. She's a little naïve, but she knows that she's been sent to die, and she's accepted it. Sure, she'd like to live as long as she can, but she harbours no plans of winning. She's been an optimist all her life, but even she can see when it's time to step back and accept your death.

backstory: Melissa was raised in a factory, raised on fumes and pollution, as much as her parents would want her to stay away. She was a sickly child, (three guesses as to why) but she stayed strong. The inspiration for her easy nature and copious smiles was the knowledge that even though she was very sick as a child, she pulled through - so if she can escape that, normal, everyday things are only small. Her parents work in the factory building hovercrafts, so she knows just how those are built, but her education isn't the best in other areas. Meli didn't go to school, she worked in the factory as soon as she was old enough.

strengths: Melissa is strong and fast, which is a great combination. Though she's not trained at all in fighting, she is strong, and her fists can do a lot of damage. She's hardy against sickness and she's always got a brave face.

weaknesses: Meli ain't the sharpest tool in the shed - she's woefully undereducated due to her lack of schooling, and she's naïve, so all in all not the greatest. She's not properly trained and she's not great at understanding people.

biggest fear: Meli's biggest fear is being trapped underneath something - every day in the factory she's forced to crawl underneath the chassis of the hovercraft, and every day she wonders if it will fall and crush her.

other: her fc is Veronika Bonell

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