Mha #6

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Name: Sinopa Tazmin

Age: 16

Gender: female

Crush: Open

Hero Name:Kuzunoha

Quirk: Kit-sune. A play on words using the name of the mytical beasts her Quirk uses and the fact they are Kits, or baby foxes, to start

Quirk details: under certain circumstances the user can summon a single tail kitsune kit that will stay around until killed. It can create wisps of fire that start weak and grow stronger as the kitsune ages. The user also had a telepathic bond with said users that starts as just an idea of each others location but can grow with training and aging. Her current 2 kitsunes are Pipen[pip-en] a three tailed kit and Vulpes a single tailed kit (I'll send drawings for them later)

Persoanlity: Sinopa is a pretty kind and generous girl. She is rather shy and soft spoken sense the event that led to her transfer. She is consistently racked with anxiety and nervousness that can overcast her clever mind. However once you can get her to open up she will be a life long freind that you wouldn't want to lose

Appearance: (gacha and a written one too. Gatcha at the top of the page becoyse Wattpad is still girlbossing me) She is a semi tall young girl with long hair colored a light minty green to soft earthy green. She wears her hair in a half up ponytail and over her right eye. Her ponytail has a flower clip at the top of it and she always has a sorta sad look to her, like a hit dog. Her green eyes portray a deep understanding and wisdom that only come through pain. Her physique is a well-fed hourglass figure that leaves her with a chest that isn't back breaking or uncomfortable but still full and a good set of thighs.

Height: 5' 9

Hero costume: (I'll add a photo once I drawing) her hero costume is just a baggy spring green sweater with some tan cutsey overalls. Because her Quirk doesn't really need support gear she doesn't have any. Although she made sure the overalls have lots of large pockets so she can bring first aid supplies with her. She also wears steel toed combat boots and all her hair but her bangs up in a bun

Backstory: Sinopa was a sweet young girl even after her Quirk appeared. She always tried her best to help everyone. Shortly after getting her Quirk she met who would become her closest freind. The two were nearly inseparable and even applied to the same hero schools and got accepted. Things were great until they got their provisional licenses. They were helping at the scene of a petty crime when things suddenly exploded into a huge disaster. During this event Sinopa got her leg stuck under some rubble and could do nothing but watch as her best freind fought for their lives against a villian. They beat the villian however the building they were by collapsed and crushed them. After that Sinopa could no long face her class and had some severe Ptsd. The staff of her school knew her great potential so they got in contact with some of the top schools. After getting a response from ua they worked hard to get her moved down to a first year class because " it would better for her to be around kids her age" and "you'll be able to fill in what we may have missed or what the accident may have dulled"

Other: she was a 2nd year at her school in America and was among the top in her class however the incident led the staff to have her transfered down a year. She also won't let the kits be seen and will claim her Quirk is called either fox fire or will o wisp. She also does alot of physical training to make up for her quirk's relative weakness so under her soft exterior is some roaring muscles.

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