Sage Prickett - Hunger Games

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Name: Sage Prickett
Nickname: n/a
Age: 14
Gender: Female
District: three
Role: best friend
Sexuality: bi
Strengths: Sage is a ray of sunshine in a world of darkness and hate. She can (usually) always make people smile. She's very good with technology and knows how to use a knife. She's quite strong and has a decent aim. She's quite smart.
Weaknesses: Sage is pretty rubbish with most weapons, she's not very fast and she doesn't like the idea of killing people.
Faceclaim: Freya Tingley (from once upon a time)
Personality: Sage is pretty much Georgie 2.0 except she's younger, cuter, and blonde (and is less scared to talk to people). She's a happy girl the majority of the time and can usually be seen smiling. She forms relationships quickly and becomes friends in a short matter of time. She cares deeply for people she might have only met a minute ago.
Family: Sage has a sister called Rosemary who's older than her, (17) and a twin brother, Kent. Her mother is quite high up in the factory and doesn't often have to get her hands dirty, she's in more of a managerial position. Her mum gets quite a bit of money which makes up for the poor salary her father earns as a school teacher.
Weapon: Sage's weapon of choice would be a knife, except she might be able to train to use another weapon.
Backstory: Sage grew up in a happy household where she had pretty much everything she needed. Her family's wealth put them in the upper class (for district three). She had lots of friends and a happy, healthy life. Sage loves her twin brother with all her heart and she adores and looks up to her sister. Her father being a teacher, she and her brother get a lot of impromptu lessons at home without often even realising.
Password: 3

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